TFP: A Girl Anew, Chapter 13

Wedding Day

December showed up fast and christmas came and went, soon enough it was December 30th the eve of their wedding day. Damion had made a few friends from his new job as a temporary step in doctor at a hospital downtown and they had set up a Bachelors party for him. While Amanda was out with her friends enjoying her last day as a single woman.
"So you excited." Danielle asked taking a sip of her hot coffee.
"She's more than excited, she's estatic!" Kandy said pulling her into a side hug. Amanda pulled back and just sat there stirring her hot chocolate. Her friends all looked at her curiously before Jesse spoke up.
"What's got you all tied up? Is it the wedding?"
"No it's not that." She let out a sigh and pushed her drink away, folding her arms onto the table. "I just, I don't want to leave you again. I mean I want to travel the world, especially with Damion but leaving you again, it's just really hard." She set her forehead onto her arms and closed her eyes. kandy put a hand on her back and spoke sincerely.
"We always have Skype, e-mail, phone calls, letters. We will always keep in touch." Amanda muffled a thank you.
"Ya and if you ever get home sick, you can come back and visit us, it's not like you can't ever see us again, you more just can't, stay here with us." Vanessa said trying to help her friend.
"Ya and if you want we can send you things from home if you want anything." Jacee piped in.
"Thanks guys, I feel better." Amanda said sitting back up. She looked to her friends and smiled. "You all are the best." She took back her drink and sipped. After a few more minutes of chatting about random things and the wedding the girls left the coffee shop and got into Amanda's car that her parents had gotten her as an early wedding and goodbye gift.
"Where to now?" Amanda asked facing her friends.
"Um what about the mall, we could look for some last minute materials." Daniella inquired. They all nodded in agreement and Amanda started the car heading off to the mall.

Damion sat at one of the barstools holding his head. He was wondering why he even agreed to do this, even though it was being held at one of his friends houses he didn't like it. The music was blaring in his hears rendering his thinking pattern and his friends were all trying to get him to dance on the dance floor and talk with people he had never even met before. Normally he would be all over his type of thing but he was to worried about Amanda's safety. He sat there for a few more minutes before one of his friends came up to him.
"Dude you ok, you don't look se well."
"Just fine, what is this called again?"
"A bachelor party, it's your last time of being a free man before having to go into a committed relationship with someone. Also known as losing your freedom." His friend took a sip of his drink which Damion didn't know the name to and he sat down in the other stood waving to a bar tender, who took his drink and refilled it.
"So you're saying that dating isn't a committed relationship?" Damion said raising a brow.
"It's whatever you want to call it, this is just a party celebrating your last second of freedom." Damion rolled his eyes and waved to a bar tender.
"What do you want."
"Just get me a soda." The boy shrugged and left.
"Come on, get what you want." his friend said punching his shoulder.
"I am getting what I want, I don't need to be drinking before my wedding day." "Whatever dude." His friend looked around before walking off towards a group of woman. The boy handed him a sprite and walked off to help someone else. Damion drank his soda not noticing a woman sit down next to him.
"From what I've heard your the lucky man." The woman said setting her drink down.
"News travels fast around here."
"What do you expect you're the man of the hour." He looked to the woman and thought she looked familiar. She had pale skin but her eyes were coated with black makeup that slightly curved down on the insides and up on the outsides, her eyes were a dark violet which also was her lipstick color, and her hair was jet black with a few golden highlights. She wore a Purple sequin tight dress that reached just above her knees and she had on a black halfway jacket, she also had on black, purple and gold accented high heels. He shook her hand and pulled away at the touch, her fingers were cold, long and thin.
"My names Arachnia."
"What an...original name."
"My parents liked originality." She curled her violet lips into a smile and stared.
"Well I'm taken, if that's what you're looking for."
"Oh you don't have to worry about that, I like my men to...Breakdown easier." Damion glared at her and stood up wiping his hands on his pants.
"I have to go, enjoy the party." He walked over to his friend and spoke to him to a minute before leaving through the front door. After getting out he spotted the woman walking towards him.
"You left before I could congratulate you."
"How did you acquire a holoform, I believed them to be extinct."
"I saved a few trophies from Cybertron, do you like what you see." He turned around to face her.
"How did you know where I was and how did you know about the wedding?"
"Believe it or not I like to scout out my prey on a more smaller level sometimes, and during one of my hunts I over heard a conversation. Now can you answer mine."
"Your poison to the eyes." She sneered at him and he turned back around to leave.
"Would you mind if I came by tomorrow and dropped off a wedding present." He could hear the poison in her voice. he turned back around hastily, walked towards her and latched his hand onto her throat, he lifted her up and bore his eyes into hers.
"I have had enough of of you all." He said making his hand tighter against her throat. "All I want is some freedom from this war is that to much to ask." She was digging her nails into his hand and kicking him trying to get him to let go. "If you as much as step a foot or pede a mile away from us anytime I will not hesitate to kill you, and I will make your death slow and.. painful as possible." he dropped her and she fell on her knees into the gravel road. He glared down at her and she looked up to him. "I will not let you take away what I have gained, you may of gotten Breakdown but you will not get Amanda or ThornRush." He turned on his heal and left leaving Arachnia gasping for air.
After he was a half a mile form the house Damion made himself a transformer and transformed into his car form. He sped off down the road ready to get back to the house.

