I can't believe how long it's been. Time sure flies. How are you all? I hope you all are well! I found this lying around in my files, and I thought I would share!

Thank you so much to Messed up Reality, Streaking Shadows, Kari, GAHH, Mysticalxx, imaagine4ever, FlockPack, sonnenblumeues, and Guest for commenting! Also, many thanks to all of the people who have favourited or followed this story, you guys are the best!

As always, thanks for reading ~

Chapter Twelve.

56. "Are you the incendio charm? Because you're making my heart melt."



"Sorry, I was trying to decide if you were the bat bogey hex or the impervius charm."

57. "Have you gone to Pomfrey for your fever yet?

"Potter, have you gone to Pomfrey for your stupidity yet?"

"Oh sorry, you just look hot to me."



"Wow, it must be serious, let's go see her right now."

"Wait, Lily what."

"Like I said. Pomfrey. Now. Your stupidity?"

58. "On a scale of 1 to 10, you're a 9 and I'm the 1 you need."

"James, you really can't do maths."


"Well James, for one thing, I'm an 11."

"Uh, sure?"

"Therefore, in this situation it's not '9 + 1 = 10'. It's '11 + (-1) = 10'."

"...Wait...Hey...I'm not a -1. That's not fair."

"Well, I guess you're right."

"Thank you."

"I was too generous."

"Wait what."

"It should be '11 + (-100,000,000) = (-99,999,989)'."

59. "I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together."


"Lily, where are you going?"

"I'm helping you to picture me gone."

60. "Your hand looks heavy. Let me hold it for you."

"Get a grip."

"Wait, really?"

"On reality, Potter."