Dear Readers,

It's been a while. A very long... long... long while. I will make no excuses, and no apology is really acceptable for such a long period of absence, let the heat of the 9 Corellian Hells pass judgment on my soul...

But, I wanted to say that I am getting back into writing, and have started to re-read Where Are We Lost. I plan to revise some chapters, and once I finish reading what I wrote a few years ago... I will begin writing more chapters. As I have said in the past, I have the general outline for the story finished... all that's left is filling in the gaps.

Let's be clear though, I won't be updating for a few months... but I plan to. I don't really have any credibility, I've said this before... but I feel I owe you dedicated readers something... you guys and gals are truly amazing, and I hate myself for letting you down all the time, the "no update forever" cone of shame is hung tightly around my neck.

So that's the plan. I also have another story that I may or may not let see the light of day... that won't be for some time... but before then, WAWL will be getting a much needed overhaul.

Till then... oh, and btw, to answer what quadrant Earth is in... it's S14... near our mutual friends on Kamino. ; )