Amanda was in the living room reading, when Damion walked through the door and slammed it shut.
"So I take it the party didn't go as planned?"
"Something like that." He sat down next to her on the couch she occupied.
"What happened?"
"I ran into an old colleague, that's all."
"Who." Amanda had worry on her face.
"No one you should be concerned about." She looked at him with confusion before returning to her book.
"As long as I can trust you, I won't push." He gave a smile and kissed her on the side of the head.
"Thanks. I'm going to clean up and head to bed see you, tomorrow." He got up and left. Amanda read her book for a few more minutes before heading up to her bathroom.
After she was only wrapped up in a towel she turned on the baths faucet and poured bubble bath in. She put her hair up into a bun and set it in place. After filling up the tub she let the towel go and stepped in. She relaxed for a while before hearing a light knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"Your mother." She let out a light sigh.
"Come in." Her mom came through the door holding a couple boxes in her hands.
"I wanted to do your nails and give you a few things." Her mom pulled up a chair and and sat at the end of the tub. "Give me your foot." Amanda lifted her right foot out of the water and her mom dried it off.
"What color are you going to do."
"French tip with a red diamond." Her mom shook the nail polish and twisted the cap off. After she finished with her first foot she had her flip around to the other side.
"It looks cute." Amanda said wiggling her toes after her mom finished.
"Thank you, my mother did the same design on my toes when I got married to your stepfather. Except I had no diamond." Her mom laughed and put the nail polish down. She then picked up a small box and set it on her lap. "I wanted to give you this." Amanda sat up setting the large rag she had over her torso. She seemed puzzled at what her mom could possibly give her. When her mom opened the box her jaw dropped. "My mother gave me this on my first wedding day. She said to only wear it on your wedding day and no other day else. It's real diamonds." Inside was a medium size crown that enclosed into a circle shape. Encased around it were diamonds smaller in the back and one large one in the front.
"I can't possibly wear this mom it's too beautiful."
"This crown was passed down generation to generation, I don't even know when it was first worn. All I know is that my grandmother wore it, my mother wore it, I wore it and now you are going to wear it." Amanda let a tear slip past her face and she smiled.
"Thank you, I will wear it with pride." Her mom leaned in and kissed her forehead before getting up and leaving, setting the box on the sink counter.
Amanda soaked for a while before getting out and getting ready for bed. When she crawled into her bed the second her head hit the pillow she was out.

