Kristina had grown to be a blossoming young woman. She kept her curly blonde strands long down her back, and she always wore loose fitting clothing. When you were an engineer and a Mother, you never really cared what you wore as long as it was comfortable.

Kristina never went by Kristy anymore. Whenever she saw her older twin brothers, Ethan and Anthony, they always called her Kristy, and sometimes when her husband was being playful he called her Kristy, though she hardly ever went by Kristy.

Kristina had married her husband, Robert, who had blonde hair and brown eyes. With the two of their eyes, the younger of their twins, James, managed to have brown eyes, and the older of their twins, Jessica, managed to have blue eyes.

Kristina walked into the home she had moved into when her brothers were teenagers. She hadn't been there in such a long time. She visited occasionally, though that was about it.

Winry had grown very ill. That was the reasoning of everyone coming to visit. All Winry wanted was to see her family one more time before she passed on, and she told everyone she knew it would be soon.

"I can feel it creeping up on me," she told Edward softly. "It'll be soon, I know it. I grow more tired each day, and I know that there will finally be the time that I'll go to sleep forever."

Edward was distraught. He had lost so much of his family. His Mother, his Father, Granny had passed away the previous year, and she was just as good as family. His first few grandchildren had passed away, and even his daughter–in–law had passed on.

Ed loved Winry more than anything, they were soul mates–if he believed in that type of stuff-;and he didn't want to lose her. She was his everything. Unfortunately, it seemed as though she was to die first. According to her, anyway. Edward still had hope that she would recover from this strange illness.

Ethan of course came as well. He brought Alexis and their daughter, Elizabeth, who would be playing with Kristina's toddlers. Elizabeth–or Lizzy as she went by–was always so good with occupying the children. Even if she wanted to think of herself as an adult, she was better left around the children.

When Anthony came, he brought his adopted daughter, Ellie. Everyone loved Ellie as if she were a part of the family. Because of her being adopted, and her Ishvalan heritage, she looked nothing like Alphonse. Her skin was dark and her hair, light. Her eyes were the crimson color of blood.

"I'm glad you kids are here," Winry said with a smile. She didn't leave her bed, though she did say hi to the grandchildren. Even if it was brief because of their age, he did say hello to them before allowing them to go play in the play room they had set up in the basement when Winry was no longer able to work on her automail. "I didn't want to die without saying goodbye to each of you."

"Mom, you're not going to die," Anthony said as he sat on a chair next to the bed. He held her hand and realized there was a bulge in his throat that would not decrease. He could feel the stinging of his eyes, though as a male he pushed it back away from sight. "You'll beat this."

"No, Anthony, I won't," Winry said, continuing to smile all the while. "I've accepted this. I've put a little money for each of you to have. Most of it is with your Father." she explained.

Everyone looked around at each other, not quite knowing what to say. They couldn't deny it, their Mother was getting weaker and weaker by the day. She had given birth to three children, and had gone through a fairly stressful life. She needed a rest.

"If there's anything you want of mine, feel free to help yourselves. Edward and I have already talked about it," she continued further. "I love you, kids."

"We love you too, Mom." they all said simultaneously.

Winry died that night. Kristina cried, and was comforted by Robert, and all of the men. Even though Edward, Ethan, and Anthony didn't cry in front of the others, they definitely did cry. Elizabeth was comforted by Anthony when she cried about it. Fortunately, Kristina's twins didn't understand what was going on. Unfortunately, that meant they would never remember their grandmother.

The most amazing woman in the world.

It really did all start with a video camera.

It's over. Please leave me a review.