Stella tightened her corset and stared into her full-length mirror. Her cheek bones were flushed with a shimmery blush, contouring her ivory skin. Slowly, she began to idle across her room. Other than her corset, Stella's naked body snaked it's way into her closet.

She loathed grand balls, just wanting to stay in her room and sleep. Stella hated being asked to dance by all of the 'promising hopefuls' to take her throne as her to-be king.

"Princess Stella," A familiar voice called.

Stella immediately donned her house coat and walked to her door. "Yes?" She answered.

Her favorite servant entered her room, "Do you need help getting ready? Your ball starts in an hour! You're not even ready!" She exclaimed.

Stella smiled, "Oh Celeste. You worry too much." She snickered at her middle aged friend.

With a wave of her fingers, Stella's face grew with eyeliner, lashes, and pale pink lipstick. She lifted her hands into the air and within seconds, her pale, soft rose dress conformed to her body. Stella smiled at Celeste, "I just have to finish my hair and I'll be ready." She nodded. Celeste nodded and dawdled out of the room.

It took Stella the rest of her hour to finish pinning her long, thick hair into a braided masterpiece, wrapped around her head. Stella slipped into a tall pair of silver shoes and began to leave her room. Once she met the royal guards at the doors before the staircase, she took a deep breath. The trumpets blared and Stella waited for them to open the heavy, gold doors. Stella smiled to her elegant crowd, who all stopped and stared at her beauty. She stopped at the top of the staircase and cleared her throat.

"Thank you all for coming. I hope you all have a wonderful time." She said maturely. The music restarted and she finished her final steps. As soon as her foot touched the floor, several young princes were at her feet.

"Stella, you look exquisite!" "Wow you look amazing!" "You're perfection!" She nodded to them and thanked them for their kindness. One immediately started dancing by grabbing her hands and spinning her onto the dance floor. She hated this. She just wanted to go back up to her room.

Hours into her gala, Stella found herself drifting off. The band died down and people were about to start their departures.

Within a span of 3 seconds, the whole west wall of her castle was blown out by a monstrosity of smoke. Women let out blood curling screams and everyone began sprinting towards the doors. Stella stood up and erupted into her enchantix. This was personal.

One the smoke cleared, she saw Baltor's army marching into her lux home. Stella let out burst of solar energy, destroying front line of mongrels. They multiplied. She quickly flew to the top of her palace and pushed off a teetering boulder, smashing the second line. They multiplied. Stella froze. She couldn't defeat them alone.

Baltor stood at the top of the wave of fiends. "Well, well, well." he called to Stella, who was fluttering not even 50 yards in front of him.

"Why are you doing this!?" She screamed at him, fist balled up. "Why wouldn't I?" He said coldly with a wicked smile. Stella quickly flew in the other directions. She didn't want to be a coward but for the sake of Solarians, she would need help to conquer such an army.

She peeked over her shoulder as the Solarian army met Baltor's minions. Stella fought back tears. Her beloved home was under attack. Solaria couldn't withstand such a full scale attack on its own.

Stella shot her glance down to the ground saw a large building scatter men in uniforms around. She landed softly at the base of the military's fort where a general was waiting for her. "Ms. Solaria." The man in a uniform called. Stella nodded and ran to him. "You must go now!" He yelled at her.

"Where!?" She begged for an answer.

Within seconds, a man in a black, armored suit yanked her onto his horse. He turned back to her, his mask hindering his face. "Hold on." He barked. Stella did as she was told and clutched him tightly. His horse cantered away into the woods.

Hours of silent riding passed and Stella held on as tightly as she could. Tears had stained her eyes. "Can we stop?" She called to him. He quickly came to a stop and turned to her.

"You really think that's safe?" He yelled at her. Stella froze, nobody has ever spoken to her that way.

"Excuse me?" She said, confused. He jumped off his horse and started to pull him by the reins. Stella jolted forward and grabbed the horse's neck. She jumped off quickly and sat on the ground.

"I'm not moving until you tell me what you're doing." She said firmly, being stubborn.

He stared at her through his mask. "Why are you so immature?" He grabbed her arm and yanked her over his shoulder. She was too tired to fight it. It was cold in Solaria and she began to shiver. Her bulky wings proved to not be an issue for the knight.

"What's wrong with you now?" He said cruelly.

"I'M COLD. IS THAT A CRIME?" She yelled at him. "As princess of Solaria, I demand you take off your mask and tell me who you are." She stated firmly.

The man put her down and reached towards his mask. He lifted it up and Stella froze. "My name's Brandon Shields." He said furrowing his brow. Stella smiled, "Well you don't have a bad face so why wear a mask?" She jumped back onto the horse and he glared at her. "Because I'm a knight. I've worked my whole damn life for this." He snapped back at her. Stella stared. She was livid. "What crawled up your ass and died?"

He turned to her. "We've been on this journey for 2 hours, I'm saving your life and you're insulting me?" He lectured to her.

Stella just stared, he was incredibly handsome. He had medium length brown hair and thick pools of chocolate for eyes. Stella looked down and changed back to her party attire, tired of freezing in the tiny enchantix skirt. He just stared. He thought she was absolutely stunning. Her long blonde hair was coiled up, braided above her amber eyes. She wasn't thin, but fit. Her curvaceous hips fit her dress perfectly, snug and exquisite. She definitely was a princess, no doubt about it.