Intro: to those of you who have me on DeviantART, this story won't be that much of a new for you as I decided to test out there 1st. But for the rest of you, I hope you like it!

But please remember everyone, I am really busy with my life at the moment so be patient for more!

So I am happy to present;

Lord Kaito

By Storylady35

It had been over three years since Rin had re-joined lord Sesshomaru, travelling the world with him once more, standing at his side as he never ended in his roaming, battling demons and being magnificent.

At least, in Rin's eyes, he always would, had and will be magnificent. Nothing he did could ever change her opinion of him.

Now eighteen years old, Rin had grown to be a beautiful young woman, a fact often picked up by people she met. But she didn't care, sweeping their comments aside with a smile and a laugh before running off after the tail of her lord.

He'd give her little looks, strange glances as she smiled and ran after him. He said nothing about the others, just gave her those looks before carrying on.

Sometimes she'd return them, tipping her head to the side while brushing her hair, her eyes catching the corner of his before breaking apart.

Master Jaken was still there, complaining as always but he was no longer the same size as Rin as she towered over him. He still moaned at being forced to babysit her, still complained at her childish behaviour, still sighed at her attitude. But they were all used to it now so paid no real attention.

All the same, Rin had grown into a brave and wonderful young woman and one day, the trio found their way to the ocean where they spent the rest of the day walking along the beach, Rin collecting seashells in the folds of her kimono.

"Ohh." She laughed, holding up a shell to the sunlight. "This one's so pretty."

"Rin, stop dawdling."

Holding her sleeve tight, the young woman chuckled at the imp. "Come on, Jaken, just look at these shells."

He grunted and closed his eyes, continuing to walk forward. "Stop wasting our time."

Looking closer at the twisted shell she had just found, the perfect condition it was in and the abnormal size of it. Smiling, she dropped the rest of her shells, deciding to keep this one.

Still twisting it in her fingers, Rin continued to follow on after her lord. An hour of walking later, Rin was staring out at the sea, watching the waves crash on the sand before turning her head the other way. "Master Jaken… do you think Lord Sesshomaru would stop here for the night? I would really like to go for a swim."

Jaken huffed, arms folded as always. "Don't be ridiculous. Lord Sesshomaru isn't going to stop just for your enjoyment…."


Filching, Jaken turned to see his master looking at him. "Ye…yes my lord?"

His golden eyes shifted to Rin before looking back ahead. "Go find fire wood."

As Jaken's jaw dropped, Rin grinned and looked at the ocean as her lord continued to walk on, stopping at some rocks to sit and close his eyes. Jaken grumbled as he staggered off to find firewood and Rin decided to take advantage of the time to take her outer kimono off and wade into the cold water alone, diving under the waves and swimming out as far as she dared.

Kagome had long ago taught her how to swim and when she could find a good place, it was something she enjoyed. Dipping in and out of the waves, Rin held her breath and swam with the fish before catching one with her bare hands, returning to the surface for air.


She turned, still holding the fish by the tail to see Jaken splashing in the waves towards her. "Master Jaken?"

Coughing, he swam to her, clambering onto her back as he tried desperately to get his breath back. "Rin… you… idiot. Get back to the shore."

She smiled and nodded before swimming back towards the beach and climbing out, dropping Jaken and the fish as she did before slipping her kimono back on, not caring that it soon became soaked. Quickly she walked over to the fire pit carved into the sand, the fire crackling on the base.

Lord Sesshomaru was staring at her as she walked over but soon dropped his eyes away as Rin began seeing to the fish, Jaken muttering at her side as he tried to dry himself off.

While the sun set, Rin left the two demons to walk down the beach alone, sighing to herself as she did. Her eyes wandered over the sky and the world around her, her curiously peaking at the sight of her lord, standing atop a cliff, staring at the sky. She tipped her head and turned away, plotting a route up to him. She climbed carefully, her bare feet clinging to the rocks as she pulled herself up.

