A/N: This story is rated M for violence, depression consumption of alcohol by a minor as well as other dark and mature themes

His peaceful silence had been broken when a large clock chimed ten times slowly ringing through vast halls, stairways, a maze of bookshelves and table areas the computer table along with old fashioned designed couches reading areas for scholars both young and old. Silver hair his bangs falling to his nose with the rest collar bone length gently handling a older hard back book. A sigh escaping his lips he managed to tear himself away from the book he had been reading, making the decision to check out this novel that thoroughly kept him out later than intended. Getting up from a comfortable antique couch he looked for the same route he'd used earlier to get out of the maze of old bookshelves to his destination. Remembering partially he walked through said maze being careful to pay attention and not step on books left laying about on the wooden floor or knock any novels off of the shelves. For a moment he seems lost than after searching for a gold lettered name plate engraving that read 'Horror' that sparked his memory as he continued to move through rows of books.

Going up to the front desk of the library that same silverette with pale skin lithe but well muscled looked out through a beautiful glass tall glass window to pitch black night. He could see what happened to be the beginning of a winter storm that had been called for on local news as well as radio stations. Taking another glance for just a moment before an older woman librarian patiently waited for him to finish. Before politely asking for his library card he handed it to the woman who gave it a brief look stamped the inside of the book. Briefly asking if he had a ride since walking around at night has never been the safest idea. When the silverette nodded although skeptical she only sent sent him on his way.

Walking down halls as well as stairs he briefly stopped to look out another smaller window before continuing down the staircase leading him to the outside of the library. He had not expected to have stayed so long but a book he'd selected kept him interested reading for hours before even checking out said book. With his precious item stowed away in between jacket and body blue eyes searched for a telephone booth to call and arrange a ride. Though this idea slipped away as he realized his pockets are empty. Effectively stranding the teen forcing him to endure so knowing what had to be done the young adult started to walk.

This dark night in Capulet City snow started to blanket broken pavement and asphalt it's cold enough to see one's own breath yet in the midst of the snow falling so thickly you can barely see you're own hand he walked dressed in a simple black zip up hoodie jacket down the street. Hair blowing in gusts of wind one arm in a sling the other in a pocket of his hoodie the cold biting furiously at his whole body yet he just kept walking. Deciding to cut into an alley hoping the buildings will offer some protection from the bitter cold and blinding wall of snow. So when he stepped into an alley not naive enough to think no one would share in his idea to be out in this winter weather. He thought himself prepared for anyone who might want to harm him. As the man in late teens sat against a broad wall those bricks rough against his back even through the fabric of his jacket seemingly taking a break after having walked at least five blocks.