Witchy Interference - Dangerous Liaisons

I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed as I felt a light feathered touch on my bare arm.

An open-mouthed kiss made their way from my ear down to the side of my neck, and I felt myself shift and I moaned groggily.

I reached up, eyes still tiredly closed. Grappling onto short, soft, curls. Weight shifted on top of me and I gasped as a butterfly kiss was enclosed on my sweet spot and I tugged against the curls.

"Klaus." I moaned faintly.

I felt his hand slide agonisingly slow up my bare leg, to my thigh and he squeezed.

"Open your eyes, Ariel."

I begrudgingly opened my eyes, my hands clenching the sheets as I stretched.

I stopped and glanced around confused, I lifted myself up, back against the headboard and I ran a hand over my face.

I exhaled.


I turned my head noticing something out of the corner of my eye and I picked up the envelope. All it said on the front were:


I frowned confused, but opened it, pulling out the card laid inside.

Save me a dance - K

I didn't get the chance to take it in before my phone rang abruptly. I picked it up from the nightstand and answered.


"Hey, did you get an invite?" Elena's puzzled voice replied.

"A what?" I furrowed my eyebrows confused.

"I got an invite to the Mikaelson's ball tonight."

I was about to give my response but I noticed Klaus about to walk in.

"Elena, I have to go, I'll call you later ok?" I didn't give her a chance to respond before I hung up on her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

I ignored the tingle I felt and nodded.

"I feel fine."

"I see you found my note." Klaus nodded to the invite.

"Yeah. Mikaelson ball, huh? That's your last name?" I asked and he nodded in reply, edging a little closer and I pretended not to notice.

I tilted my head to the side.

"Niklaus Mikaelson."

Klaus froze and I watched as he closed his eyes and his jaw clench.

I gasped and closed my eyes feeling lightheaded again and I felt air zip past me and a rough but gentle hand on my cheek.

Klaus' scent forced me to open my eyes, and I couldn't help but gaze back into his beautiful blue ones.

Klaus licked his lips unconsciously and my eyes darted down to his lips, and I bit my own in response.

I heard the sound of crackling as he displayed his hybrid visage. I observed as he parted his lips to show his hybrid fangs, I glanced up and stared into his amber eyes.

I shifted as I felt something stir within me and I heard Klaus growl lowly. I glanced back down to his lips, grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt, pulling him closer to me and I kissed him roughly.

Klaus' hands immediately wrapped themselves around my waist tugging me closer. I let loose his now wrinkled shirt and gripped the back of his head, pulling him closer to me.

He responded and pushed me back onto the bed, towering over me. We finally pulled for air and Klaus' sinful lips travelled their way down my neck, as his hands wandered my legs, squeezing my thighs. Just like my dream.

At that thought I shoved him off of me, both of us panting breathlessly.

"I'm sorry, Klaus I-"

"I can't lose myself around you yet Ariel." He replied as his forehead touched mine and he breathed in deeply. I gaped at him.

"What?" I asked breathlessly.

Klaus stood up and pressed a longing kiss to my forehead and I frowned.

"You'll understand soon. I'll see you at the ball."


After Klaus' cryptic message I returned home in his shirt and a pair of Rebekah's jeans. As I got to my door I noticed a white box sitting on the porch.

I picked it up and went inside. I placed it on the table and inhaled as I opened it.

I gasped as I gawked at what lay inside.

It was a long, elegant, pale pink dress, encrusted with diamonds on the top, it had lace arms, covered in white flowers.

I settled it back in the box carefully and ran a hand through my dark hair worriedly.

"What am I doing?"


My hair was left in waves, but half was pulled up with crystallised pins. My ears shone as long diamond earrings hung, and my neck was entrusted with a beautiful diamond necklace to match.

My eyes were natural, but my lashes elongated, and a light blush covered my cheeks.

I breathed in and out slowly as I walked up to the stairs to the Mikaelson household. The doors were opened for me and I picked up my dress as I went inside.

I glanced around in awe, as I saw all the decor and beautiful outfits the guests wore.

A tingle shot through me and my eyes immediately went towards the person I could feel staring at me.

I caught his ocean eyes and my heart fluttered at the look of longing adoring his handsome face.

"You look exquisite, Ariel."

I swallowed nervously.

"You look pretty good yourself."

The corner of his lips quirked up.

"Elena told me that your whole family has been undaggered now." I offered.