"LET ME OUT! I DEMAND THAT YOU LET ME OUT!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "I-I'm to young to die." She looked around her at her family who laid dead in the cells next to her. She let tears roll past her eyes, she had tried so hard, so hard to save them but she couldn't, she was to slow. She now was in a human sized cell, her wedding dress was torn to shreds, blood, tears, dirt and sweat stained it leaving it a mix of colors. "How could you, I trusted you with everything."
"I had no choice." She looked to the ground, she never wanted to see his face again. In fact she never wanted to see the color red again.
""There's always a choice, and you know that!" She was balling now and her eyes were beginning to become puffy.
"You wouldn't understand. I did love you but now I must obey him."
"Please no I don't want to die." Her voice was just above a whisper. He took out his energon prod and leaned it closer to her. She tried to get away but tripped over herself. then next thing she knew she was being shocked and pain surged through her before darkness encased her completely. She only managed to get out her last words. "Knockout, I trusted you."

Amanda shot up in her bed sweating and trying to catch her breath. She looked to her clock and saw it was only 5 in the morning. She buried her face in her hands and sighed. She had never had this dream before and it scared her. She flipped off her covers and sat her feet onto the ground slipping on her fuzzy slippers. She stood up and walked down to the kitchen grabbing some packet of sleeping tea from the pantry. She filled up a cup of water and almost jumped when she heard a voice behind her.
"Get me one too?" She turned around to see Damion standing a few feet away from her.
"Couldn't sleep?"
"Ya bad dream." He said reaching over her to grab a cup.
"What was it about?" He stayed quiet while he filled up the cup, she saw his face in the faded light and saw that his eyes were a little red. "Have you been crying?"
"I woke up with watery eyes. Is that un-natural or something." He said jokingly. "Why are you up?"
"Bad dream too." She said putting hers and Damions cup into the microwave. He grabbed her from behind by the waist and pulled her close.
"What about?"
"I was back on the Nemesis in a human size cell. My family was around me but they were... dead." She spoke silently. "I had my dress on and then you showed up as Knockout." She paused for a moment looking at the timer.
"What happened then?"
"You, uh..."
"Amanda, what happened?"
"You pulled out you energon prod and told me that you must obey him before... killing me." She said the last part slowly while turning around to face him. She looked to his face again and saw a tear slip past his eye.
"You had the same dream didn't you?" He pulled her closer to him and spoke protectively.
"You have to know that, that will never happen. I will never ever let that happen." He rested his chin on her head and hugged her tightly and she returned the favor.
"I know, I won't allow it." He let out a chuckle and wiped away the escaped tears. The timer went off and Amanda pulled away to grab the tea. She put the bags in let it steep before grabbing her cup and heading off to bed. She paused halfway out the kitchen and turned back to Damion. "You best get to bed, we have a busy day tomo- er- today." she turned and left. Damion grabbed his cup and retreated back down to his room.

She stood in the back room in front of the full length mirror. Her hair was up in a twisted bun and her makeup was all done perfectly. She stared at the girl in front of her and touched her mirror imaged hand.
"I look so... different."
"You look beautiful." Her mom walked up behind her and put the crown on top of her head and set it straight. Amanda touched it and gazed into the mirror. A few moments later her friends came in all wearing the same dress two being purple and two being blue. It was a loose dress reached just below their knees and each dress was matched with a black, open toe stiletto sandals.
"You girls look great."
"Well, you look better."
"Thank you." Amanda stepped away from the mirror and over to her friends.
"You ready for the big day?" Her mom asked coming over.
"A little nervous but as ready as I'll ever be." She set on a smile and group hugged her friends. "You guys ready."
"Of course."
"Well the ceremony starts in five minutes and I believe everyone is waiting for you. They all started to walk out before Jacee paused and ran back to the room, seconds later she came back with a veil that had beads intwined in it."
"We almost forgot it." She lifted up Amanda's crown and set the veil underneath it setting the crown back down. "Now your ready." The veil draped down her head and reached to her mid waist at the end of it it had a sliver of red trim to match the dress she wore, and the crown set perfectly on top holding it down.
Everyone walked down to the main entrance before stopping, her mom who was the maid of honor went down first holding the hand of her younger brother. Then her friends went with Damions friends down the Isle. After seeing everyone go Amanda took a deep breath in and then let it out, the butterflies in her stomach were going haywire. Her dad walked up to her and put his elbow out for her.
"I may not be your biological father, but I will be here for you for everything." Her father spoke letting the tears roll down his face.
"Me to dad, I love you." She hugged him before taking his arm and entering the sanctuary. Everyone stood at the sound of the music and turned to look at her walk down the Isle with her father.

