EmberRose: Heeeeeyyyy. Last story didn't go so well, so here's a new one!

Cassie: Yay!

EmberRose: I actually just watched the movie.

Cassie: Duh, I watched it with you.

EmberRose: Oh, yeah. DISCLAIMER!

Disclaimer: EmberRose doesn't own Rise of the Gaurdians.

Dreams. The escape from the world. My brother Sandy, delivers them, and everyone believes in him. Not me though. I'm his sister Luce, which means 'light' in Italian. My brother mostly focases on dreams in the nighttime, but I focas on the dreams in the daytime. Ever since the Dark Ages, my brother has been a Gaurdian, but not me. Nope. I wondered the world, alone. Until I met Jack. I met Jack one day, with me giving some daydreams to some random eight-year old and it was, what? 1789? He was sitting on a branch in the woods near the small town of Burgess, while I just walked out of the wooden cabin.

"Geeze, climb high enough." I muttered, running a hand through my golden ringletts. My soft, caramel eyes followed him stood and looked poised to jump out of the tree. I quickly unflurled my wings and started up the tree, even though I knew I couldn't touch him. "Stop!"

"What?" He mumbled, turning around right before I plowed into him, accidently pushing us both to the ground. I strained my wings, trying to support us both, when suddenly the weight was lifted off my wings. Cold wind blew through my wings, holding us both up till we softly hit the snow.

"What were you thinking?" I ranted, looking at him wildly. "Why would you try to kill yourself?"

"You can see me?" He asked quietly. We stood in silance for a moment.

"You see me?" I asked back. He then saw the narrow wings barley showing over my back.

"Are you a Gaurdian?" He questioned, narrowing his eyes. I snorted loudly.

"Wow. Story of my life. And no I am not a Gaurdian, but my brother is. I'm sure you have heard of him." I stated rolling my eyes. He observed my one-shoulder gold dress and golden bangles that adorned my arms and ankles.

"Sand Man?" He guessed, tilting is head.

"Sandy." I corrected, smiling slightly. "I'm Luce."

"Jack." He said, smiling slightly at me. We stood there for a while before starting up a conversation. After a while we both took refuge in a large oak tree nearby.

"So what happens when you fly?" Jack asked, leaning back casually. "Do you flash people?"

"No." I snapped playfully, slapping his arm. I motioned to my black leggings, that went to my knees. "That would be, as Cupid puts it, 'un-lady like.'"

"You know Cupid?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah. I know a few other spirits too." I said, tilting my head. "There's Marie, the Spirit of Independance Day, I've met the Big Four a few times, you know, North, Bunnymund, Tooth, and, of course, my brother. There's also Kaci the Head Lepurcan, for, you know, St. Patrick's Day. And Patrick, Kaci's boss. And finally, there is my best friend/basicly sister Casperella. Cassie for short. She controls Halloween, and a few days in Fall. I've never met Harvest through, but he is the spirit of Fall. Cassie knows him, they're friends."

"Wow." He breathed, smiling. "Why do you never stay with them?"

"They're believed in." I stated, making a sour face. "It sucks hanging around them when kids see them, but not you."

"Tell me about it." Jack agreed rolling his eyes. And after that we just traveled together, making kids happy, hanging out, annoying the Easter Kangaroo, and stealing from department stores. In the year 2012, though, things changed. He left for days, just dissappearing after he went to go see some noise in an allyway. So now I get to sit at Cassie's mansion, with all of her scary spiders and halloween thingies, ranting to her.

"He just left!" I fumed, glaring at the apple cider shoved in my hands.

"I know." Cassie moaned, tilting her head back making her firey red hair bounce. "That's all you've been saying the last three days!"

"But it's true." I said, taking a sip of hot cider. "Do you have any icecream?"

"I do, but you don't get any." She growled, glaring at me with startling orange eyes.

"Why not?" I whined, giving her the puppy eyes.

"You do not get to turn into a sad little girl, moaping around eating icecream." She stated, rolling her eyes. Her new Galaxy X3 then went off, distracting her for a bit. While her attention was diverted, I slowly stood up and snuck to her freezer. Right before I could open it though, her stupid cat, Tarrot appeared at the top of the fridge.

"Hello, Luce." She greeting, basicly smirking.

"Tarrot, please let me get some icecream." I begged, looking at the desperatly.

"What will you do for me?" She asked, purring slighly.

"I'll get you some Tempations cat treats from PetSmart." I said, looking back at Cassie momentarily.

"Not good enough." She sang, standing up. She let out a loud meow, startling Cassie, and making her turn to me.

"Luce, what are you doing?" She asked slowly.

"Petting your cat?" I said sweetly, grabbing the cat by the scruff of its neck, but dropping it a moment later when she scratched my arm.

"You need to return that thing." I stated.

"She came with the job." Cassie sighed, shaking her head dramiticly.

"All I got was a stupid dagger." I scoffed, patting the strap that held my golden weapon.

"And wings." Cassie added, deliberatley stroking her sythe.

"Jerk." I muttered, walking back to the table.

"Nah, just sisterly." She sighed. I rolled my eyes, and put our dishes in the sink nearby.

"Wanna go to North's and get the Yeti's to make us stuff?" Cassie asked me in an attempt to cheer me up.

"Why not." I laughed, giving in. She swished her puffy, black, orange, and purple dress dramaticly before turning to get her horse Sleepy Hollow. A few seconds later, a crash sounded from the hall that Cassie just disappeared down.

"Cassie?" I called in alarm, rushing into the hallway. "Cassie? Are you okay."

"Ow." She moaned. I ran to her side where she was on the floor with glass splinters surrounding her. The small glass vase that was on an overturned wooden table shattered.

"What happened?" I demanded franticly.

"The globe." She gasped, clutching her chest. "Help me to the globe."

"I will." I said, helping her up and putting her arm around my shoulder. We hobbled to her main room where her halloween creatures went about their normal business, delivering leaves to put on trees, scaring people, ect.

"No." Cassie whispered, making me look up at the globe.

"Why is there only one light?" I asked, widening my eyes.

"Only one child belives." She panted, whimpering slightly. "Something happened. The kids..."

"We'll find a way to make them believe." I said, desperatly. Suddenly a bright orange light filled the room, temporarily blinding me. When I could see again, Cassie was gone, and in her place was a...