"Yes, word of warning, watch out for Kol."

I furrowed my eyebrows confused.

"Why? Who's Kol?"

Klaus licked his lips impatiently.

"He's my younger brother, just be careful. I'll be right back."

I didn't have time to respond before he fled away to the stairs, where I watched him and his whole family look elegant and royal.

My eyes followed a regal looking woman that stood next to the Mikaelson's and my eyes widened as I had realised who it was.

"Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's a tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance." Elijah spoke.

I glanced to my right noticing Elena, Damon and Stefan and I moved my way through the crowd.

"Guys." I lowly spoke, getting their attention.

Elena smiled at me and hugged me briefly.

"Hey, Ari."

"You do realise who that is right?" I replied.

The brothers both nodded their heads.

"She wants to meet with me," Elena whispered lowly.

I turned to her worriedly.

"What? Are you insane! Elena, you can't. You have no idea what she's capable of."

Elena sighed at me and Damon spoke harshly.

"I've been trying to tell her that all day."

We were interrupted by Elijah's voice.

"Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom."

Damon grabbed me on the arm and walked me onto the dance floor.

"Damon, I don't think this is a good idea."

He smirked and twirled me around to face him, one hand on my waist, the other entwined with mine.

"Come on, scaredy cat. Scared the big bad hybrid will rip my heart out?"

I sighed at him as we began dancing. I could feel the prickling sensation on the back of my head of a certain Original.

"What is the deal with you and the big bad anyway?"

"I don't know, Damon. It's complicated." I replied.

"Complicated how? One minute you hated him and the next-"

"Damon, stop! Just drop it ok!" I sighed angrily and broke apart, but as I turned away I got swept up by someone else.

"Why, hello gorgeous. What's a pretty little thing like you doing with a Salvatore?"

I gaped at my intruder.

"You should be aiming for a Mikaelson, although, from what I hear, it seems you already have." A smirk planted on his face.

"You must be Kol," I stated.

Kol's grin widened.

"I see Niklaus has already told you about me."

I scowled at him.

"He told me to watch out for you."

Kol let out a laugh.

"Sounds like my jealous big brother." Kol's eyes drifted away from me to something behind him.

"Duty calls." Kol kissed my cheek briefly and dashed off before I could utter a single word.

This was all starting to get to me now.

I nearly jumped as another pair of hands grabbed my waist and spun me around to meet them.

"I hope Kol didn't do anything too disastrous." Klaus' wonderous voice whispered in my ear and I sighed in relief.

I let myself smile slightly and he smiled in return.

"Funnily enough, he reminds me of you, if you were younger and more...troublesome."

"I take offence to that love. Kol has caused me much trouble in the past." Klaus replied.

"Well maybe that your family is back together, you can work things out."

"Speaking of my family, my Mother. She knows who you are but not what you are and I would prefer you keep it that way." Klaus' worried blue eyes gazed into mine.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"When I took away your powers temporarily, it should stop her from sensing your magic, although I have no idea how long that will last."

"Surely she knows about me? You did. And you knew my Dad."

Klaus shook his head.

"I only knew that because he showed me, and I knew you were his daughter the moment I laid eyes on you."

My eyes fluttered down and I felt a blush make their way on my cheeks.

"I'm sorry to disappear on you sweetheart, but I need to stop my brother from eating a guest." Klaus kissed me on the cheek before strutting swiftly away and I felt my heart skip a beat.

I licked my lips anxiously and grabbed two glasses of champagne from a nearby waiter and gulped the two down. I began walking, picking up my dress as I went, to the downstairs bathroom, however seeing the massive line, I hesitated.

I glanced at the stairs knowing there's a room with no line. I made my way up the stairs, excusing myself as I went passed people.

I opened up Klaus' bedroom and hurried into the bathroom.

After I had washed my hands I closed Klaus' bedroom door quietly but as I made my way down the hall I bumped into his Mother of all people.

I must've looked like a deer caught in headlights because the look she gave me was that weird one where they look like they're happy but they actually hate you.

"You must be Ariel." Her voice was sickly sweet and I shuddered as I felt this harrowing aura echo through me. I could feel how powerful she was.

I nodded.

"Yes. And you must be Ester. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ester didn't reply, she just held that horrible smile on her porcelain face. She tilted her head and hummed and I took that as my leave.

As I walked past her with my head held down she grasped my arm rather firmly and her hand glowed gold.

