This is just a thing I came up with a while ago. I wasn't really going t write it, but I'm having trouble starting the next chapter of Bittersweet Reunion. So I thought I'd give this a try, see if it makes things easier. Don't know if I'll continue it, I'll just have to see how I feel.

Chapter 1: The Wish

It was a clear twilight evening on Berk. Hiccup sighed as he leaned back against the scaly side of his dragon, Toothless. The Night Fury snuggly wrapped the length of his body around the boy while the tip of his tail lay in said boy's lap.

The two had spent the whole afternoon flying together with no real destination in mind. Soon the need for food and rest was felt. So they fished and found a nice high cliff to eat and enjoy the view. Toothless had just finished off his pile while Hiccup had already downed the two that he had caught. He decided that they both needed to digest before they had to head back to the village.

From a nearby cliff, Hiccup heard some chirping sounds. He looked over to see four baby Deadly Nadders playfully fighting with each other. A smile reached his lips.

"Aww …" He continued to watch them.

Toothless raised his head, curious as to what had provoked his pet human to emit such a sound. He followed Hiccup's line of sight over to the Nadder hatchlings and his eyes narrowed in irritation. The grown dragon growled softly and rolled his eyes.

He hated hatchlings. They were incisively annoying and their parents were always nothing short of hostile. Not to mention that in Toothless' eyes, if a dragon could not stand up for itself than there was no point in keeping it alive. Of course that last remark probably stemmed from his own, rather horrid, hatchling-hood.

From a very early age, Toothless had to raise himself. He could not remember his parents—or if he even had any, for that matter. All he remembered was falling; and then he was on his own.

No one taught him to be a dragon. He just picked up on it himself. He had watched other dragons and mimicked their behavior. His personal traits as a Night Fury were discovered and developed as he grew. When he was sure that he was strong enough, he joined the others in raids against the humans, assuming that was what he was expected to do.

It was not until his encounter with Hiccup that changed everything. At the time, he had not known what to do with the human. So he let it go. As their bond grew, Toothless did not know what to do. He had never really had anyone in his life that actually cared for him. Which brought him back to his original thoughts on why he hated hatchlings so much. On some level he knew it was jealousy over the fact that they had parents to care for them the way that he had never experienced.

A sigh from Hiccup brought the dragon from his thoughts.

"Aren't they cute?"

Toothless looked at the Nadder hatchlings again. He emitted an unenthused groan.

Hiccup looked at the black dragon in bewilderment. "Oh come on, haven't you ever thought of having babies?"

Toothless' ears flattened against his head. His eyes narrowed in a dry look that suggested to Hiccup that the Night Fury was thinking "stupid" about him. Before the boy could ask what the problem was, a massive one-finned tail bopped him on the head.


Hiccup rubbed his head, but did not scold. He had learned long ago that a tail-bash to the head was Toothless' way of saying, "quit acting stupid!" It took a moment for the auburn-haired teenage Viking to figure out why he deserved a head bash, anyway. Then it hit him.

"Oh yeah … I guess it would be pretty hard to have babies if you're the only Night Fury."

Another groan came from Toothless, who kept looking at his rider with the obvious expression of "duh."

Hiccup sighed and settled back against his best friend. Thinking the conversation was over, Toothless laid his head back down and closed his eyes for a bit.

"I wonder what you were like as a baby."

The big black dragon groaned again in annoyance. Apparently Hiccup decided to drag this subject out.

"I bet you were cute."

This time Toothless snapped his head up with a snarl. Hiccup chuckled and flinched at the same time, holding his hands up in defense.

"Just a joke Bud, calm down. Okay, note to self: never call you cute."

Toothless grunted in a grumpy way. The teenager laughed again and pet the dragon on the head to atone for that remark.

"Guess I'll never see a baby Night Fury. But I wish I knew what you were like when you were younger." Toothless rolled his eyes again.

The dragon was glad that he was not a hatchling anymore. Even only at the age of two-hundred and fifty—which was the equivalent to Hiccup's age in human years—he was young, yes, but he was grateful to be fully grown and not in the hatchling stage anymore.

He looked over to Hiccup, whose eyes were starting to droop. A whole afternoon of flying could take a lot out of even the most experienced dragon, so it was no surprise that the human was tiring out. Toothless stood up and nudged the human, signaling that it was time to go.

"You're right, Toothless. We should get home; it's getting dark." The boy reached for the flying equipment that he had earlier dismantled in order to make Toothless more comfortable. After it was all securely in place, he climbed onto the saddle. "I would love to see a baby Night Fury. I wish I could see one, just to know what it would be like."

Toothless snorted. Most times he could block the little human out while he was ranting. He would just let Hiccup talk. As long as he was putting the flying equipment together, the dragon was fine with letting the boy talk to—and sometimes answer—himself.

"Okay, Bud. Let's go home. Oh, look!"

A shining object in the sky flew across the horizon. "A shooting star. Guess I should make a wish, but knowing my luck I know it'll never come true. So why bother?" The duo then took off for the village.

Unbeknownst to them, a small twinkle in the sky shined as they left.

The next morning, Hiccup was reluctant to get up. It was hard getting rid of the last bit of sleep from his eyes. But something was nudging his cheek. The boy groaned and swatted at it in annoyance.

"Stop …" he mumbled.

