Writers notes: I have never played the DLC's so forgive me if characters actions don't reflect the games. I'm trying to not leave characters out. I studied the wiki site for Javik heavily. I warn you now Kasumi and Zaeed have been written out. If you feel they need to be in here please use your imagination to bring them in :) Last edited 05/18/19 it has been 4 years sense I last worked on this. Grammar and flow is absolutely terrible. I am working on it though.

Running count: Reaper Invasion ETA Unknown. Assume 6 months.

"Shepard. Wake up. Wake up damit." Shouted Tali, as she shook Shepard. Shepard's eyes slowly opened, as Tali yanked him to a half sitting position, before dropping him.

"What. What's going on? Did we stop the Reapers?" Asked Shepard, with a dreary voice rubbing his eyes.

"What the hell are you talking about? We're still on one." Replied Tali, shocked to hear. Shepard leaned up, as Tali climbed off of him, and began looking around. Husks were laying everywhere, and they were only as far aboard the dead Reaper as the dragons teeth. Shepard then noticed a living husk coming into view, running at them.

"Tali watch out." Shouted Shepard Grabbing Tali and pulling her clear across his body. As this happened a concussive shot fired by Garrus smashed into the husk. Knocking it away. Garrus finished it with a shot to the head, and then came out of cover heading to Shepard. He holstered his weapon on his back. It was his mantis. Holstering his weapon.

"That's all for now, but we need to get out of here." Stated Garrus giving Tali his hand and pulling her to her feet. He then offered it to Shepard who was now sitting up. "Are you alright?" Asked Garrus.

"To be honest. I'm not sure. I'm not sure what to make of any of this." Answered Shepard rubbing his head sounding Groggy.

"You're gonna have to be," Replied Garrus grabbing Shepard by the arm, and pulling him on his feet. "Listen this mission is a lost cause. I don't know what all happened. But we have to forget about the IFF. I'm already down to my last thermal clip, and I don't wont to run out of ammo in here."

"What about the Reapers kinetic barriers? They'er what's keeping us in here." Asked Shepard now looking Garrus in the eye. Shepard was still trying to get a grip on everything that just happened.

"Something already took them down. Might have been the Geth, but I haven't seen any." Replied Garrus. Another husk came running at the team off set behind Shepard. Quickly Garrus pulled his pistol from his waist and fired without taking a second to aim. The husk fell and Garrus's already serious face turned even more serious. "Shepard we can talk about this later, but we have to move. Now."

"Alright." Replied Shepard shaking off the last of his disorientation and pulling his assault rifle. "Let's move." The team started walking at a brisk pace. Like you would in a bad neighborhood. Heading Back the way they had came. Back up the stairs, and turning right down the long walkway. "So what the hell happened?" Asked Shepard as they turned the corner up the stairs, firing on husk climbing up the sides husk peppered the catwalk and along the walls further down. All climbing towards them.

"All I know is when I woke up, husks were everywhere. Both you and Tali were unconscious. Tali woke up maybe a minutes after me and for the past ten minutes we've been fighting husk trying to wake your ass up," Explained Garrus as he ejected his last thermal clip from his pistol. "Damn it. I'm out." Grunted Garrus.

"I take it there were a lot of them?" Replied Shepard aggressively handing Garrus the clip.

"You don't know the half of it Shepard." Replied Garrus changing to his assault rifle, inserting the new clip.

"There's the exit," Shouted Tali as they neared the left turn off the walkway. Tali then Suddenly fell when a husk crawling up the side of the walkway grabbed her by the leg. Tali flipped over immediately after falling, and blasted the husk as it climbed up her body. A single round from her katana blew its head to pieces.

Shepard whipped around at the sound of Tali's shotgun going off behind him. Seeing a dead husk laying on top of her. "Tali." He shouted turning back. Garrus continued to advance but only up to the corner.

Tali rolled the dead husk off of her just as Shepard reached her. "I'm good, Just go." Commanded Tali as she kicked the dead Husk off her legs.

"Not without you. Come on." Replied Shepard as he hastily grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. Husk were still coming over the walk way and were closing in on their position When Shepard turned to run he found more husk coming from the exit. Garrus was already firing into the tiny horde.

"Shepard. That was our exit." Yelled Garrus firing into the crowd, taking out the closest ones first.

"Blow through them." Replied Shepard, Joining in. Suddenly, dust fell in front of Shepard from the cables above. Causing him to look up. A Geth was above them, high in the cables. The Geth dropped immediately upon Shepard's sighting of it, and landed between Shepard and the exit, just a meter in front of him.

"Shepard Commander. Get down." Ordered the Geth. Asking no questions Shepard, Tali, and Garrus quickly ducked and moved out of the Geth's line of fire, backing into the corner. The Geth's carried a spitfire, and it took only seconds to spool up. It fired rapidly. Laying waste to the husks behind them. After just seconds the entire crowd filing in the rear laid dead. The Geth then aimed for the husk coming from the exit and cleared them just as quickly. "This weapon has been used to its capacity. We can no longer maintain our position. We must depart immediately," Stated the Geth throwing the weapon off to one side. The Geth then drew its widow sniper rifle and began to walk towards the exit as Shepard and the team stood up.