Damion had to be elbowed by his first man to know to look towards the entrance and when he did his jaw dropped. Amanda was beautiful, no, no words could explain what she looked like. She was like an angel walking down the Isle with her father, each step was as if she was gliding across water. He couldn't take is gaze off her. When she reached the altar she took her finger and set his jaw back in place, which made them receive a few chuckles from the audience. They turned to face the pastor ready to say their vows.

About 45 minutes later after their I do's it was time to say their vows.
"Amanda would you do the honors of reading your's first." The pastor said turning to her.
"Of course, now I memorized them so I might be a bit iffy but... Damion when I first met you I saw a, well, narcissistic, babbling guy who cared about his looks to much. But the more and more I had to be around you the more and more I found myself wanting to be around you. I had only looked at your shell and saw what my eyes allowed me to see. But as I dug deeper and deeper into you I saw a kind, loving guy who was full of hurt. You saved me from my world of hurt and after that I promised myself I would save you from your world of hurt and by saying this vow of mine I am bringing that promise to you." Tears were rolling down his face as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket.
"It's amazing how I can memorize schematics but not a darn piece of paper." A few people laughed at his statement. He unfolded the paper and looked to it. "Well that bites."
"What." Amanda said curiously.
"Took the wrong piece of paper. I grabbed my checklist not my vows."
"What does it say." Amanda said un-amused.
"It says, Kiss the bride." Damion crumbled up the paper and threw it behind him while leaning in and kissing Amanda.
"I guess you may now kiss the bride... Would the ring bearer please bring the rings." Ian walked up to them and handed them the rings. They placed them on each others fingers and kissed again while everyone in the audience clapped. "May I now Pronounce the new Mr. and Mrs. Damion Outen." They looked to the crowd before heading out and into their waiting Limousine that would take them to their lunch venue.

After eating lunch with family and friends and opening wedding gifts, they received a few congratulations before heading out.
Damion turned to Amanda in the limousine.
"Outen, is that the best we could come up with?" she asked turning to face him.
"Well maybe not, but it's different. And it stays close to my Cybertronian name, it is the man's name you take after all."
"Ya I guess, but."
"It was the best at the spur of the moment, better then just out." She nodded/shook her head. "So what are you and me gonna do." He said resting his elbow on the car's interior.
"Well first we go on our honeymoon and then we start our new life together."
"Sound's like a perfect plan to me." Amanda starred blankly at nothing thinking about the dream she had last night. "So where do you want to visit first?... Amanda... Sweetie." he looked at her confused, she looked like she was starring at nothing. "Honey are you alright." Amanda shook her head snapping out of it and turned to him.
"Fine, I was just thinking about the dream we had last night. Is it weird for two people to share the same dream?"
"Not particularly for cybertronians, it's been said that sometimes the night before two cybertronians get married, in human terms, they can share a dream, good or bad."
"Why would we have nightmares?"
"Well configureing all that we have been through together and what has recently happened that might have triggered the nightmare."
"If you say so."
"I was in school to be a medic on cybertron I had to learn this stuff, trust me."
"I said that last night... That I trusted you."
"Hey, hey.. don't let some freaked out dream get in your way, none the less our way. You can trust me, put your word on that, I would never turn back to the Decepticons, after being with you I realized they only caused me pain and turmoil but you... You brought me out of that. That dream was just a freak accident nothing to be worried about." He lifted her chin and kissed her passionately. "I love you Amanda Outen and that will never in forever change."
"I love you too." She nuzzled herself next to him and closed her eyes. "Don't ever let me go." He kissed her head and closed his eyes also.

