A/N: It's been sooooooooo long. I don't even know how it happened. Planning on being back a little bit more often now.

Age: 16 – This is set after chapter 15, when the gang find out about the prom. The 'Chris' that's in this is from that chapter too.

Words: I don't know. A fair few. A lot. Actually only 1045.

Disclaimer: Come on now if I owned Phineas and Ferb I would not be sat alone in my room at 1 in the morning eating orange matchmakers.


Phineas was nervous. That part was easy to see. He looked nervous, knew it when his mother kept encouraging him to smile, asking him if he was alright as she took pictures of him and his date.

"I'm just fine, mum." He stuttered, wondering when everyone in the room had clocked onto just how nervous he actually was. Everyone except Isabella, it seemed.

She was just fine. Better than fine, she was brilliantly happy under observation, blushing appropriately when told how beautiful she was by their families.

How on earth can someone be so oblivious?

"We really should get going, Mrs Flynn Fletcher." Isabella said with a smile, "I think I just heard the limousine pull up, and the girls would kill me if we turned up too late."


Isabella could not contain herself. She had just pulled up to her first prom, in a limousine, with Phineas! Phineas who had asked her first. Phineas who had asked her what colour dress she'd be wearing so he could get a tie that matches. They paused by the photographer who was taking pictures of all the couples as they walked in together.

Isabella felt her core temperature sky rocket when Phineas put his arm around her. She didn't care that she'd messed up their photo together by gazing up at him instead of the photographer, she'd caught his eye, and he'd smiled back. And that was better to her than any photograph.

"We should get inside. I think we're holding people up." Phineas said after a few seconds, and with his arm still around her he guided her into the hall.

"Do you want to get a drink first?" Isabella asked Phineas, and didn't even try to contain her smile when he said no; no he'd rather dance with her first.

He led the way and they started dancing near their friends, all laughing at Buford's misguided attempts to copy Ferb's dancing expertise.

Isabella was close to admitting defeat within half an hour. She was determined to still be dancing near Phineas for the first slow song of the night (for every slow song of the night, actually) so she wouldn't miss the opportunity to have his arms around her again. When it finally did happen, he grabbed her hand. Feeling him hold her hand had almost become second nature to Isabella now, she still loved it, still felt bubbling excitement at its promise, but tonight it was more.

She could feel the warmth spreading from the point of their laced fingers and melted against him, her other hand finding his easily before they assumed position, his arm on her waist and hers on his shoulder.

And then he broke eye contact. He looked over his shoulder and for the first time Isabella noticed a hand on his other shoulder that didn't belong to her.

"Could I...have this dance?"

"Chris?" Isabella asked, wheeling herself and Phineas around so she could see him better.

"Um..hi. So... can I?"

"That's up to Isabella." Phineas said as they both looked at her.

Say no.

Say no and stay with Phineas all night.

But Chris is so nice to me all the time and it's just one dance...

Say no, Isabella.

"Sure, why not?" Isabella smiled and let her hand drift slowly from Phineas'. She tried not to look back at him as he moved towards the drinks at the back of the hall and pay attention to Chris instead.

"You look really nice tonight, Isabella." Chris told her.

"Thanks," Isabella replied, smiling up at him, "your suit is really-"

"Can I ask you something?" Chris cut across her.

"Of course you can. Ask away."

"If I'd asked you before Phineas, would you have said yes?"


"Were...were you planning on asking me?"

He moved slightly closer to her so he could lean down and whisper in her ear. "That doesn't answer my question."

Isabella stared at the spot of his suit jacket right in front of her. "Probably not." She told him truthfully.

"I didn't think so. I thought it would bother me more; admitting defeat, but you never really noticed anyone else in the running, did you?"


He leant down and whispered again. "It's ok. I mean, I've liked you for ages, but everyone knows who the real couple is, and I'm starting to see why."

"E-everyone?" Isabella asked feebly and she started to panic when she felt him chuckle.

"Even the teachers."

"But...not Phineas." Isabella told him dejectedly.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." He said and as Isabella looked up, she saw his eyes flicker to the back of the hall. Her eyes followed suit and they landed on Phineas almost straight away. He was staring right at her, untouched drink in hand.

Isabella turned back to Chris and felt nervous again.

"He's coming back over now. Thank you for the dance Isabella, but now I think I must go impress more ladies with my obviously superior dance skills." Chris smirked, and then offered a very outlandish wink before retreating.


Isabella laughed as he left, and was still smiling to herself when Phineas finally reached her, grabbing her hand and pulling her against him almost instantly.

"So..." He said after twirling her, "what did he want?"

I wish I could ask that without sounding so desperately jealous.

"He wanted to dance, silly." Isabella chuckled.

"Then what was that smile about? And that wink?"

"Phineas! You sound positively jealous!"


"My dear Isabella, I am merely trying to protect your good name."

"Is that why you were watching us?" Isabella asked and leaned back so she could look up at him.



"You. I wasn't watching him. Isabella, I don't think you know... I mean... you're so..."

You're so beautiful tonight. I almost can't stand it.

Isabella giggled softly. "You look really good too, Phineas."

He smiled back at her. "So... can I have this dance? I think I sort of took it back without asking first."

"Of course, Phineas."

She didn't tell him that he could have every dance. She didn't tell him that even if they weren't here together, she'd still want to dance every song with him.

She always does, and- she thought happily- maybe he does too.

SO. Imma update my other story in a few days. I'm kinda busy with...I don't know. Going to work and school and wasting my life on games. Probably Wednesday. Wednesday feels like it'll be a corker.