When she heard he was in hospital, after being hit by a car, her heart stop.

She can remember the exact moment when she heard about it.

She was in Paris, doing some shopping with her mom and her brother, trying to find all the things from the list Naomi gave her, a huge list saying all the things she wanted from Paris.

She was buying the Eiffel keychain when her phone rang.

It was Navid calling her, which was kind of unexpected.

She was really good friend with him, but he had called her a few days ago, before she was leaving, and he wasn't the kind to call eveyday to know if everything was ok.

« Allo ? she said, finally answering her phone.

- Annie, it's Navid…

Something was wrong, she could feel it in his voice.

- What's wrong ?


She heard him take a deep breath

-Navid, please tell me…

She had no idea of what was going on, she really had none, and that what scared her the most.

- It's Liam, he had an accident.

- An accident ? Is he okay ?

- I don't know, I mean the doctors told us they were doing everything they can.

- Oh my god !

She couldn't breath, she couldn't speak. It was like someone just took her heart and squeeze it. Squeeze it so hard she couldn't breath or even think.

-Annie ? Are you still here.

She wishpered a little yes, so softly that she was surprised he could hear it.

The tears start fallin from her eyes, and Navid couldn't find anything to say to reasure or calm her .

How could he calm her, when the love of her life was between dead and life anyway.

When she finally hang up the phone she had to explain it all to Dixon and her Mom, trying to be strong, and not to break into tears.

This was the hardest thing she had to do, and she doesn't want to make it sound like there was no hope, even if it was what it seemed to her.

When they finally headed home, she ran to her bedroom, took what she needed and ran to the airport, with only her bag, her passeport and her credit card.

« I need a ticket to Bervely Hills, what's the next fly ?

-Next fly is in 3 days.

-Are you serious ?

-Yes I'm sorry, the next one is in 5 minutes, and I'm afraid you won't have the time.

-Yes, I can take it, it's ok, I don't have any suitcase or anything.

-No, miss, you can't. It's too late.

-Ok, ok, is there any fly to Hollywood ?

-Same thing, only in 3 days… »

This was terrible, how could she be stuck in here when he was in the hospital, all she could do was to wait, and that was awful. How could she live if he died and she wasn't next to him, or if he woke up and she wasn't there for him.

All she had to do was going home and wait, wait three long days.

Beverly Hills :

Everybody had gathered in the hospital, waiting desperatly for some news about their friend.

It was one of the worst time of their lives, knowing Liam was maybe going to pass out, and that Annie should totally freak out.

When Navid came back in the waiting room after calling Annie, everybody was around him, waiting for him to talk.

Adrianna was the first to talk : « Navid, is she ok ?

- Honestly ? I think she must feel terrible.

-We should call her, I mean all of us, to make sure she's ok and I don't know, tell her not to worry. We should be here for her !

Silver couldn't think about anything else. All she could imagine was how Annie must feel, and even then she couldn't understant what it was like. It must be a real torture for her.

While talking she couldn't help crying. This was too much. If Annie was there at least she could help her.

Naomi was pretty much the same. But she was too worry to talk, there was no sound coming from her mouth.

Teddy was the one taking care of everything. He was at the reception and was filling all the paper with this Vanessa girl. It was a good thing she had found Liam before things get worst. He was glad she was doing it with him by the way.

« How old is he ? It's for this paper…

-Oh he is 20, young ah ?

- Too young to die for sure… »

Just as she said these words, the doctor and a nurse came to give some news.

Everybody run to gather around him and ask how their friend was.

« Well the operation went well but the shock was really violent and your friend is subject to heavy loss of memory and despite his broken ribs I'm afraid your friend may suffer of memory loss »

"Memory loss ? like forgot his name or I don't know what ?" Navid was the most worry, or at least he was the one to show it.

"This state is pretty extreme, but it could be months or even years that can be erased."

"Years ? are you serious ?"

"Yes, we don't know about that yet. We have to wait for him to wake up, I think it won't take too long. If it's not already done. Do you wan to check ? Only two of you can come to see him. »

After a long debate about who would go, it was decided that it would be Naomi and Teddy.

Navid was to anxious, he couldn't bear to see him rigth now, Adrianna wanted to be there for him and Silver decided that it was the good time to call Annie.

She left the hospital and called her in the instant.

There was only one bip before someone pick up the phone :

« Allo ?

"Annie, it's Silver… The doctor just came to talk to us…"

"Oh my god, is he okay ? Is he.. alive ? He is right, tell me he is, because if he's not…"

She was talking to fast, so fast Silver couldn't get everything.

"Calm down Annie, please just calm dow, Liam is ok !"

She heard a long long sigh on the over side of the phone, a sigh of relief followed by the sound of her tears.

"Oh my god. And did tey tell you more about his state ?"

Silver was very moved by her friend's reaction. She was also crying.

"They talked about broken ribs, and memory loss but that's all I think."

"Memory loss ?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. When are you coming back ?"

" I found a flight to New York tonight and then I'll took a flight to Beverly Hills in the morning. I'll be there around 11 am."

"Ok, I'll call you back tonigth to tell you everything."

" Ok, I got to go tell dixon and prepare my bag. I'll wait for your call, bye, love ya »

When she hung up the phone, Silver was feeling better.

In the same time, Naomi and Teddy were getting ready to see Liam, when they came into the room, their friend was awake.

When Naomi approached the bed, she was surprised by Liam face, which one had no scratches at all.

She looked at him and they locked eyes, but of course she wasn't feeling anything. It's been a long time since they broke up and she was with Max now. But something had change in Liam's eyes. It wasn't the look he usually have for her.

The Nurse who was there with them asked a few question : « Hi Liam, how are you ?

"I don't know. Better now !"

He looked at Naomi with a small smile.

"Do you know how old you are ?"

"Seventeen… »

Naomi and Teddy looked at each other. It was this so, Liam had lost 3 years of memories, three long years.

When the nurse was done with her question, he took Naomie's hand in his, watch her during a few second and before she can talk and explain everything to him he opened his mouth and said those words which were clearly going to be a big problem :

« Thank you honey, I love you »