"Good night hey Cas, we should do this more often".

"Yeah, I guess we should," Cas navigated himself over to the bar, mumbling apologies as his brushed past people. He didn't like to go out, preferred to stay inside studying; actually this was the first time he had gone out for months but he persuaded himself that he needed a break.

"Anything I can get you," asked a young girl with long blonde hair, tumbling down past her shoulders in curls. She was very beautiful.

"Five beers, on me," replied Cas counting the heads of those who had draped back from the party with himself and Balthazar.

"Coming right up."

The bar was dated but also very homely, a welcoming feel to it. He had heard about this bar at college, people saying he should come down here as Ellen gave the students great deals but he had never really had the chance. He looked around, inspecting it. There was a Snooker table in the corner and behind it a door leading into another room, he followed around to the right and saw a collection of old bottles dating back to the early 1900's along the wall.

"Here you go," the young girl came over with the beer and few mats.

"Thanks," replied Cas.

"So are you new then," asked the girl.

Cas looked up, surprised to see her still standing there, looking down at him. It took him a while to work out that the question was being directed at him. "Oh, um I suppose so, I started this term,". Cas scratched him nose, looking down awkwardly.

The girl raised her eyebrow at him and a quick smile flashed across her face, making her look even more beautiful as her features brightened up. "I'm Jo," she said raising her hand out to him.

"Castiel, but everyone calls me Cas," he replied shaking her hand.

"Hello Cas, good to see you. I'm surprised I haven't seen you in here before, most people from the college traipse in here at some point."

"I'm not one for going out, I let Balthazar persuade me."

He looked at his watch, 12.30 am. He better head back. He stood up to leave but as he did there were hushed whispers erupting all around him and everyone turning to look at something. He twisted his head round to see what everyone was looking at. There standing in the doorway was a man, about 6'1 with brown messy hair spiking up in all directions and the greenest eyes he had ever seen.

"Who's that," Cas asked the person next to him.

"That's Dean, Dean Winchester," Rachel replied. "Isn't he handsome," she said resting her head on her hands.

He wore a worn leather jacket and ripped jeans. Cas stared at him, mesmerised by his face and then Dean caught him staring. Cas quickly looked away blushing.

"He's walking over here," Rachel squealed.

"Hey," his voice was low and gruff. "Haven't seen you around before, what's your name." Cas glanced up and saw that he was looking at him. "C-Cas", he stuttered. He went to take a swig of his beer but knocked it over. "Shit," he mumbled under his breath, grabbing for a napkin to mop it up, his face turning a crimson colour.

"Let me buy you another one," Dean said.

"Oh no, really it's fine", Cas replied, "I was just off anyway."

"Aww so soon, but I've only just met you. Come on one beer." Dean looked at Cas, smiling wolfishly.

"No, no sorry I've got to go, nice seeing you."

"And you, hope to see you around". Cas gave a curt nod and weaved his way through the bodies, his hands sweating. He wiped them on his jeans, and once outside leaned against the wall taking deep breaths. He hadn't felt like this about someone for a very long time, maybe ever.

Cas took a deep breath and made his way back to his dorm on the campus, about a 5 minute walk from Ellen's bar. All he saw was Dean's face, his wolfish smile and sparkling green eyes. He walked up the stairs and unlocked his apartment door; luckily he applied early so he got a dorm to himself. He went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature then stripped of his clothes and submerged himself in the steaming water, it pouring off his face clearing his mind of Dean. Finding a pair of checkered pyjamas, Cas put them on and went to bed refusing to think of Dean.