Finally she reached the top, just as the sky began to darken, scrambling over the last hurdle. Smoothing down her kimono, she walked slowly over towards her lord, smiling as she did. "Lord Sesshomaru."

He didn't move or blink but she walked over to him and stood at his side, now shoulder height with him. They stood in silence, Rin smiling out at the sky as the stars slowly became visible, littering the sky as tiny diamonds, made all the more evident by the invisible new moon.

The sea crashed against the rock below and the wind brushed back against her face as she sighed happily, plucking up her courage. "Lord Sesshomaru, may I ask you something?"

He said nothing but over the years, Rin had come to take silence as a yes and continued with her question, keeping her eyes on the stars. "I was just wondering… what do you think happens when we die?"

For the first time, the demon blinked, turning his head to her then looking back to the sky. "I have seen what some would call reincarnation but I would never truly saw any proof of it. I find that although a person may hold the same outward appearance, the heart and soul are different."

Trying not to sigh, Rin looked at him closer, the wind messing with both of their hair. When it fell still, she turned her head towards him. "That doesn't answer my question my lord. What do you think happens when we die?"

"You mean do I believe in an afterlife?"

"Yes my lord."

"Do you?"

She sighed, turning her eyes away to the stars. "In a way. When I was little, my mother told me… that when she died she'd become a star, so she could always watch over me. I would like to believe that. That even if they are gone… my brother and parents are watching over me now."

Eyes narrow, Sesshomaru looked over the stars himself, wondering if the young woman's words were true.

Letting out a deep breath, she huffed and closed her eyes. "I wonder if your father is up there as well, my lord."

The demon felt his breath hitch, amazed that she would say what he was thinking at that moment. Suddenly he began taking in the stars, part of him wondering which one was his father and what he would think if he was looking down at that moment.

His fingers closed so naturally around hers, he didn't even realise it for at least three minutes and when he did, he just blinked at her daringness to touch him. But still, he held her in return.

She made no movements, no sound and no reaction, just standing, staring out at the sky and stars.

"Lord Sesshomaru!"

His claws almost cut her skin as he moved, freeing his hand from her. He turned and walked over to the edge of the cliff, stepping out and floating out of the sky. Rin stood and watched him leave, smiling in her own sad way before turning to make her way down the cliff to the beach.

However, half way down, her right foot slipped on the rocks and she grabbed hold of the cliff side to get her grip back. "Ehh!" her feet failed out under her trying desperately to try and get a grip again before her hands gave way.

But then she felt something wrap itself slowly around her waist, pulling her away from the rocks and float down to the beach, almost dropping her onto the sand.

Jaken frowned at her, pointing his finger at her. "How dare you waste our lord's time? You need to be more careful!"

Rin lowered her head as the demon behind her walked past her to the fire. She bit her lip as he went across the camp site. "I'm sorry my lord." She whispered, bowing her head a little before looking up at the cliff. "It… it's easier getting up than down."

He blinked as he sat down then dropped his eyes. Silence was always a good thing with Sesshomaru.

Rin sighed and looked at the fire before yawning. "I… I think I will turn in for the night. It's getting late."

The demon looked up to catch her eye but by then she was lying on her side, her back to the fire, her head on her arms. She never slept with a blanket or anything of comfort and warmth, just the ground.

Jaken huffed as he threw a stick on the fire. "Hrr, no matter how old that girl gets, she is still such a child."

"Jaken, let her be."

"But my lord…"

"Let her be."

Rin sighed, closing her eyes.

Sleep soon claimed her, her breathing falling in time with the waves lapping on the sand. The night drew on, growing darker and darker, Jaken dropping off where he sat, snoring in his loud normal way.

Sitting and leaning on the rocks, Lord Sesshomaru stared at the sky before suddenly standing and walking off, just leaving the two behind and vanished. Nobody woke up at his actions, his movements too fast and silent to be noticed.

