(Random idea that came to my head….I really should go outside…..get the best ideas there but cant at the moment soooo guess I'll do the second best thing *Flips through channels*) (Warning: You may see a drunk Tony…..and Pepper)

Tony sat on the couch watching TV and being lazy like he does every weekend. "Tony!" Pepper said was she walked up to him. "Hm Wha?" Tony said with his eyes half open but sucked into the TV. "We need to get you out of this house" she said. He shook his head still staring at the TV. "Come on its Saturday night you can't seriously want to do this every weekend" Pepper said.

Tony nodded. "Oh come on Tony" she said whining trying to pull him up. "Don't…..wanna go….nowhere" he said. Pepper sat next to him, wrapped her arm around his and kissed his cheek. "We never do anything together" she said. "Look what we're doing" he said. "That's not what I meant" she said. "Fine what do you want to do?" he asked looking at her. "Well remember Rhodey told us about that party in the lounge down by 8th street?" she asked.

"Mhm" Tony said. "Why don't we go?" she asked. Tony groaned. "Fine" he said. "Yay!" Pepper cheered happily. She kissed his cheek again then headed off to go change. Tony threw on a nice black shirt and jeans. Pepper wore a fitted white dress and black heels. "Come on, come on!" she said pulling his arm. They got in the car and drove to the lounge. From outside they could see the party was already crazy.

They walked in and saw Rhodey with his wife. "Hey guys!" Rhodey yelled over the noise. "Hey!" Pepper yelled back. Tony walked over to a sofa and sat there playing with his pod, Pepper saw him then got an idea. She walked up to him with a drink and sat next to him. "Want some?" she asked. Tony took it not looking from his pod and drank it. He looked at it and saw it was red wine. "Can I just have water?" he asked. "Umm they ran out?" she said lying. "Ugh" Tony said drinking more of it.

She left the drink with Tony and walked up to Rhodey. "Loosening him up?" Rhodey asked. "You bet" she said. After a few drinks Pepper walked up to Tony. "Hey are you alright?" Pepper asked. "Oh my gosh Pepper I'm amazing!" Tony said. Tony narrowed his eyes and stared at her. "What?" Pepper asked. "You look prettier than usual" he said. Pepper giggled and sat next to him. Tony rested his head on her shoulder. "You're so soft" Tony said hugging her.

Rhodey walked up to them. "You're wasted man" he said laughing. "Hey….w-wasted is my middle name" Tony said pointing to Rhodey. "I think I like drunk Tony better than the normal Tony" Pepper said. "Who's drunk Tony?" Tony asked. "Oh wait that's me!" he said laughing. Tony slid down to Pepper's lap. Tony got up after a while then started dancing on a table with a guy dancing on the table next to his. "WE POPPIN TAGS!" Tony said singing to the Thrift Shop. Pepper and Rhodey laughed and clapped. "I'M GONNA POP SOME TAGS ONLY GOT $20 DOLLAS IN MAH POCKET!" Tony put his arm around the guy and the guy put his arm around Tony.

It was two in the morning. "I think he's had enough fun" Pepper said. "Yeah…" Rhodey said. Rhodey grabbed Tony and carried him on his back to their car. "Thanks Rhodey see you" Pepper said getting in the car. "Turn on the music….where's the party hereeeee" Tony whined moving around in his seat. "You need to go to sleep" Pepper said. "No way sleeping is for owls" he said. "Owl's don't sleep at night" Pepper said. "Well they should…..they're so dam annoying" Tony said with his arms crossed.

They made it home and Pepper and to piggy back ride Tony inside. "Tony….get off…heavy" Pepper said. Tony got off and started running around the house. "WOOO!" he yelled. "Hey get back here!" she said. "NU UH!" he said taking off his shirt. "Put your shirt back on!" she said. "Shirts are for day people!" he said. Tony turned on the audio system built to play music all around the house. "I'M GONNA POP SOME TAGS ONLY GOT $20 DOLLAS IN MAH POCKET!" Tony sang.

Pepper chased him all around the house. She finally gave out and plopped on the floor. "Guess I have to wait until he gives out" she said. She yawned and went to the kitchen and took out a bottle. She rubbed her head from her headache of Tony. "Bottoms up" she said taking a few shots. Tony and Pepper started running around and dancing. "WOOO!" they both yelled. Pepper took off her dress and jumped in their pool. Tony ran around the backyard holding a bottle of alcohol.

"OWL!" Tony said yelling at a squirrel. He threw the bottle at the squirrel but lucky the squirrel dodged. "GET THAT OWL!" Pepper said getting out of the pool. They chased the squirrel out of their house then Pepper and Tony ran back inside. They finally passed out in their bed at four AM. Few weeks after that incident they have been living normally and have not been partying like that. Pepper woke up and yawned. "Wake up" Pepper said wrapping her arms around Tony's waist. He shook his head no. "You gotta go to work" she said.

He shook his head again. "Come on it'll be over before you know it" she said. Tony got up and got dressed. "Want breakfast?" Pepper asked. Tony shook his head. "I just wanna get this day over with" he said. "Well have a good day" she said then kissed him. Tony walked to his car and drove away to Stark Industries. Suddenly Pepper felt like she had to vomit. "What the?" she said. She ran to the bathroom and threw up, she groaned. "I think I ate something bad…" she said. She threw up every day from then on, she scheduled a doctor's appointment after a week.

"Hello Mrs. Stark the doctor will see you now" said the nurse. Pepper was led into a room and she sat on the examining table. After her blood pressure test and all that junk the doctor came in. "Hello Mrs. Stark what's the problem today?" he asked. "I've been throwing up a lot this week" she said. "On what time of day?" he asked writing things down. "Mornings and sometimes afternoon" she said. "Mhm…." The doctor said.

He ran a few tests on her. "Well it looks like you have the flu" he said. "Oh well that makes sense" she said. "I'll prescribe some meds then it should be gone by next week" he said. Pepper left the doctor's office and went home. "How'd it go?" Tony asked. "I have the flu" she said. "Aw" Tony said. "I'll sleep on the couch" Tony said. "No you don't have to" she said. "But I don't wanna get sick" he said. "You can sleep in our room and I sleep in the guest room" she said. "How about the other way around" he said. "You know just to keep you comfortable" he said.

"Alright" she said.

(Sooo what do you think? Reviewwww :D) (And about that story It's complicated hehehe I didn't realize some of the content was from White Chicks XP but it was still funny, IMMA WHITE CHICKS! XD)