I was really shocked at how little fanfiction there was about Revenge so I thought instead of complaining, I should do something about it and actually write some myself. This is going to be Emily/Aiden centric with a bit of Emily/Daniel for the most part I expect ( I know, it's bad when I'm the author and I can only expect :P)

This story will probably deal with some situations from the show, like in this chapter, but the details probably won't be the exact same. I really, really hope you all enjoy this and let me know what you think!

The famous saying tells us to keep our friends close and keep our enemies closer but if our enemies get too close, they may eventually become our friends.

Emily was not at all comfortable with what Victoria had just asked of her. She knew the matriarch would do anything in her power to protect her family, but the blond wasn't sure if she could help her this time. Sure, Emily still felt very protective of Daniel and regretted the way things had ended between the two of them, but making an effort to rekindle their relationship as per the request of his mother was impossible. It had to be. Emily was with Aiden now; her first real love and the person who knew her the best in the whole world and she couldn't lose that just on account of Daniel Grayson.

When Emily walked back into her house, she went straight to the fridge and poured herself a glass of chilled chardonnay. She needed it. She leant on the counter with one hand and took a sip but a noise behind her made the glass fall from her grasp and smash into hundreds of little shards on the counter.

"Wow Ems, something must really be on your mind… either that or your getting sloppy…" Nolan commented with a smirk as she turned around.

"That was my favourite glass," Emily said dryly as she opened the bin and started sweeping the pieces of glass into it, not addressing his comment.

Nolan arched an eyebrow. "So how was the wicked witch of the Hamptons? What did she want to see you for? Not solely a social visit, I assume?"

Emily grimaced. "Of course not. She… She wanted to talk about Daniel…"

The eccentric blond took a seat. "This should be interesting. Came to warn you off him again?"

She shook her head. "The exact opposite actually. She asked me to try to get back together with him."

"What? Does she seriously think he would have you back after you broke his poor delicate heart by cheating on him with Jack?" he mused, a small smile forming at the corners of his mouth.

Emily frowned. She didn't like to remember that even though the thought invaded her mind more often than she would like. "That's what I thought… apparently though Daniel still has feelings for me," she didn't quite believe it herself.

"And what does Ms Hamptons 2012 have to say about this?" Nolan wondered in reference to Ashley.

She shrugged. "That's over. Somehow, after all that's happened lately, I doubt he'll be taking her feelings into account."

"Wait, does that mean you're seriously considering this? What about 007? I thought things were good between the two of you…"

"They are. They're great. It feels so good to be with someone who actually knows who I am and understands me," Emily admitted, "but I don't want to write Daniel off. He's obviously in way over his head without him even knowing and it would probably help with the overall mission but Aiden… I don't want to hurt him."

Nolan was surprised. "Gee Ems, I never thought you were such a softie."

Emily glared at him. "This is serious Nolan. I don't think I can do it." She knew that she should, that it was a great opportunity but she didn't know if she could take advantage this time.

"Discuss it with loverboy. Maybe he'll want you to do it?"

"Yeah because every boyfriend wants their girlfriend to get back with her ex…" she retorted sharply.

Nolan held up his hands in surrender. "I'm just saying you could do it for the sake of appearances and getting close to the Graysons again. I should probably leave you to it… He'll probably be parachuting in any moment now," he smirked and headed for the door, "Oh by the way, I'll get you a nice new set of wine glasses for your troubles. Ciao," he said before leaving.

That reminded her of the mess she had made upon his arrival and turned around to find that the spilled wine was dripping from the edge of the counter leaving a considerable sized pool of clear liquid on the floor beneath. Sighing, Emily grabbed a cloth and crouched down to clean the mess before it became sticky. While mopping up the liquid, something small and shiny caught her eye from under the press. Thinking it was a stray shard of glass, she picked it up slowly only to find that it was a diamond earring. One of a pair that Daniel had given her as a gift a few months back but she had lost the first night she wore them. Ironically, it was the night that she kissed Jack.

Falling for Daniel had never been her intention. She should have been focused on trying to take down his family but as she got to know him she realised that he wasn't like his parents. Neither was Charlotte. If Daniel hadn't found out about the kiss, they would have probably been married by now. In a way Emily was relieved that he had ended their engament. She was becoming far too attached for the good of her personal mission. The lines became blurred with Daniel and she somehow managed to escape. Now with Aiden, she could finally be herself again and she really loved him, a lot more than she had loved Daniel. He was good for her and she him so she was very reluctant to comply with Victoria's requests.

At first, Emily thought that the matriarch had only used her son as an excuse to get Emily to do her bidding but she soon realised that Victoria had genuine concern for the safety of her eldest. Emily decided that even if she couldn't rekindle her love with her ex, she would stay close to keep an eye on him. She owed it to Daniel after the heartache she put him through.