The Prologue of this story is called Summer Romance (but I don't know how to link things here). You can get away with not reading it - but it's recommended you do,

thanks for reading :)

It was a lovely day and everyone was having a rather good time. Except for Jack, because he's all emo and stuff. He was sitting in a tree.

"Buh, why oh why must I be in love with a stomach…" he said wistfully. He was of course referring to the spirit of summer – a magical haggis he met in Pitch's lair not long ago. Jack had never met someone that looked so tasty. He loved a girl with a bit of meat on her too. He had been neglecting his duties recently. It was autumn now, and that's when he liked to start freaking people out with his crazy ice parties. No one noticed really – because they couldn't see him. But the trees always freaked out and got naked.

He blinked and looked up at the yellowing trees. There was a gust of wind and leaves started blowing everywhere.

What!? Jack was so confused – cos the trees were getting freaky without him. He didn't know they did that. He heard a crunch below and looked down to see a sassy looking Viking boy. Jack was also confused because 1. He was a Viking and 2. Jack was in rural Africa and 3. Jack was in a palm tree and he didn't even know they went brown in autumn.

"HEY" He yelled down "wassagoinowan!"

To his surprise the Viking boy turned and looked straight at him

"He's so sassy" Jack whispered to himself.

"You know, I can hear you." Said the boy. Jack was well shocked. He got out his laptop and did a quick tumblr search.

"Aha!" he said, "You're the spirit of Autumn, Hiccup!"

The boy looked taken aback, then kept his cool and was all 'yeah, and what'. Jack was super excited because this meant that the big four WERE real and that he, Hiccup, some other person and his beloved Haggis where going to hook up for awesome fun adventure and peril times.

"We must find the spirit of Spring" Jack said really grandly – like that lion you see at the beginning of movies sometimes. (So grand).

"Oh" said Hiccup "you mean Rapunzel".

At this point Hiccup was pretty sure Jack might think he was cool and sassy, so started doing breakdance freezes. They weren't very good, but they seemed to work.

'Woah' thought Jack 'He breakdances and the next one raps. I wonder if I'm street enough' Jack looked worried and started doing breakdance poses too.

"Ye blud" Said Jack "Streetz man, I rate it. Letz bounce man – go n' get Punzrapelman like a ninja mate"

Hiccup gulped. He was in way over his head – Jack was too street for him, and also sounded like he might have a knife.

Hiccup did a super freaky dragon call and Toothless came bounding over the hill. He was eating an impala (they were still in Africa). Hiccup climbed on and turned to Jack. Jack was pretty shocked, but brushed it off like a gansta.

"Sweet ride man" he said. And off they went

They landed somewhere in Germany or somewhere (Jack wasn't really paying attention because he was concentrating on being gangsta. It was proving to be really hard and was quickly deteriorating into cockney)

"Awrigh' mayte, we nearly there then eh?" he said.

"Ja man, day iz jast behind dos trees man" (Hiccup was becoming slowly more Jamaican)

They landed and dismounted. Then nothing happened. Jack looked up, and saw the sky. And then he looked down: grass. There was trees and stuff around.

"Soooooooo" Jack said "what now."

"She's right there" Hiccup pointed at a rabbit hole. Jack gasped.


Jack looked down at the rabbit hole where a girls head had appeared (not a rabbit). She had crazy long hair, crazy long eyebrows, and a crazy long ladystache*. (*that's a moustache, but if you're a lady)

"Dudes!" she was well grumpy "I was sleeping!"

Hiccup raised his eyebrows, quite sassily

"I was painting!"

Jack raised his eyebrows too – really high.

"Ok, ok, I was on the internet." She pouted. Jack started pouting too. Hiccup whacked him and told him to stop pouting. "It's not even spring yet – what's the dealio?" she said.

"We have to go on a quest – to defeat Pitch" Jack said. Both Rapunzel and Hiccup were intrigued.

"Oh no, what's he done now" Rapunzel said

"Lots of things, umm, that are bad… but first we have to find the spirit of summer!"

"Why bother" said Hiccup, "She's, like, right behind you"

Jack was filled with joy as he turned around in slow motion and made to leap forward and embrace his love. His face turned to shock and confusion when he saw her.

"You're not a HAGGIS!" He exclaimed.

"Whaaaa?!" said the girl infront of him. It was Merida, in all her scottishy curly glory. (she was also carrying popcorn).

"I used to ship us, but then I thought you weren't real, and then I thought you were a haggis!" Jack explained. The girl paused.

"Whaaaa?!" she stood with her mouth agape "Aye thought we were having the Season-Spirits-Only movie night. Oo's this joker?" he pointed at Jack. Hiccup and Rapunzel shrugged.

"You guys have Season's movie nights!" Jack exclaimed "WITHOUT ME!?"

Jack didn't like movie nights – he hated guardian movie nights. But not being INVITED to one is ANOTHER STORY!

"Me, the spirit of Winter, not invited to the seasons movie night! What the flippideedoo guys! Really? What?"

"Yer not the spirit of Winter!" Merida said, violently spilling popcorn everywhere "HE IS" she pointed to a nearby duck. Jack looked at the duck. The duck looked sheepish.

"Awwwquackward!" It said. Everyone laughed, except for Jack – because he was well freaked out.

"That duck is an imposter" He yelled

"That guy's qauckers!" said the duck

"Bring it" Said Jack

"I could take you like a duck to water" said the duck.

"How does a Duck take to ICE!" Jack punned. Everyone shook their heads. It was embarrassing. Jack was ashamed. He kicked the duck.

Then everyone went mental because it was a weird situation. At first they were all like 'WOAH MAN DON'T DO THAT YOU CRAZY WHAT'. Then the duck turned into a nightmare horse and trotted away (evily).

Everyone stopped.

"The duck" Rapunzel said "ran amuck…"

"I told you he was an imposter!" Jack said, sulkily.

"Do you know what this means?" Said Hiccup "Pitch is making imposters and somehow making us believe that they are totally legit!"

"Woah yeah" Said Rapunzel "and what were you saying before, about that Haggis?"

Everyone turned to Jack. Merida pulled a particularly sceptical face.

"It's, uhh, like" He said "Pitch is making imposters and somehow making us believe that they are totally legit!"

Hiccup frowned "That's what I literally just s-"


"Or Haggis" added Merida.

They then all looked off dramatically into the middle distance (which was also a sunset)

The journey ahead wouldn't be easy, but they knew that, together, as a four, they would probably fail. But at least it would be a lark…