Holding Hands

Maria had refused to take some time off, it was only a bullet to the leg, she could handle work even if she had to spend the day sitting down. The agent hadn't really thought about how frustrating it was going to be, having to stay seated all day and by mid-day she was fuming and ready to kill every agent who was running around her, she had her gun and was willing to use it. She sat at the main table in the Helicarrier Bridge, paper scattered out in front of her, who knew getting shot came with so much paperwork?

A flurry of movement started in the bridge as the Avengers flooded into the room. Tony was the first in and sat to one side of Maria, "Do I need to kiss it better?" he asked, looking down at her leg flirtatiously. Maria simply rolled her eyes and turned away from the cocky man who just smirked proudly at her reaction.

Fury strode into the room, instructing everyone to sit down at the table, there was little opposition and within minutes everyone was seated. Luckily Steve had taken the seat on the other side of Maria, smiling sweetly as he sat, nodding his hellos to his new 'friend.' Maria placed both hands on her thighs as Steve shuffled his chair slightly towards her, close enough for him to reach out underneath the table and touch her without anyone really noticing. Fury started the de-briefing without hesitation, spitting out information at a rapid speed. For once Maria felt herself drifting off into a daydream rather than listening to her senior. It wasn't long before she was pretty much out of it. Steve turned to look at her when he noticed her glazed over look, he smiled to himself, she was so cute. His hand reached out under the table, grasping hers, Maria eyes suddenly shot to his face at the sensation, they were large and wild like a beasts before softening into a smile. She allowed their fingers to entwine, gripping tightly to her lover's hand.

Fury finished his speech by turning to Maria, "We will be working hard to find out who originated this attack, thank you for all your help Avengers, now if Agent Hill would release Captain Rodgers then we can all go on with our day!" All eyes fell on the pair, most of which came with a smirk or a smile as the couple began to redden. Steve released Maria hand and stood up, nodding at the table before walking away, avoiding any comments. As soon as Steve had left the whole table burst into laughter, Maria included, the poor man was so shy when it came to teasing. Eyes soon fell back to Maria expecting an explanation.

"Well don't expect me to run away, I can't even walk at the moment."

Stark just turned to the smiling agent, "It looks like he'll be kissing it better later, be gentle." He shot her a wink before leaving with the rest of the group. Maria just smiled to herself, "Here's hoping" she muttered, picking up her pen to finish her paperwork.