I'MMMM BAAACCCCCCKKKKK! Ya I'm back from that really long break and I'm gonna give you a new chapter! And my writing skills have improved somewhat! So here's your chapter! After review replies

C4: thanks, I'm glad that you like it and I think that it was really brave to use the G word on a cite like this.

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Hiccup's grinned happily at the feel of the wind under his wings, the wind rushing ageist his face as he speed over the ocean. Toothless chuckled slightly "enjoying yourself?" he asked

"This is great!" Hiccup was practically bursting with excitement. Toothless grinned "It's even better if you're actually flying" he commented, Hiccup pulled his wings close to him feeling the warmth of his new limbs, his smile did not retreat "I wish I could fly" he sighed softly. Toothless smiled sadly knowing that Hiccup wouldn't ever be able to fly on his own, after all flying required a tail, and Dragon-People don't have tails.

After a few moments of flying in silence Toothless spoke "are you sure you want to do this?"

"I need to find her Toothless; I really want to find her." Hiccup stroked Toothlesses scales as he spoke half wondering if he would grow some, but mostly he was thinking of his sister.

Toothless felt Hiccup's feather light touch. It was obvious that the boy had retreated into his thoughts. Toothless was worried, about both Hiccup and their destination. Toothless tried to look at Hiccup, turning his head slightly, "and where do you plain to look?" he asked slightly skeptical, in fact he was almost completely sure that Hiccup had no clue where they were going.

"Trader Johann said that he gets his stuff from a place South-East of Berk, that's where we're gonna look" with the force that Hiccup said it you might almost believe that he had a whole plain. He didn't. unless 'we're going to find this strange place that could be hours, days or weeks away and then we're going to look for Hiccup's sister there and maybe we will, by some miracle, find her' counts. Toothless didn't think it did, but if it would make Hiccup happy than he would be happy to help.

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Night crept up quickly on the two forcing them to land, more from exhaustion then from the darkness. They choose a small unlighted island, nether wanted to be seen. Firelight flickered over the camp sight, causing the shadows to dance beautifully over the lush foliage, or at least that's what it seemed like to Hiccup with his new and improved dragon vision.

Hiccup smoothed out his bed roll as Toothless burned some grass to sleep on his acid green eyes traveling over to Hiccup, "what are you doing?" he asked slightly confused. His confusion only escalated when Hiccup answered "I'm going to bed" he said as if this was the most obvious thing in the world, "over there?"

Hiccup nodded like he was confused. Toothless rolled his eyes and snorted crossing the camp sight and grabbing Hiccup by the back of his shirt.

Hiccup yelped in surprise "Toothless! What are you doing!" but Hiccup didn't need to ask, he could already tell what Toothless was planning on doing. "Please Toothless don't I'm not fireproof, if you try to do that I'll burn myself" Toothless did not stop moving towards the smoldering patch of what was once grass, "please! Toothless! Stop!" Hiccup was really panicking now; they were almost to the glowing patch of earth, "STOP! YOU'RE GOING TO HURT ME!" they were over the embers now and Hiccup was really panicking. He kicked at the air in a futile effort to get Toothless to put him down, he cringed, pulling himself into a ball as Toothless dropped him, his bottom hit the hot smoking earth, and… nothing. He didn't burn; he didn't even fell unpleasantly hot. In fact he felt nice, pleasantly warm.

Toothless settled down next to him, smacking him in the back of his head with his tail in the process, "dragons are fire-proof, remember" Toothless said "you didn't think that I would do something to hurt you did you?"

Hiccup rubbed the back of his head, smiling slightly, "well I didn't know I was fire-proof" he said smiling slightly. Toothless pulled him closer with his wing "just go to sleep you little human"

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Ya its short I know but I went through the first chapter again and fixed stuff so you do get something here.