Jeremy Kyle was playing on the tv, 'My boyfriend cheated on me with another girl', and guess what. 'Now I'm pregnant with his child'. Cas was slouched on the sofa, gazing at the tv emotionless with a 6 pack by his side.

After the incident with Dean he came straight back to his dorm and to the fridge where he looked for any alcohol he could find.

'At least you actually got laid', Cas slurred at the tv, throwing an empty beer can at the flashing screen which lit up his pale, sunken face.

He got up making his way to his bed as he did nothing better to do when there is knocking on the door. At first Cas thought he was imagining it and then there it was again, louder, more desperate this time. 'Go away', he slurred back.

'Cas, it's me Dean'.

Cas' heart started racing, his palms becoming sweaty, mouth dry but there was also the feeling of anger there, he wanted strangle the bastard, coming here after what he said, 'Then definitely go away'.

'Cas I need to see you, it's pretty bad'.

Cas opened the door and was shocked at what he saw. Dean had blood tricking down his forehead, a black eye and a spilt lip.

'Fucking hell what happened to you?' Cas stuttered as he guided Dean to the sofa.

'I love it when you stutter like that, it's so cute'.

'Dean, don't avoid the question. Who the hell did this to you?'

'They overheard us talking outside my dorm after Lisa left'.

'Shit, this is all my fault'.

'No Cas it isn't, I should of known. It's just like Zac, he tried to get one up on me all the time and he had a good angle this time'.

'I'm going to kill him,' Cas muttered under his breath reaching for his coat.

'No Cas you can't, he doesn't know who I was talking to and he never will, anyway you'd be no good in a fight, look at you…not that I'm saying that's a bad thing I like you just how you are', Dean winked at Cas. Cas got some ice and held it against Dean's eye. Dean reached up to take it and an electric shock went through Cas when they touched, he looked into Dean's deep, green eyes and then quickly looked away. 'Wait', whispered Dean barely audible taking hold of Cas' arm and pulling him into a kiss. The breath was knocked out of Cas as Dean pressed his lips against his. He pulled Dean closer never wanting it to end, the feel of his smooth lips against his chapped lips, the warmth of his body and his stubbled chin brushing against his face.

'That was sudden', gasped Cas as he tried to gain his composure failing.

'Sorry I just had to'. Dean brushed away a loose stand of hair that was falling into Cas' eyes. 'You really need a haircut you know'.

'Sorry buzz cut not my style'.

'Firstly Cas, I do not have a buzz cut and secondly you know I'm right'.

'Well I thought you liked me just how I was'.

'Dammit Cas, you really know how to twist someone's words'. Dean leaned into Cas, he could feel his breath tickle his face. 'But I'm afraid I've got to go'.

'Wait, why?' Damn it, he sounded clingy.

'Big day tomorrow, football match and all'.

'Good luck', Cas said beaming up at Dean.

'Don't worry, I won't need it, I've got you', Dean smiled back wolfishly.

'Cocky much, don't let it get to your head'.

Dean leaned in to kiss Cas good bye and then he was gone. Dammit he was gorgeous, Cas thought as Dean left the room admiring his perfectly formed arse.