I hissed in pain and glared at the witch.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I know there's something Niklaus is hiding from me about you. Just know that I will find out what. I can already sense something within you, and now it won't be long until I find out exactly what you are. "

"Revelare" She muttered underneath her breath and a black star appeared on my upper shoulder, almost looking like a tattoo. I grimaced under the pain.

My eyes widened in disbelief as she uttered those words. I tug my arm out of her grip and barged passed her, and without looking back, I ran down the stairs, straight outside the mansion and gulped in a massive breath. I could feel my heartbeat accelerating.


I heard Klaus' voice behind me and I breathed in deeply before turning to him, smile plastered fakely on my face.

"What's the matter, love? I saw you run out here."

I bit the inside of my cheek and shook my head.

"Nothing. I just got flustered that's all."

Klaus raised his eyebrows at my answer.

"That's all, I promise."

He seemed to take my word for it and smiled at me.

"Well good, because I have something I want to show you."

It was my turn to raise my eyebrows at him.

Klaus took my hand and led me back inside. As we entered the mansion, Klaus took me to another room that I hadn't been in before and I was in awe as it was covered in paintings, and drawings, paintbrushes and paint everywhere. It was a weirdly organised mess, and I knew from the moment I stepped inside this was his room.

I fingered a drawing laid on the table of a starry night.

"This is what you wanted to show me?" I asked, turning around to face his hesitant face.

He walked over to me.

"This is one of my passions."

I took another moment to glance around the room and a look of realisation crossed my face and I turned to Klaus abruptly.

"Wait a minute. Did you do all these?" I smiled at his worried look.

A smile adorn his face at my bewilderment.

"Yeah, um...actually one of my landscapes is hanging at the Hermitage, not that anyone would notice. Have you been?"

I glanced down nervously, tucking a bit of stray hair behind my ear.

"I've never really been anywhere."

"I'll take you. Wherever you want Rome. Paris. Tokyo?" I laughed and Klaus laughed along. For the first time, I think he was really starting to show a different side that I had never seen before.

"Oh wow!" I glanced back up as I noticed the silence in the room, but I was surprised by how close Klaus was to me, I took in a breath.

"You know, I think you should laugh more often. It's music to my ears." Klaus murmured.

I gulped anxiously as he inched closer to me.

Just as our lips were about to touch we heard a loud thump heard by yelling and I jumped and Klaus strode outside, tugging me along with him.

I gasped as Kol's unconscious body lay on the ground, and above him stood Damon.

"Far be it from me to cause a problem." Damon's eyes were on Elena and I glanced between the two of them worriedly. Knowing I'd have words with Damon anyway, I squeezed Klaus' hand as I went over to Elena.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

Elena shook her head, glanced at Stefan and walked away.

I gaped at her as she did so and looked to Stefan for information but he also shook his head.

I sighed deeply and headed for the place where I knew Damon would be.

As soon as I walked in the Grill I spotted Damon nursing a drink and huffed before making my way over to him.


Drunk Damon glanced at me, raised his glass as he waved the barman over.

"Vodka and lemonade please."

"Ugh no. She'll have what I'm having." The barman walked away with his orders.

"Damon." I sighed. "What happened?"

He held his cheek with his hand.

"You already know."

I thanked the barman as he passed me my drink.

"No. I know it's about Elena, but I don't know what happened."

Damon downed the rest of his drink.

"I told Elena I loved her."

I gaped at him.

"Um, well..."

"Yeah, exactly."

I raised my hand at the barman for another round and as he brought them over I slid Damon his and raised mine to toast.

"Well, here's to complicated relationships." Our glasses clinked and Damon waved for another round.

"No, Damon. I'm not getting drunk with you." I moaned.

"Oh come on." He groaned. "You're supposed to be my drinking buddy."

I sighed as I gazed into Damon's icy eyes. I could tell he was hurting and at this minute he needed me.

I tilted my head to the side playfully.

"Alright, fine."

Damon cheered and ordered us more drinks.

"What's with you and the hybrid anyway?" Damon asked. By this time we both probably had had way too much to drink. Hence the start of the personal questions.

"I don't know Damon. I don't know how I feel. I feel safe with him. I feel something, but I haven't figured out what that is yet."

Damon snorted.

"What?" I gaped at him.

"You're obviously attracted to him."

"Damon!" I yelled embarrassed.