As the pair continued to sleep, an hour passed before slowly the ocean began to bubble and churn, parting to allow a figure to walk out of the waves. He was an exceptionally tall man with shoulder long hair, a soft spikey texture to it in calm water blue, darker highlights crossing it like waves. His bare feet caused deep impressions in the sand as he walked out of the waves, bone dry. He walked with elegance, a fact helped by the nature of his clothing, a long pair of loose dark green trousers while his ripped, toned chest was bare to the night air. He was muscular and lean with a long green and blue cape around his shoulders, sweeping around in the wind.

On each of his arms, locked around his strapping biceps were two thin, delicate gold bands, shaped to appear like mermaids, the same being around his ankles, some more of the metal acting as a belt to his pants and lock on the cape.

Taking a deep breath the man looked over the beach, giving a smile to himself, running a hand back in his hair, swaying his way over to the camp fire. "Well…." He said, his voice soft but firm, his eyes looking at the air. "I thought I sensed you nearby Sesshomaru." But on looking around the camp, he frowned and stared down at Jaken as he slept. "Still trailing after him, Jaken? So where is the old dog anyway? I was hoping to pick up on an old…" The stranger stopped, his feet catching with something on the floor.

His eyes dropped to see a long lump lying in his shadow and stepped to the side, allowing the light to cast over her, his eyes widening at the sight of her. "Who… who are you?" His voice almost purred as he knelt, reaching out and ran a hand back in her hair. "You are… beautiful."

As his hand caressed her skin, Rin rolled onto her back, moaning as she did. The demon smiled, running his finger over her lip, tickling her as his eyes went over her body, before making up his mind and nodding. "You are coming with me."

Carefully, his hand slid under her neck and knees, lifting her up, turning where he stood and walking back towards the ocean. However, as he turned, the wind picked up around him, blowing out the fire and the cold woke the imp. He blinked and shook himself awake. "What… what's going on?"

The other turned back, Rin still fast asleep in his arms. "Jaken, we meet again. It's been a long time."

The imp stared at him, eyes wide. "Lo…Lord Kaito!" His eyes fell to the woman, jumping forward and pointing at the man. "What are you doing with Rin!"

The lord grinned as he looked down in his arms. "Rin? What a lovely name." His eyes moved to the imp. "And in answer to your question… I am taking Rin to my home."

Dumbstruck, Jaken watched as Lord Kaito turned back to the water, walking across it as if it was solid. "Wait… you… you can't just take her! Wait… Rin! Rin wake up! Rin!" He tried to run after her, but the waves soon pushed him back. "Rin! Rin! Rin wake… wake up!"

Hearing her name, Rin stirred and wiggled in the strangers arms. "Wha… what's going on?"

"You're awake."

Her eyes lifted up to the man, his green eyes bright and strong as he looked at her. She frowned at him. "Who… who are you?" Her eyes moved to see the way he was holding her. "Wa… put me down! Please! Put me down! Put me down now!"

Kaito laughed freely as she struggled in his arms, holding her tight. "Wow, you have spirit. I like that."

She kicked and struggled against him, punching her fists against his chest. "Put me down! Let me go!"

The lord chuckled, leaning over to her ear, forcing her ear onto his lips. "There is a fine line between 'spirit' and 'fight'. Now sleep."

She grunted in pain once but then her head fell against his arm, her eyes closed. Jaken swallowed as he stood up to his neck in water. "What have you done to her!"

"She's just asleep. Now… I'm taking her with me. But Jaken… tell Sesshomaru I said hello." He smiled as the water swept up around him and Rin, bringing them under the water.

"Wait! Wait! Rin! Rin! Lord Sesshomaru! Rin!"

Kaito grinned, looking down into his arms as his travelled deep under the salty ocean. "Come on, little one."

With the woman unconscious in his arms, he just stood in the sphere of air for a few minutes before it popped like a bubble, revealing a large open courtyard, illuminating with several bright torches, the whole place surrounded by a transparent dome that allowed a beautiful view of the ocean, schools of fish darting back and forth as they swam past in the bright colours of an underwater world.

