Chapter 1: To save a life

Kurt had come out as a mutant, but no one knew what he really looked like. Kurt was afraid how people would react to his true blue appearance (Pun intended), and to be honest he didn't want to know. He would go the rest of his two years in high school (he was a sophomore) hiding behind the holographic normal kid that he currently was. Fate however had other plans for our blue hero (Pun intended).

Kurt was walking the halls with his human friend, Jason. Jason was one of the few people that had stood by him when Kurt came out as a mutant. They were currently talking about Jason's date with Amanda Sefton, Kurt's ex. Kurt and Amanda broke up three months ago, so he had long since got over her and was happy to see that she was dating other people.

"Seriously Kurt, I don't know why you let her go. She's pretty, smart, and funny." Jason stated to Kurt.

"Vell, I guess…" Kurt began, when he saw someone in a black trench coat, point a gun at Jason.

Kurt quickly pushed Jason out of the way of the bullet that was heading for them. Kurt and Jason slammed into the metal lockers. Kurt's left wrist hit the lockers hard as well and smashed his image inducer. His holographic image flickered off. Kurt looked at Jason with wide yellow eyes. Kurt glanced at the shooter and teleported behind him.

Kurt quickly punched the intruder in the back of the head, then he teleported again and punched him in the front of the head. Kurt then teleported to his side when a gun shot was heard. Kurt than kicked the shooter in the face. The shooter fell to the ground, knocked out cold.

Kurt breathed hard, and just noticed the sharp pain in his upper leg. Kurt suddenly collapsed on the floor. Kurt tried to crawl to the wall so he could concentrate on teleporting to the mansion, but he was exhausted from all the teleporting that he just did. Kurt just wanted to sleep, but the pain from the wound was making that impossible.

Kurt suddenly felt someone touching his wound. He looked down and saw Jason wrapping his sweat shirt around his leg to stop the bleeding.

"Vat… Vat are you doing?" Kurt asked, still breathing hard.

"Helping my friend that saved my life." Jason stated.

Kurt smiled. He then saw other students come to help him. School security came to take away the shooter.

"Kurt, do you think you can get up?" Jason asked.

"I think so." Kurt then got up with his good leg, and he was helped by the other students.

"Careful with his tail guys." Jason stated, referring to Kurt's blue tail that was currently dragging on the ground.

Kurt then saw Scott, Jean, and Kitty come to help him.

"What happened?" Scott asked to one of the students.

"A shooter tried to kill us, and Kurt stopped him, but got shot in the leg." One of the students told Scott.

"Kurt? Are you okay?" Kitty asked Kurt.

"I could be better." Kurt told her.

"We'll take him from here." Scott told them.

They gave Kurt to Jean who lifted him with her telekinetic powers, and brought him to Scott's car. They drove to the mansion to get Beast to check on him.

Kurt was just happy that he had a group of humans that would not care about how he looked. Kurt just wondered what would happen when he went back.