"Wait. How do I know I can trust you?" Asked Shepard, stopping the Geth in its tracks. The Geth turned and looked at Shepard.

"This unit could have terminated Shepard Commanders life. Or left Shepard Commander to fight the husks. This platform could have escaped, but chose not to. If that is not reason enough. We must continue moving or Reaper forces will overwhelm us." Replied the Geth.

A comm signal broke through, interrupting Shepard and the Geth. It was Joker. "Commander your life signs just came back up. Thank god you're all still alive. We cant use the docking tube. Husk were all over that thing. We tried to send another squad, but they couldn't push through. I'm updating your Nav point. There will be a shuttle waiting."

"Joker what the hell happened?... Come in Joker." Shouted Shepard back into his comm. He got no response though.

"The Reaper must still be dampening our signals." Suggested Tali quickly.

"Alright Geth. You made your point. Now let's get the hell out of here." Replied Shepard as he started to look at his omni tool for the Nav point. Shepard was interrupted by Garrus before he could though.

"Shepard I Just checked the Nav point. We now have to go back the way we came," Stated Garrus sounding displeased.

"Figures..." Replied Shepard with a sigh. "We better move." Shepard began to walk. He stopped though when Tali spoke.

"Just a second." Requested Tali. Tali went for the spitfire that the Geth used. It was sitting precariously, just at the edge of the catwalk.

"Creator Zorah, that weapons power source has been depleted. It is no longer effective as a weapon, and will only burden you." Stated the Geth.

"I am not leaving something like this behind," Replied Tali.

"We don't have time for this. Tali if you want it, it's on you. Now let's move." Ordered Shepard. Shepard, Tali, Garrus, and the Geth briskly walked back down the the catwalk, having no trouble with the few husk climbing up along the way. They moved back down the stairs and hung a right before the dragon teeth, and headed down the same path Shepard had before waking up. Reaching the same door. Shepard found it was locked. "Tali, get on it." Ordered Shepard hearing more husk knocking over things as they came their way. Shepard and Garrus Watched the only entrance, while Tali began to move toward the door dragging the spitfire. But the Geth took her place, and started hacking the door. The husk now came around the corner, and the team fired on them the moment they were sighted. The husk were quickly gunned down, but the sheer number allowed them to slowly push in. Meanwhile the Geth continued to work. "Tali, take over," Ordered Shepard firing his assault rifle into the closing crowd.

"Shepard I need another clip," Shouted Garrus ejecting the one Shepard had given him. Shepard responded quickly, pulling another clip, and tossing it to Garrus. He then returning to firing on the husks coming down the narrow path.

Tali had began moving towards the door, preparing for the worst. when it opened. "It's open," She shouted.

"You must hurry" Stated the Geth stepping through as it began to cover the team. With the door open the team backed behind the door while continuing to fire on the husk. The husk followed the team until the door sealed in between them, cutting off the supply. A few had made it through the door though, but only for the squad and the Geth to take them down with a few well-placed shots. They then made their way to the next door. No more than ten feet behind them.

"Can Tali get this one?" Asked Shepard to the Geth, Staring it down. Instinctively Shepard pulled another thermal clip and passed it off to Garrus, without even looking. Garrus stowed it for safe keeping.

"Yes," Replied the Geth, seemingly unphased. The Geth waited patiently. Letting Tali access the door control panel. She quickly opened the door, where they found the shuttle waiting. Husk free. The squad and Geth walked quickly to the shuttle and Shepard banged on the door. The pilot was waiting and opened it immediately. As the team began to board, husk started climbing over the nearby railings. Quickly Shepard went for the door controls and closed the shuttle door behind them.

"Get us out of here," Ordered Shepard, backing away from the door. Husk could be seen beating against the shuttle, trying to get in. The pilot did not do as he was ordered though and instead got out of his seat and shambled towards Shepard with a knife. The Geth reacted in an instant and shot the pilot with its widow, blasting him into the wall. they all turned towards the Geth but they could see the knife the pilot had. "Take its weapon." Demanded Shepard. there wasn't much room inside the shuttle but Tali stepped towards the Geth and ripped the rifle from the Geth's hands. The Geth released the weapon with no fight, and Tali set it off to the side. She then quickly retrained her shotgun on the Geth.

"Shepard Commander. We detected an indoctrinated presence. All Indoctrinated platforms are beyond saving and must be eliminated." Stated the Geth, Staring as innocently as possible. Shepard glared at the Geth.

"Garrus get us out of here." Demanded Shepard. Garrus nodded and went for the shuttle controls. The engines fired and. The shuttle left the Cerberus platform, diving through a breach in the Reapers hull, heading for the Normandy.