"What? Look we all know you're a sucker for a bad boy anyway."

I scoffed.

"I am not a sucker for a bad boy."

"Please. You were obsessed with me." Damon smirked and I laughed in response.

"I was not!"

"You were all over me."

"I wasn't! We didn't even sleep together, it was one kiss." I laughed and sipped more of my drink.

Damon hummed.

"Care to continue where we left off?"

I laughed at him.

"What? Are you joking? You just confessed you love Elena and I have my own problems."

Damon shifted closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"All the more reason."

I backed away from Damon slightly.

"Damon.." I grimaced as my shoulder stung and I grabbed my upper arm in pain.

"What is it? You ok?" He asked.

Just as I was about to reply, I felt a slice in the hand that had grabbed my shoulder and I looked at it bewildered. It had a large slash across the palm of my hand. Damon grabbed my hand, and I glanced up at him and noticed his vampire visage had begun to show and something within me made me pushed me closer to him.

"Damon.." I trailed off.

"You smell amazing, but we should.."

I watched concerned as a gold hue flashed over his eyes before it returned to his natural colour.

"Your eyes.."

I glanced down to see Damon's fangs poking out of his bottom lip and I felt something flash before my eyes and something stirred within me.

"Your eyes.." Damon whispered.

We were lucky because The Grill was just about to close so nobody saw what was going on.

I felt Damon's hand slip up my dress to caress my thigh and I closed my eyes, and my head tilted to the side, and Damon took full advantage of my open neck. He didn't do much because we were in public but he kissed it softly, and my eyelids fluttered.

Before I knew it he grabbed me and pushed me into the bathroom without someone noticing. Damon pushed me roughly against the door and his mouth went back to my neck, leaving wet butterfly kisses.

I heard a rip and I pushed Damon back slightly, looking at the damage of my dress, knowing who gave it to me.

"Damon!" I yelled shocked.

He just smirked in reply and before I could tell him off for it he kissed me hard on the mouth and my hands flew to his hair, brushing through it desperately. I tugged and I felt him grip the back of my legs, and he hoisted me up onto the bathroom sink area.

His hands wandered down my body and he laughed between kisses.

"Nice tattoo."

I frowned in reply.

"What tattoo?" Again, he didn't let me reply. He gripped my hips and went back to caressing my neck and I moaned in response.


I shrieked as the door was broken through by an angry hybrid.

Klaus growled, his hybrid expression present on his face and I inwardly moaned. He grabbed Damon by the scruff of his shirt and threw him out of the bathroom and I gasped. I tugged what was left of my torn dress to make myself seem half decent and ran out after them.

"Klaus!" I yelled. "Stop!"

All I got in return was a growl and a hard stare as he turned back to Damon. Klaus grabbed him again and Damon groaned in pain as Klaus threw him into the tables and I tried to hold my arm out, trying to coax my powers, but I failed and I cursed under my breath.

"Klaus, please! Don't kill him!"

I cried as I watched Klaus produce a makeshift stake from a broken table and I threw myself in front of him, my back to Damon.

"Don't do this!" I sobbed.

Not once did Klaus let his hybrid face falter.

I grabbed my shoulder again in pain and I nearly tumbled to the ground if it wasn't for Klaus holding onto me.

"Ariel! What is it?" He asked concerned. Klaus moved my hand out of the way, and he cursed as he recognised what it was.

"This is my Mother's doing! I thought I told you, specifically, not to tell her about your powers!" He roared, and he shook me in anger.

"I didn't! I swear! She guessed! She knew something was different about me and she did something to me. I promise Klaus, please!"

Klaus refused to let me go and his eyes widened slightly.

"Your eyes. What did my Mother do to you?" He questioned.

I shook my head and my vision became blurry as tears began to well in my eyes.

"I don't know. Please. Can we just go?" I whispered tiredly.

Klaus licked his lips frustratingly and nodded his head but before we left, Klaus pulled me closer roughly and I winced in pain.

He growled down at Damon.

"Come near her again Salvatore and I will kill you."

I didn't get a chance to see Damon before Klaus whisked us away back to the Mikaelson mansion.

I grumbled as we got in and tugged my arm out of Klaus' harsh grip.

"Klaus please."

He faced me, his beautiful blue eyes glaring at me.

"You are never to go near him again Ariel. Do you hear me?"

I frowned.

"You can't stop me from seeing him Klaus, Damon's my friend."

