Decided to finally put this damn account to (hopefully) good use. I was inspired by fellow author Commander Zucchini's 100-theme series A Measure of Treasure. Check it out when you have the time, it's a good read.

Most of these will be centered around Jim and/or Silver but will include other characters so it doesn't get boring.

These will range from pre-voyage, to during the voyage and to beyond with a few AU's I may come up with.

And at the risk of losing precious readers , I'll just get it over with and say that there will be no slash. In fact, romance will be kept to a minimum.

Treasure Planet and its characters are not mine. If they were let's just say the movie wouldn't even be a fraction of how awesome it is.

Enjoy…I hope…

Not even a day on the ship and Jim's whole outlook on the voyage was ruined.

Sure, experiencing his first launch and the space whales were really fun. Sure, thanks to his map, they were all on a grand adventure to the Treasure Planet. Sure, when they do find it, they'll all be rich beyond their wildest dreams and Jim would finally have a future and it would be all thanks to him.

But now? Jim can't even begin to describe how done he is.

For starters, he's stuck cooking and cleaning just like he was back at home. At least at home he could easily escape on his solar surfer, but now he's pretty much a bird with clipped wings.

Then there's the people he's trapped with. Dr. Doppler, Jim can tolerate but at the moment, it's barely. The catty (literally) Captain deemed him cabin boy of all things even though this voyage is all thanks to Jim Hawkins and HIS map. The stony (oh look another pun) First Mate makes the robo-cops back home look like free-thinking liberals. Jim isn't sure what a 'ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots' is supposed to mean, but it sure is a fancy way of insulting the crew.

And the cook?

"'Eh Jimbo, wanna hear a joke?"

Jim thinks it's wise to heed Billy Bones' warning to 'beware the cyborg'.

"'Ere it goes; Me ex-wife still misses me…but 'er aim is getting' better!"

'The farthest regions of the Galaxy' better be closer than they think.

This took me 800 years to write and I only could get it to be this long. Not the best, I know, but I wanted to finally post something (ANYTHING) seeing as how I'm not that interested in most of the new stories here.

Anyway if any of you lovely readers have any ideas, review or drop me a PM; I consider myself mostly harmless. I'll accept almost anything as long as it's under the M rating, romance is not the main focus and absolutely no Jim/Silver slash. Come to think of it, that isn't 'almost anything'.