Disclaimer: Hetalia does not belong to me, I am making no monetary profit from this.

Warnings: Swearing, use of Google translate (translations for long sections of other languages will go beside the section needing translation. The commons words will not be translated, however if you want them to be just tell me please :3 .)


Mon petit Matthieu- My little Matthew


Verdammt- Damnit

Kartoffel- Potato


большой брат- Big brother

малый- Little

A brief prologue.

"He hasn't been here for a while … I'm starting to worry."

"Ah Amérique, don't worry. Mon petit Matthieu is probably just busy with his own country oui?"

"Shut it frog, I think the lad might be on to something. After all, most Nation's miss maybe a day or two a year, but…Ah…"

"… Canada. I know we forget to include him in a lot of things, but would it kill you to remember his name!?"

"Canada, I knew that. Anyway, most of us hate missing even one meeting, the bloke's been gone from the last two or three…"

"HEY! If you're going to talk about concerns regarding another nation, include the rest of us verdammt!"

Alfred, Arther and Francis (America, England and France respectively) stopped their conversation to shoot a glance across the conference table to glare at the one who had interrupted them (Looks like they were being louder than they thought).

Gilbert (The Ex-national representation of what was Prussia) met their glare and stuck his chin up at them, ignoring how everyone else at the meeting had stopped their own conversations to watch. After all, it wasn't every day that Gilbert picked a fight with all three of previously named nations; especially when there was no forgettable violet eyed soft spoken nation to try and defuse the situation.

"You might be his family, but I know Birdie has friends outside of you. So why don't you man up and admit that you're not as close as you think you are to him, and we can all talk this over."

Everyone seemed to blink in unison, surprised by Gilbert's sudden need to know what they had been discussing. Sure it had been mentioned a few times that there seemed to be a few people missing, but aside from just bringing it up no one seemed to really pay much attention to it.

"Don't keep the awesome me waiting~"

The fact that Gilbert was in the meeting alone was strange, but then again they were in Germany so it might some sense.

Francis sighed and ran a hand through his rugged hair. Gilbert was his friend yes, but he and the other two had been hoping on getting to the bottom of this themselves. They wouldn't be though, for the rest of the Nations present looked to them with expectant gazes.

"Alright alright! Stop looking at us like that, you look like you're trying to eat our souls or something." Alfred shuddered once more sighing heavily and pinching the bridge of his nose. " Mattie's missed the last few meetings and we're a bit worried. It's not like him to miss any meeting, no matter if it was important or not. I'm… I'm worried..." Alfred's eyes took on a darker, sadder shade and some immediately felt for the worried brother.

"…. Who's Mattie?"

"Have you tried visiting to check on him?"

"Matt's tough, no matter what's going on he'll be fine."

And so it continued for another minute or two. Most seemed confused as to who this 'Mattie' person was, those who remembered him were torn between worry and acceptance. Matthew was tough, he'd proven it so many times in the past- should they be worrying?

"Halt die Klappe und beruhigen!" ("Calm down and shut up!")

Germany's loud voice echoed over the room as well as the sharp slap from his hands slamming down against the table. Not everyone could speak German, but the meaning was clear. Sit down and shut the hell up.

They did. Everyone scurried to their seats and quieted, no one liked incurring the blond's wrath at the meetings; mostly because it meant they had to stay longer instead of going off to do their own thing.

"That's better. Now then, America. Tell us about this 'disappearance'." Germany gestured towards him as he took his own seat, effectively 'giving him the floor' so to speak.

Alfred was startled for a moment, before he cleared his throat and reminded himself he was the Hero. The Hero! He was needed right now, Mattie was out there somewhere away from his big bro; he needed saving and he was just the Hero to do it!

So with a large grin he leapt to his feet and smacked his hands down on the table as Germany had done- only in his case it was from sudden excitement instead of trying to gain everyone's attention.

"Alright! Canada, my brother, is missing and we need to find him!" There were a few more murmurs at this, but they were low enough to ignore. "I suggest we put GPS chips in all the Nation's so we can always find ourselves when we're lost!" He thought it was brilliant at least.

"…. Are you daft!? How is that going to help us now!? Really Alfred I need to remember if I dropped you when you were a Colony."

"Why don't we go visit Matthieu once this round of meetings is over? Personally go see if he's okay?"

"Yet again another bad idea!"

