Chandler entered the staff room of the new school he would be teaching at, him and his wife Kathy had moved to Long Island to try and start a family, already having two miscarriages.

"Hey, I'm Joey Tribbiani, the drama teacher here, and this is Ross Geller, he's the head of the science department."

"Chandler Bing, I'll be teaching English." He replied, shaking their hands.

"Great. Listen, bells gonna go any minute now, need help finding your room?" Joey offered.

"Yeah, that'd be great, I'm in room 138, have 11th graders first."

"Oh they're not that bad, some real smart asses, but nothing you won't be able to handle. Follow me." They walked down the hall towards Chandlers new classroom, "here you go, good luck, wanna meet up later for lunch?"

"Yeah sure. Cheers Joe." Chandler entered his classroom and laid put his stuff, getting ready for the first class of the day, he was surprisingly calm about it. The bell rang and Chandler watched as teenagers filled his classroom, talking excitedly about what they did over the summer. "Alright kids settle down, great, my name is Mr Bing." He could hear the kids snicker at his last name. "Yeah I know it's funny, and you guys probably won't be able to say it without wetting your pants, so you can call me by my first name, which is Chandler." The teens laughed even harder.

"Your name is Chandler Bing?" One girl with sandy brown hair wearing a cheer leading outfit, "what did your parents hate you or something?"

Chandler chuckled " or something. Okay let's get started, today we're going to be learning about Shakespeare," the whole class groaned in response, "yeah I know, who wants to learn about two kids killing themselves? Not me, anyway.."

-Chandler was in the cafeteria looking for Joey, he found him sat at a table in the far back with Ross, Joey noticed Chandler and waved him over, Chadler picked up his tray and walked over to the table. "Hey man," Joey greeted, "how's your day been so far?"

"Pretty good actually." He felt his phone start to ring. "Excuse me a sec, hello?- hey Kathy- it's been great so far- whatever you feel like cooking- okay, I'll talk to you soon- love you too, bye." He hung up and put his phone back in his pocket, "wife." He explained.

-Monica Geller sat down beside her two bet friends Rachel Green and Phoebe Buffay. "So what do you guys think of the new english teacher?" Phoebe asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Who? Chandler Bing?" Rachel said with a laugh.

Monica shook her head, "he seems nice, pretty cute too."

"Ooh Monica! Do you have a crush in Mr Bing?" Phoebe teased.

"No." Monica said a bit to forcefully, she could feel herself blushing. "I was just saying that he's cute."

"Yeah, he is isn't he?" Rachel agreed.

-Chandler could hear his name being said at the table behind him, he turned around and saw 3 students from his 11th grade class, he just couldn't remember their names. He watched as the girl with long blonde hair said something to the raven haired girl, making her blush. He had those girls again for last period.

-Monica, Rachel and Phoebe piled into their English room along with all the other students, eager for their last lesson of the day to be over and done with. "Okay, picking up from where we left off this morning. Who would like to read out what they wrote this morning?" Chadler watched the bliss hated girl from lunch raise her hand eagerly. "Alright miss-" he glanced at a piece of paper on his desk "Buffay is it? Okay, begin."

Phoebe cleared her throat and started reading. "Romeo and Juliet is about a guy who is horny and falls for a young virgin, they get married, bang for a bit and then die. And that's why you should always wear a condom."

Chandler stared at the girl in amusement. "Great start miss Buffay, needs developing a but, but I'm glad you got straight to the point. Okay, next?" Chandler looked around the room and saw no one raise their hand, deciding to choose someone. He watched the two girls in front of Phoebe talk and giggle. "Girls? Perhaps one of you would like to share what you wrote."

"Monica can do it!" The sandy haired girl from before said loudly.

"Rach! Why me?"

"Because you're smarter. Go on."

"Okay then Monica, lets hear it."

Monica stood up slowly, she cleared her throat and began. "Romeo and Juliet is about two star cross'd lovers from rival families, who fall in love. Going against their parents wishes they decide to see each other in secret, throughout the play lots of complications take place, causing the two lovers to take their own lives in order to be together forever." The class was silent for a moment, taking in why Monica had wrote.

"Very good Monica, in very pleased."

Monica sat back down and smiled smugly at Rachel, who scoffed and said "ugh, kiss ass." The day drew quickly to an end and it was eventually time to go home.

"Alright, I'll see you all tomorrow. Oh would someone please help me put the books away?" But the kids had already left the room. "Okay then.." Chandler sighed and started collecting everyone's books, the classroom door quickly opened, startling Chandler who dropped everything he was holding.

"Oh I'm sorry, I left my bag here." The voice from the door said.

Chandler looked up and saw Monica standing there, "oh that's alright Monica."

Monica walked up to her seat and grabbed her bag, she put it on her shoulder and was about to leave when she saw Chandler struggling. "Would you like some help?" She offered politely.

"That'd be great, thanks." Monica put her bag back down and started helping Chandler collect the books. "You know, your piece in Romeo and Juliet was really good."

Monica smiled, "thanks, it wasn't much, I couldn't concentrate much with Rachel gossiping away beside me."

Chandler laughed, causing Monica's smile to widen, once they had finished putting everything away, Chandler grabbed his stuff and headed Monica her bag. "Thanks for the help."

"Anytime Chandler." She smiled and left the room, leaving Chandler alone.

Not much happened in this chapter, I'm just getting you guys used to the setting, please review and let me know if you want me to carry on.