Carrying Rin across the courtyard to the palace, a wonderful building of elegant designs and royal insignias, he walked inside and headed straight to his room, laying her slowly on the pillows and blankets.


Turning his head, Kaito saw an old figure with faded blue hair tied up in a bun, hunched over with a walking stick. He bowed his head slightly as she came closer. "Mother."

"What are you doing?" She asked, looking at the sleeping Rin. "Who is this?"

"Her name is Rin. I intend to court her."

His mother tipped her head, looking down at the girl. "She's human."

"So?" He grinned, knelt on the other side of her. "That never stopped Lord Tashio."

The old woman chuckled, her eyes drifting over the woman. "You always did idolise him."

"I will do the right thing with her, mother. I will treat her well."

"You better son." Slowly she stood and turned away from him to the door. "I will arrange a change of clothes for her."

"Thank you mother." Kaito sighed, looking at the girl, brushing her hair away from her eyes.

As his fingers trailed down her cheek, her eyes fluttered open. Dazed, she looked around for a moment, taking in her position. Finally her eyes landed on the dark blue haired man beside her. "Wait… who are you?"

Hand on his heart, the man smiled and bowed his head. "My name is Lord Kaito, Rin."

Sitting up, Rin blinked while brushing her hair over her shoulder. "Where am I?"

"Under the ocean, in my home."


"You ask a lot of questions."

"Why am I here?"

Brushing his own hair back, Kaito grinned at her. "I found you on the beach. There was a demon near you so I decided to rescue you and bring you here."

Her face fell at his words. "Rescue? But… I wasn't a prisoner."

"You weren't? But I could sense Lord Sesshomaru near you. Wasn't he holding you prisoner?"

"Lord Sesshomaru?" She smiled at his name. "No, he… he's my guardian."

Kaito stared at her for a moment, tipping his head to the side. "Really? Is that so? Your guardian?"

Strangely, Rin dropped her eyes away from him, her cheeks growing warmer as she did. "What… do you mean?"

He smiled, leaning on his arm. "Sesshomaru and I go back. We were practically raised together." He closed his eyes, a peaceful look crossing his face. "I could tell you so many stories of the trouble he got into as a cub. He wasn't always the tough ice brick he is now." He peaked to look at the woman, her eyes wide with intrigue before closing his eyes again. "For years the two of us just messed around and had a laugh but then… we went our separate ways. He began spending all his time training… preparing himself for when he would be taking over his father's land. But I… I on the other hand turned my attention to more subtle skills."

"Like what?"

He gave a warm heart filled chuckle before putting his finger to his lips. "How to explain my many skills?" He gave her a devilish smile as he thought. "Well… in simplest form… I can… read people."

Kneeling, Rin looked closer at him. "How can you iread/i a person?"

"Well… it's more like… I can read a person's feelings. How a person is going to react or behave. It took me years to master it but now…" he waved his arms above his head. "I can read a person at a single glance."

With a giggle, Rin leant a little closer. "So… can you read me?"

He smiled, eyes narrow as he looked over her. "Humm… you are… clearly curious. Confused to why you are here. But…." He slowly reached out his hand to her, poking her on the nose. "But you are happy." He pulled back his arm on seeing her smile. "I guess you don't get to talk much, not if you travel with Sesshomaru. That hasn't changed. He was never one to waste time talking."

"I… I get to talk. It's just… often one sided."

"I can imagine that. So…" His eyes turned back to her. "What is Sesshomaru to you?"

Her eyes widened before dropping away from him, twiddling her fingers.

Kaito gave a 'oh' sound before smiling. "So that's it." He stood, turning his back to her. "Rin… how long have you been with Sesshomaru?"


"How many?"

Rin kept her eyes on her fingers. "I knew him when I was little. He looked after me. But then he made stay behind. When I was older he allowed me to re-join him."