Once more Francis; Arther and Alfred shot glares at Gilbert, and again their looks were joined by the other Nation's glances (though most of those were merely curious).

"I keep in touch with Birdie regularly, don't look so surprised because if you gave enough shits about him you'd know he was best friends with my awesomeness~ Anyway, back to my point. He hasn't returned any texts or calls lately, I've gone to the place he's usually living at and no one was there-"

"You've known he was missing and never mentioned it!?" America's screech sounded loud enough to crack glass, though thankfully it didn't.

Gilbert winced and huffed before crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at Alfred. "Nein! If he were missing there'd be some evidence of that dumbshit! There's been nothing to suggest that he's not perfectly fine somewhere in one of his snowy igloo's all the way up north, or in a quaint cabin near the sea in some fishing village."

"But why would he not tell us…?" Francis bit at his lower lip lightly, a sign of his worry; it would seem his litte Matthieu had picked up the habit from him.

"Maybe he tried to." Gilbert shrugged and crossed his legs the opposite way they had been resting on the conference table- ah, to get away with breaking the rules with West right there! Pricelss~ "It's not like very many people pay attention to poor Birdie. I think he's just pissed at something, maybe his favorite hockey team lost or something, and he needs time to cool off. You can't expect him to stay all smiles dripping with maple syrup and kind words all the time. And if you do expect that from him, you're more stupid than a rotten Kartoffel!"

Everyone was silent as they digested this information, some had drifted away from the conversation and were just waiting for the meeting to be called to an end; the rest were hard at work trying to think of what could have caused Canada to need a vacation from everything.

They were startled from their thoughts by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Eyes quickly peered around the room to assess who was here and who wasn't. More questions rose when it was realized that it was Russia and his sisters who were the most obvious choice for those soon to enter the door.

'Why the hell are they late…?' Seemed to be the question on everyone's mind, but no one wanted to voice it for fear of Russia hearing them.

"большой брат, when we return can I help sister Ukraine on her farm?"

"Oh малый Matvey, you don't have to do anything like that for me!"

"But… I want to. Please sister?"

"Katyusha, let Matvey help da? Look how eager he is!"

Everyone was shocked into silence as the doors were swung open to reveal a laughing Russia and Ukraine. Belarus was right behind them with a stoic expression on her face. She went right to her seat and glared at the other member of the group who had just entered.

The laughter (More like amused chuckles) faded away and a smug grin claimed Ivan's lips as he stared at the expressions on the other Nation's faces. Everyone was once more silent, all eyes glued to Russia… More specifically, the small blonde haired; violet eyed child nation sitting on his shoulders with the most carefree and happy expression on his face.

Perhaps 'Nation' was wrong… For that was no Nation, but the Colony of Canada wearing one of Ivan's long scarves and looking oh so shy hiding behind the soft material.

Everything was frozen in time. No one moved, no one blinked or even breathed… Until it shattered from the force of multiple screeches of everything at once.


"How the hell did he get reverted back to a Colony!? England this better not be the cause of one of your crazy 'spells'!"

"Mon petit Matthieu! What are you doing with him? Come to Papa and we'll make sure to give you all the maple syrup you want!"

"Bloody fucking hell! What do you think you're playing at Russia?!"

Everyone was calling out, looking angry and demanding answers. Little Canada whimpered and tugged lightly on Russia's hair to get his attention. In the midst of the chaos few nation's heard his next words, but those who did couldn't help but be struck dumb once more by the bizarre situation.

"большой брат…. Who are these people?"

End of prologue. To be continued.

Okay, so I know I should update SWY; but I've been obsessed with Hetalia lately, still struggling with depression and a bunch of drama at home… So I need to write what I want to write… Not force myself to write something for the fans. Any fans of that reading this, I'm sorry but I'll try to work at it in bits and pieces kay? Thank you so much for being so patient and loyal..

Now on to this fic! The idea just randomly hit me this morning as I got my little brothers ready for school and refused to leave. I figured I'd just write the prologue and see what kind of reaction it got from people, then go from there. This is my first Hetalia fic, my first time as writing as the characters though I've read lots of fanfictions and have muses of most of the characters. I hope I did them justice D:

So yeah, leave a review if you'd like; tell me what I did wrong, what I did right, if you have any suggestions or anything please tell me :3 I'm very friendly and answer all my alerts; faves and reviews!~ So don't be afraid to talk ^w^ More to come soon, promise~ (Things will be explained in chapters to come~)