Till Death do us part

Warning! Rated M.

You have been warned!

Chapter 1.

Yami dragged Heather out from passengers side of his car, Heathers' hands were bound in itchy rope, Yami continued to drag Heather towards the front door of his home, as she continued to kick and scream for Atem, and for him to let her go!

Atem was Yamis' older twin brother; Atem was taller, tanner, more muscular, more handsome and mature in Heathers eyes, Heather couldn't understand why Yami was doing this, however she could understand the pain he is currently going through.

Things weren't always like this; things were normal up until the freak accident that accrued a few months ago.

Atem was originally introduced to Heather, thanks to Yamis' help; Yami was also dating Tea at the time, and don't get me wrong Tea and Heather were very good friends, and spend a lot of their time together, when they weren't with their significant other.

Heather and Tea were hanging out when such freak accident accrued, Tea and Heather were having a great time eating out at a fancy restaurant, while talking about life, and the cute and or embarrassing things their boyfriends have done. On their way home, Heather was driving while Tea was riding shotgun down a secluded road with a steep ditch leading to a heavy wooded area on the right, and a lake on their left, Heather and Tea were still having a great time exchanging much chit-chat and laughter, until suddenly a oncoming truck suddenly swerved directly into their lane, forcing Heather to instinctively swerve out of the way, flying off the road, crashing and rapidly sinking into the lake!

The car was sinking fast, as the freezing water rushing in from below, Heather franticly tried to help Tea; for her belt buckle became stuck, and wouldn't release her!

The freezing water was up to their knees know, as beams out light could be seen from outside the watery-depths of their car window.

Not realizing that their car hadn't reached lake bottom yet, the impact of the car reaching the rocky lake floor, causing Heather to fly forward smashing her head and upper body against the windshield!

All Heather could remember from that moment on was hearing Teas' cries, then waking up in a hospital bed, with Atem sitting directly over her, while stroking her long curly crimson red hair. Later Heather then found out that the rescue crew for some B.S. reason could reach and save Tea in time, but some how managed to reach and save her!?

After that Yami was never the same, Yami soon later had shown signs of strange behavior, and soon became obsessed with her; to the point of kidnapping her!

Yes Yami had done this before, but Atem always showed up before Yami had a chance to do anything else.

"Yami stop PLEASE, Let me GO!" Heather pleaded to the point of screaming as grabbed on to the outer wood frame of the door, as he continued to pull her inside. With on hard yank; Yami succeeded in pulling her inside then throwing her to the floor as he closed and locked the door behind them, as Yami was doing this Heather wasted no time and struggled to get to her feet, then dashing into the kitchen in search of a knife to free herself, but to her misfortune Yami beat her to it, swiping the knife away from her, Yami then shook a scolding finger at her, as he put the knife away, Heather dashed out of the kitchen and for the front door only to be snatched up, and carried into a nearby bedroom, Yami then dropped her on the bed and walked out of the room shutting and locking the door behind him!

Heather search desperately for a way out, Heather then quickly remembered she still had her cell phone in her pants pocket! Heather quickly laid down on the floor and started shifting backwards in attempt to push the phone out of her pocket, moments later finally getting her phone out she started pressing the buttons to auto dial Atems' phone number…

"Come on, come on Atem pick up, oh please god make him pick up!" she begged as she heard foots steps coming up the stairs!

"Hello?" Atem answered.

"Oh thank god, Atem Yamis' kidnapped me!" she said franticly trying not to shout.

"WHAT!? Where are you, are you okay has he hurt you?" Atem yelled sounding really pissed.

"He hasn't done anything yet, we're at his house, please hurry!"(Click!) Yamis' finger pushed the hang up button! Yami then snatched up her phone and tossed it over into the nearby open closet.

"Well, well looks like we'll be having a guest soon so we better get started, Hmmmmm" giving her a creepy smirk, Yami then roughly picked her up by the back of her shirt, and plopped her into the bed; where he proceeded to climb onto of her pulling up chains from the floor, Heather continued to plead and beg him to stop, as he chained her wrists to the bed, Yami then pulled out a Scixors and cut off her shirt, and bra, leaving her large bosoms exposed to him, Yami eyed them lustfully, Yami then started removing her jeans and underwear all in one fell swoop, now revealing her entire naked body to him.

"No, no please don't, not that!" she begged her eyes tearing up, as her whole body shivered, Yami still ignoring her pleas; he continued by removing his shirt and pants wearing nothing but his blue boxers, revealing his "hard on" he then climbed back on top of her, and covered her mouth with duck-tape before she could say anything else.

"Hmmmmm, Hush now, I know you like this" Yami teased in a seductive voice while roughly fondling her breasts. Heather let out a muffled sequel as Yami pressed himself hard against her vulva, Yami then started licking and kissing his way down to her breasts, once reaching her hard red nipples, he bit hard onto one and pinched the other, while simultaneously shaking them.

Heather bolted up as far as she could and screamed, until Yami forced her back down with a rough kiss.

"Stay still or it'll hurt more, got it?" he said darkly, as he started grinding deeper and deeper against her.

Heather then started to squirm as Yami began to finger her vulva, making it more and more wet.

Heather screamed again as he held her lower half down, jamming his fingers inside and poked, thrusted, and moved them about!

Yami then slid his boxers down revealing his erect manhood, Heather continued to squirm as he forced her legs apart, then slammed hard inside of her, causing her to scream even louder!

"Hehehe, Oohh, this feels nice, not nearly as nice as Teas' pussy was, but this'll have to do" Yami darkly moaned and chuckled, as he started to buck her fast and hard!

Heather felt like she was having a heart attack, and about to loose consciousness due to all the pain and lack of air, as Yami bucked her faster and faster,

Then Atem came bursting through the bedroom door, with Joey, Duke, and Tristan at his side!

Joey, Duke and Tristan rushed over to Yami, removed him from Heather and roughly forced him against the wall, Yami grunting upon impact.

Atem as gently as he could to remove the duck-tape, and bindings, then proceeded to rap her in some blankets. Atem comfortingly shushed her as she lightly sobbed, and tenderly kissed her lips to calm her down.

Atem then gently picked her up bridal style, before leaving the room; Atem turned back and gave Yami a death glare, which was still restrained against the wall.

"I'll deal with you later!" Atem growled in a low threatening voice.

-To Be Continued-