It was no secret that in the Rainsworth manor the authority when it came to romance was undoubtedly Sharon. There was no other person who would have the ability to easily skim through the manor's library and immediately pull up a book pertaining to any one of the many different romances that could be portrayed in writing. Sweet and cuddly or firey and passionate and everything in between. Her knowledge over her domain even went as far as to include the one's that were rather raunchy, but she took great care in keeping those particular tomes away from prying eyes although she suspected that her manservant was well aware of their existance...

The matter at hand was that she was the authority on all things romance in the manor, just as you would ask Gilbert for advice when it came to guns or Break when it came to swordsmanship you would go to her for love. And that was why she was thoroughly upset when Break had slipped into her study one afternoon and snuck up behind her to inform her that he believed that there was a relationship developping between Gilbert and Alice. In her momentary irritation she wondered how he would like it if she suddenly started spouting out opinions on how best to parry while swordfighting. Her displeasure must have shown on her face because Break had no qualms about laughing long and hard at her expense. She let the big idiot get it out of his system and meanwhile continued to mull over what he'd said.

"I believe that Gilbert and miss Alice have developped some sort of liason, Ojou-sama." He had playfully whispered into her ear. The need to cry out in exasperation had risen once again.

"What do you mean they've developped some sort of liaison?" she had shrieked. How dare he! How dare he speak of a liaison between Gilbert and Alice? It made it sound so... so sexual! And she just couldn't see Alice in all her sweet naivety in a secret relationship of that nature. The glare she sent his way darkened and the only indication that he noticed the change was that he gave her a big smile in return and that only angered her further since she knew he had chosen his words carefully on purpose.

"I meant exactly what I said, I have a firm belief that they are, how should I best phrase this? Paramours!" His smile remained wide as Emily's cackles drifted from his coat pocket. They were promptly silenced as Sharon whacked Break on the head with the handy harisen she kept hidden up the sleeve of her dress.

"Don't say such ridiculous things, Break!" she chided stowing her weapon back in its hiding place. "I find it very hard to believe that Alice and Gilbert are capable of maintaining a secret relationship of that nature, especially considering that they are constantly in the presence of Oz-sama." Break's smile shifted into his trade-mark knowing smirk. He leaned in close to her and whispered in a suggestive voice.

"Oh, I'm certain that no one would think either of us could possibly have taken a lover, and yet you and I both know..." he trailed off as he caressed her face in a way that she would normally have enjoyed but which at the moment only served to irritate her. She cleared her throat and he lowered his hand although he did not put any more distance between them.

"Yes, well. Be that as it may I still think it highly unlikely, especially since Alice seems to be much more partial to Oz-sama." She wasn't unaware of the fact that he had moved even closer to her, but she'd be damned if she'd let him realize just how much it was weighing on her mind.

"Well then please tell me,Ojou-sama" he had gone back to speaking pleasantly, almost as if he wasn't cornering her against the wall of her study. "What makes you think that miss Alice prefers Oz?" he asked.

"They've already kissed for one." she stated. Her back was now against the wall and Break was standing right in front of her so that his chest was the only thing she could see unless she craned her head up to look at him, which she downright refused to do.

"Oh, but that doesn't count, Ojou-sama. Miss alice had no idea what she was doing and that kiss was only ever meant to transfer her blood to Oz." He paused for a moment, his hand went to her face once again, cupping her chin gently and coaxing her to look up at him. "After all, you should know that a kiss is so much more than that." he smirked again, his lone red eye watching her reaction through his white bangs.

"Shut up." she muttered angrily, turning from him indignantly even though there was nothing she could do about the blush that had spread across her cheeks and down her neck. His smile softened.

"Don't be upset." he whispered as he snaked his hands along her waist. She murmured a half-hearted protest but allowed him to wrap her in a hug. A kiss to her temple eventually forced the smile that had been threatening to show itself to the surface as she relaxed further into the embrace.

The moment was brought to an end when they heard Reim's voice down the hallway calling out for Break. The mischievous look on his face told her that he had obviously neglected one of his many duties. He pulled back and with a chivalrous bow he disappeared into one of the wardrobes on the other side of the room just as Reim knocked on the door asking for him. Sharon went to check the wardrobe to see if he had truly disappeared, a habit she had developped during her childhood and had never been able to get rid of no matter how certain she was that he would no longer be there. As soon as she was certain that the wardrobe was empty she went to the door to inform Reim of Break's absence all the while shaking her head at the ridiculous man's antiques.

AN:/ Well, I finally got around to publishing the first chapter of this story. Hope you all keep reading, things are about to get interesting.