The nudging persisted and even grew in fierceness. He thought that it was just Toothless playing one of the games that he playing in the morning to wake the teenager up—the favorite begin the one where his nose was tickled by the dragon's tail fin until he sneezed.

"Toothless, go back to bed …"

Suddenly a high-pitched chirp reached his ears. Hiccup's emerald eyes snapped open. He was fully awake now. That chirp was right in front of him. He slowly moved his gaze to his chest.

There, he was met with two very large, very young peridot eyes staring back at him. They were attached to a tiny black dragon. The wings were only about a foot in diameter and rounded at the edges. The spikes along its back were also rounded. The little dragon wagged its single finned tail and chirped happily.

Hiccup just continued to stare in shock, trying to keep his panic in check.

Down on the first floor of the house, Stoic the Vast was gathering the materials that he would need for the long day ahead of him. He had so much to do. Being chief was no easy task.


The scream startled Stoic so badly that he threw his materials into the air. They each landed on the floor with a loud clang. One even landed on his big, Viking head, almost dislodging his helmet.

Before the large man could demand to know what was going on his son came running down the stairs, panting and his eyes wide with shock.

"Hiccup, what's wrong?" The boy continued to hyperventilate uncontrollably. Stoic had to hold him by his narrow shoulders to get him to calm down. "Easy, Son. Tell me what's goin' on."

"D-dad … it's-it's Toothless! H-He's a—he's a—"

"He's a what?! What is it, Son?" Stoic was starting to lose his temper (and it was only early morning).

He's a BABY!" The boy held up his hands. Cupped in them was a tiny black dragon. The little black dragon chirped.

Stoic had Hiccup sit down at the table so that he did not faint from panic. They both watched as the tiny dragon on the table chased his injured tail. The action would have been cute if Hiccup was not so overtaken by shock at the time.

"How did this happen?" Stoic asked, eyes never leaving the hatchling on the table.

Hiccup shrugged. "I don't know. I just woke up and he was like this."

Toothless played with a plate on the table. He almost fell off the edge and Hiccup had to hold him to get him to settle down. The little dragon made his way out of Hiccup's arms and chirped angrily at the plate. He blew a little spark of white fire at it and pounced around it, expecting it to fight back.

Suddenly Hiccup's eyes widened as a thought came to him. "Uh oh …"


"Last night, I was watching some baby Nadders and thought about what a baby Night Fury would be like."


"So … I sorta … wished to know what Toothless was like as a baby."

Stoic rubbed his head. "Just wishin' somethin' doesn't make it come true."

Hiccup rubbed his arm. This would have been so much easier if he was not so prone to trouble. "Yeah well … there was kind of … a shooting star passing by … so …"

Stoic sighed. Of course something weird like this would happen because of Hiccup.

"Hiccup, why would ya do that?" His voice held a "you should know better" tone to it.

Hiccup threw his arms at his side. "Well how was I supposed to know it'd come true?!"

Toothless had made his way back into his rider's thin arms and pawed at the red bangs that hung in his eyes. The boy kept trying to stop the dragon hatchling from playing with his hair.

"So what are ya gonna do with 'im?" The big man asked.

"I guess I'll just have to take care of him until we can figure out how to get him back to normal." He began scratching Toothless under the chin, earning a purr from the little dragon. But instead of the low, grumbling purr he usually had, it was now more of a squeaking purr.

Stoic's eyes widened. "You?" Total shock was in his voice.

Hiccup ceased his petting and starred at his father with disbelief. What was so shocking about that? "Why not?"

"Well, Hiccup … you're … well, you."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

Stoic cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, trying to find a nice way of voicing his thoughts to his sensitive son. "Son, you can barely keep yourself out o' trouble for very long. It's usually Toothless that gets you out o' it. I don't think having you, of all people, being in charge of a … baby," he gestured to Toothless, "is such a good idea …" Okay, so maybe that was a little blunt, but Hiccup needed to hear it.

The cold glare from those emerald eyes was strong. Hiccup was used to his father pointing out his stupid mistakes but this was a new low. "Thanks, Dad. Glad to know where I stand with you …" He sarcastically replied.

Stoic sighed again. "What I mean is that you're still a kid yourself. Taking care of a baby is a big responsibility—dragon or not." Now the tone in the man's voice was different. It went from awkward bluntness to one filled with experience. At this, Hiccup's stare softened a bit. He could tell that his father was only trying to give him some advice from experience.

"I know, but he's been an adult before."

"But he's not now."

"I can take care of him, Dad."

Stoic knew that he was not going to win this one. Nothing he said was going to change this boy's mind. "Fine. But he's your responsibility. Anything he does is on your hands." He said, pointing a thick finger at the teenager.

Hiccup shrugged "Nothing new there."

Stoic's gaze left him fro a second before quickly returning. "Oh, I think it will be." He then pointed past his son.

Hiccup's eyes followed his father's finger. He gasped at what he saw and ran to fix it. Somehow Toothless had crept out of Hiccup's lap and was tangled in a fishing net. When he saw Hiccup coming to free him, he screeched and chirped for the human to hurry up.

"Toothless, no! How did you manage to do this?!" Hiccup fiddled with the net, trying to untie the knots that Toothless had made around himself.

Stoic just chuckled and brought his cup of ale to his lips. "Oh this outta be interestin'."

End of Chapter