"How long ago was that?"

"Three years."

"I see. And… how do you feel about him?"

"What do you mean?"

He huffed once but it was saddened. "I don't know why I asked. One look in your eyes and its obvious." He sighed, kneeling back at her side. "How long have you felt this way for him? Months? Years?"

As the meaning of his words sank in, Rin sniffed before covering her face with her hands, the tears coming so quickly and uncontrollably, they were a surprise to even her.

The demon swallowed as he leant closer to her, sweeping her into his arms. "I… I'm so sorry! I mean to…." He sighed, holding her close. "I'm sorry, I sometimes say things without thinking. I didn't mean to upset you."

Choking back her tears, Rin leant into his warm cape, her arms snaking around him as she did. "I… I'm sorry."

"No, no, don't apologise my dear." His voice was soft, cooing into her head as his fingers stroked the back of her hair. "There, there. You cry if you want. I know… it's hard. It must hurt."

She sniffed and sobbed for a while until she finally gained control of herself, pushing away from his shoulder and arms. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologise for." His smile warmed her as she looked into his green loving eyes. She stared at him for a while but then he reached out from her shoulder to her cheek, running his thumb against the tear tracks. "Tears don't suit your pretty face."

Allowing him to brush her tears away, Rin ended up turning his face towards his hand, leaning against him as she smiled. "You're very kind."

"Thank you. I just need to learn to keep my mouth shut."

As Rin half snickered, half sniffed, she placed her head on his caped shoulder, her arm holding loosely to his shoulder. "You… don't mind?"

"Of course not." Kaito sighed, holding her shoulders and the back of her head. "Not at all."

Leaning fully on his shoulder, Rin sighed and closed her eyes. "I… I know Sesshomaru will never return… my… my… feelings. But I just… every time I see him… when I look into his eyes… it feels like my heart is going to burst. I just want to scream my feelings out to him but… I'm so scared. Sometimes… I want to… just run away from him… but I can't. I can't bring myself to… to leave him."

The lord sighed and leant into her head before closing his eyes. "Rin… you are… a beautiful, young woman. The main word being iyoung/i. You still have your whole life ahead of you, there will be others."

Rin shook her head into the folds of his arm and chest. "Not like him. There will never be anyone but him. I love him too much."

Silence fell for a while before Rin gave a short curded laugh. He turned his head to look at her. "What's wrong?"

"I… I just realised… that was the first time I said it aloud. And probably the last." She gave another loud sniff and began to cry again as the lord brushed her hair back, thinking as they sat in the mess of his bed. Eventually, Rin pushed herself away and wiped her eyes. "Sorry."

"How many times…." He sighed, dropping his arms to her waist. "You have nothing to apologise for Rin." The demon kept his grip on her while brushing his nose against her head, listening as she took several long breaths. When she'd calmed down, he sighed again. "Rin… why don't you stay down here for a while?"


"Stay here." He looked up at the roof of his room. "Stay here in my palace, as my guest and… and just get away from him for a while. You can just… relax… get your head together. Then when you're ready… if you want… you can go back to the surface."

Rin's eyes watered as she stared at him, contemplating his words but then she shook her head away from him. "That sounds wonderful… but… I should return to him."

Kaito gave another loud sigh as he let go of her and brushed hair back. "I can't stand it… a beautiful woman like you… pining away over a man… who'll never love you back." He gulped suddenly and covered his mouth. "Oh there goes my mouth again! I'm so sorry Rin."

Rin chuckled before smiling at him. "It's alright."

"No it's not. You clearly love him but I'm…" he grunted as he stood up, walking across the room and turning his back to her. "I'm such an idiot!"

Laughing and wiping her eyes, Rin stood up and walked over to him. "It's ok. I understand, really. Thank you for… listening."

With a smile, he turned back to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, hugging her tight. "I'm… sorry about the whole… kidnapping thing." He leant off her shoulder and smiled at her glowing cheeks. "Are you sure about… going back to the surface? You don't want to spend a few days down here?"