Klaus scoffed.

"It seemed as though you were more than friends when I caught you in the Mystic Grill bathroom."

I looked away as he said those words.

"However." He began and I glanced back. "It seems my Mother put a spell on you."

I gaped at him.

"She put a spell on me to sleep with Damon? She hates me that much?"

Klaus sighed.

"Not exactly."

I frowned at him and shook my shoulders.

"Then what are you talking about?"

"There's something you should know. About your heritage." He replied.

I narrowed my eyebrows at him confused.

"What? About being an Archangel?"

Klaus just nodded.

"There's a reason why all of this is happening to you. With Damon. With me." He added.

"Klaus. Stop being cryptic. Will you just tell me what the hell is going on." There was an ounce of weariness in my voice.

Klaus ran a hand over his face and walked into his parlour, I followed him and I watched him pour himself a drink.

"There's one reason why Archangel's were created. They've been around ever since even werewolves existed."

He paused and gulped his drink. He braced his hands on the surface of the table and then turned round to me.

"Every time something evil is made or somebody participates in a force of unspeakable evil. An Archangel is triggered or born."

I huffed in annoyance.

"What does that mean?"

Klaus inhaled.

"It means, you are captivated by anything supernatural that is bad. Vampires especially."

"But what about you?"

"Supernaturally, you're attracted to anything powerful, and I am the most powerful creature in the world. Which is why, when I triggered my werewolf side, that provoked your powers."

I frowned and shook my head.

"But I don't understand. What has that got anything to do with you? Why did you trigger it? There were plenty of other powerful supernatural creatures before you."

"It was inevitable that I was going to trigger the werewolf within me. Whether my Mother cursed me or not doesn't matter."

I crossed my arms.

"Are you trying to tell me, that this." I gestured between us. "Whatever, is going on between the two of us, was meant to be?" My voice echoed sarcastically.

"Not necessarily. You could've been with Damon. Or Stefan. However, you've already started the signs of the bond." Klaus sighed.

"The bond?" I scoffed. "What the hell are you talking about Klaus!"

Klaus growled at me and stalked towards me.

" The fainting, the lust! Everything that you feel when I display my power towards you, or anyone else. And that's just the beginning."

"All of this is because of me?" I whispered. There must've been a glimmer of disappointment and anger because Klaus sighed and grabbed my shoulders reassuringly.

"It was you, yes. But ever since I met you, I've felt drawn to you. You do things to me that no woman has ever done in a thousand years." Klaus murmured.

I glanced up into his sea eyes.

"What do I do to you?"

Klaus bit his bottom lip hungrily, his eyes turned dark and he leaned his forehead on mine and I breathed in deeply.

"Ariel." Klaus brought one hand to wrap around my waist and the other at the back of my neck drawing us closer.

"You have no idea what you do to me."

"Show me," I whispered, tugging him closer to me with his tie. I felt him growl from within his chest.

"I can't."

"Why?" I moaned.

"Because you're not ready."

I licked my lips anxiously.

"I am."

We both inched closer.

"When we do this, we will complete the bond, and I don't think you're ready for that yet."

I let go of his tie as he said those words.

"What do you mean?"

Klaus caressed my face gently and he sighed.

"It means, I'll know where you are, and I'll be able to feel you wherever you go."

I nodded my head.

"I am. I don't know what I feel for you Klaus, but it's strong. It's so strong sometimes I can't even focus."

"There's something else."

"What?" I asked breathlessly.

"You need my blood in your system. And I, you."

I frowned at that thought.

Klaus stepped back from me and kissed my cheek gently.

"You can stay here tonight."

I didn't say anything as I watched him head upstairs, thinking to myself.

I guess he is right. I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. I don't even know how I feel about him. I just know that I can't think about anyone else.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a jolt go through my body, and I stared wide-eyed as my hand throbbed a gold colour. And I breathed in deeply as I closed my eyes and muttered something under my breath. I opened them and bit my lip as I noticed the candles that were in the room were now lit.

I smiled slightly as I took my time to blow at the candles giving myself time to think about what had happened today. I honestly don't know what I'm feeling for Klaus, I'm attracted to him but I want that to be me and not the being that I am. I want him to be the same.

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. I hoped I stayed true to Klaus' character, this is how I feel he would be towards Ariel's character. Plese review and tell me what you liked or didn't like, or even what you would like to see!