After a week on their Honeymoon, Amanda and Damion returned to the house to say their farewells. They pulled up into the driveway and got out of their car. When they reached the front door they were instantly greeted with a strong hug from Ian.
"Goodbye sis, I'm gonna miss you."
"I'm going to miss you to buddy, but I'm not going to be gone forever, I'll visit whenever I get the chance." He nodded and let go, wiping away a few tears. Her mom walked up behind him along with their father.
"Come in I've made some treats for your trip." Martha waved them in and led them to the kitchen. Upon arrival they were surprised to see some of Damion's and Amanda's friends.
"We all wanted to say farewell and safe trip."
"You all are too sweet." Amanda said hugging her friends.
"I know right." Jacee said sarcastically.
"Disregard that last sentence." Vanessa spoke up moving in front of Jacee. Amanda looked over to Damion who was shaking his friends hands and joking with them.
"I wonder what their talking about?" Daniella said looking over.
"Maybe about the honeymoon." Kandy shrugged as she spoke.
"That.. is classified information." Amanda said facing back to her friends. Kandy made a zipping gesture to her mouth and acted like she was throwing away the key. "Whatever girl, you guys are so weird."
Vanessa spoke up. "Did you know you're the first one to get married in this group."
"Ya an not to mention to a guy that kidnapped you." Jacee added.
"Nice one sis, always know how to lighten the mood." Daniella put her hands on her hips and Jacee shrugged.
"Nah you're all right. But I love him none the less, he's just so.."
"Cute you want to stuff him in your backpack and carry him around school." Everyone in the group turned their heads to Jacee. "No one, ah oh well sometimes your have to be the odd one out."
"You've been the odd one ever since we were born." Jacee stuck her tongue out at her sister.
"You two remind me of the laughing hyenas on The Lion King." Damion spoke up scaring the girls who hadn't noticed him. "So you talking about me?"
"Maybe." Amanda said tilting her head to kiss him.
"Ew get a room." Ian said behind Kandy scaring her. They rolled their eyes and looked to Martha who was walking over to them. She handed them a basket that was full of ready to eat foods and snacks.
"Thanks mom, you're the best." Amanda said taking the basket.
"Well I guess this is goodbye for now."
"Ya. But we'll see you all soon." Her mom pointed to a cluster of bags that was in the corner of the room. "We packed everything you said you needed and wanted, it's all ready to go." Amanda hugged her mom and her friends gathered around her. Damion watched and didn't see John walk up behind him.
"You take good care of my daughter now, you hear. And don't let anything happen to her or I'm coming to you personally."
"Yes sir, she will be safe in my care." Her dad nodded and pulled him into a surprising hug.
"She's my little girl and losing her once was hard enough I can't lose her again so make me a promise that no harm in any way will come to her from you or anyone else."
"I-I promise, nothing will happen to her." John let go and shook his hand.
"Trust is one thing a relationship needs, respect is another if you can show those to her then I can know she will be safe." Damin nodded and backed up a bit to stand next to Amanda.
"You ready for our adventure."
"Let's go start."
"So where you heading first?" Her mom asked.
"We were thinking of trekking around America for a while, seeing the states and the history and then we thought Paris would be fun to visit first." Amanda said walking to the front door.
"Sounds like you have it all planned out."
"We do... Don't miss us to much everyone." They all walked out and Amanda and Damion got into their car. Before driving off they said one last goodbye.
Amanda sat in the passenger seat looking to the road and she thought of the past events since the last two years or so. From getting kidnapped to becoming a alien being she didn't even know existed. To configuring a plan and then falling in love, it all seemed to surreal. She looked to Damion who was driving, he had on a large smile while listening to a song on the radio. From getting kidnapped by him to marrying him, she laughed to herself that was the last thing she expected. But it was all coming together, she was starting a new life and a new journey. She figured she was A Girl Anew.

So to sadly say this was my last chapter for my story. I have officially ran out of ideas for it. Though I hoped you all liked it! Please Review. I would like to say thank to everyone who reviewed my story, I love them all! And I would like to say Special Thanks to GirlSuperSonic Boy for reviewing every chapter, you really kept me motivated to write my story!