Rin swallowed before shaking her head and looking at her feet. "No, I… I really need to get back… I can't… I literally can't be away from him… it hurts too much."

The demon sighed as he shook his head into her hair. "You poor thing." He grunted as he spoke. "Umm… sorry I…."

"It's ok. Your mouth really does run away, doesn't it?" She nodded at him, trying to smile but it slowly dissolved into nothing, grabbing her arms and turning away from him. "I… I just don't want to hurt anymore." She paced across the room, closing her eyes as she did, pausing. "Is it wrong I want to forget?" Turning quickly on the spot, she span to face him. "I want to… forget him. To forget ever meeting him. I just want things to go back to… the way they were; when I was little and I'd… follow him around like his own shadow." She smiled, rubbing her arms. "But I know I will end up right back here… falling further in love with him each second I'm near him. It hurts… it hurts so much… I just want it to stop. I just want to… to forget."

Kaito blinked suddenly and lowered his head, biting his lip.

Rin picked up on it quickly and frowned at him. "Kaito?" She questioned, walking over to him, holding his hands in hers as he refused to look at her. "What is it?"

As his thumb brushed against the back of her palm, taking a long deep breath. "Are you sure?"


"Are you sure you want to forget?" Unearthly green met her brown, stern and clear. "Are you absolutely sure you want to forget?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because…" He said, brushing his hand on hers. "Because there might be a way. But only if you are really sure. I mean… you have to be completely sure."

"Why? What is it?"

Pulling away from her, the man swallowed and ran a hand back in his hair, rolling his eyes as he thought. "Well… there is… there is this plant, the 'sea dragon' plant. And if a tea is made from its roots… then the drinker will… forget… what they want to forget. It's used particularly in times of war, to make people forget secrets."

Rin moved so he was looking at her. "What… would it do to me?"

"It can be used to… remove particular memories." His hand ran back in her hair, shrugging at her. "You would completely forget him. You would forget what he looks like, how he acts… every memory containing him… would be erased or edited."

"Would… would it hurt?"

"No, it's painless. You'd fall asleep and forget."

Rin blinked, turning her head to the floor, squeezing his hands back. "Could… could you do it?"

"I couldn't… it has to be done by someone who's been trained. Or it could cause you to lose all your memories. But… I know someone who could."

"How long?"

"It could be ready in about an hour. But Rin you need to think about this very carefully." He stared firmer into her eyes, gripping her shoulders tightly. "It isn't to be taken lightly. The dragon tea will erase your memories but… it isn't reversible. Which… is good, in times of war but…." He held her arm tight. "If you take it willingly… you have to understand what will happen. You will never get your memories of Sesshomaru back."

Rin nodded as she stared at him. "I understand."

Staring at her for a moment, the lord frowned before nodding. "As I said… it will take a few hours to prepare and it's the middle of the night. Why don't you use the time to think? Be sure you want to do this."

"I am sure."

"All the same, think about it. Until then…" he nodded and let go of her, stepping away and smiling. "Feel free to use my room to your pleasure. You should try and sleep if you can. But I have had a change of clothes prepared for you, it should be ready by morning."

Slowly Rin bowed her head. "Thank you Lord Kaito."

He smiled, reaching over to her cheek and lifting her head up. "I only want to look after you Rin. I'll leave you to sleep." his hand moved slowly down to her chin, holding her in place as his eyes stared into hers. "You… you are so beautiful."

Rin blushed as her eyes moved away from him and felt his hand slid off her skin.

"I will see you in the morning. Try and sleep."

"Thank you, again."

He gave another smile but then turned to the door, closing it behind him. Rin smiled to herself before turning back to the bed and lying down in the abnormal comfort. But it wasn't long before her mind fell back to the dog demon and her tears began again, crying herself to sleep.

Thats all for now fokes! Please review!