Okay, another oneshot I want to write about. On Thistleclaw's wiki page, it said in Trivia, that Thistleclaw was originally in StarClan. He had never done anything horrible, so it is kind of true, he was ambitious and loved battles, but he never killed anyone.

Thistleclaw sat in the grassy clearing he and Snowfur always met in. The grass was soft and moist under his paws as he spotted his mate appeared through the thicket.

She raced up to him and they nuzzled affectionately. The playful conversation started and he laughed at her stupid jokes.

Suddenly, her blue eyes grew round and serious. He licked her ear, wondering what was on her mind.

"When will Whitestorm join us?" Snowfur wondered, her eyes locking with Thistleclaw's. He smirked and cuffed her over the ears. Of course she's worried about her son, she loves him more than anyone!

"He's living his life to its fullest Snowfur, he has a mate, and kits. He'll fulfil his destiny, and join us in a few seasons I'm sure," he pointed out and Snowfur sighed, dropping on all four paws and resting her head in her paws.

"I never really got to know him, you know? My own son doesn't even know who I am…" Thistleclaw let her rest her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sure he's heard that you're a beautiful and intelligent cat," Thistleclaw purred and Snowfur chuckled, meeting his warm gaze.

"You know I love you right?" Thistleclaw nodded and wrapped his tail around her, feeling warm as she nuzzled his neck.

"I have to go now," she sounded regretful, as if she didn't want to move from the spot they both lay, so in love.

"Why?" he knew he sounded like a kit complaining. Snowfur managed to get up, and looked down at him with amusement sparkling in her blue eyes.

"I have to fetch Bluestar," Thistleclaw froze and Snowfur noticed straight away. He felt his fur begin to spike.

"You know she hates me…" he growled. And I hate her too…

"She doesn't hate you!" Snowfur looked thoughtful for a moment, and then shook her head. "She'll apologise for how horrible she was. I'll be back soon, and we can finish what we started," she laughed, looking over her shoulder with happiness in her eyes.

He felt a pain in his chest as he watched her leave, like a piece of him had gone with her. But obviously a part of him had. His heart.

What'll Bluestar do when she gets to StarClan? She's never approved of Snowfur and I… why would she now?

Thistleclaw remained in the same spot, his paws tucked under his chest. This is our spot he reassured himself. Nothing will change… He brought his tail around himself.

"Thistleclaw, come see Bluestar, she's here!" Snowfur's excited mew burst through the whole of StarClan and the nervous tom carefully followed her voice. Please don't let her hate me, I like to think I've changed from what sort of cat I would've been. I've quarrelled with her a few ti- fine, well maybe all the time, but that's no reason to hate me!

Bluestar and Snowfur were side-by-side, chatting, obviously catching up on the moons they'd missed. Then Bluestar's happiness faded when her eyes met his. They narrowed and she began to bristle.

She definitely hasn't forgotten, I wish we were closer than this! I'm mates with her sister for StarClan's sake!

"Bluestar," he managed to make his tone sound polite. "Welcome to StarClan," Snowfur shot him a thankful look and turned to Bluestar, waiting for her reply. The grey she-cat nodded and a coldness entered her eyes.

"Thistleclaw," Snowfur gasped and hissed at Bluestar, her back arched.

"Why do you hate him so much? He's my mate and I love him just as much as I love you! Don't treat him like dirt! He may have made some mistakes, but he's an all round good cat!" she protected her mate and he felt a rush of pride flow through him

"Fine," Bluestar didn't sound bothered by Snowfur's outburst. She looked at Snowfur, and then at Thistleclaw.

"I am going to find Moonflower," she stated and turned to Snowfur. "She might be friendlier," Snowfur let out a low hiss and Bluestar strutted away, her tail held high.

"Goodbye," Snowfur whispered, barely loud enough for Thistleclaw to hear.

Thistleclaw walked over and stood next to her, licking her cheek and she looked at him. "Go on, tell me I told you so,"

"You don't deserve that," Thistleclaw meowed. Snowfur still seemed in shock over Bluestar's rudeness.

"I chose you because I'm in love with the cat you are, you're not horrible. Or are you?" a flash of amusement entered her dull eyes and Thistleclaw sent a silent pray of thanks.

He pounced at her like a kit and she let out a squeal, cuffing his ears and they tussled in the undergrowth.

"Argh! I thought you left that move in the nursery!" she taunted, flattening her ears playfully and raising a paw in playfulness.

"Nah, I decided to get it back, it's useful on cats like you!" he shot back and she bushed out her white fur so she looked like a snowball.

"Cats like me? And what is that?" she challenged.

"Cats who are snowballs," he rubbed his muzzle along her neck and she purred, looking at him with such a blaze of affection he was nearly knocked off his paws.

"Never leave me ever, okay?" she meowed and he laughed, his green eyes affectionate.

"I promise, I'm not going anywhere,"

Thistleclaw was walking around with his littermates, Rosetail, and Sweetpaw. Sweetpaw was complaining about how she never got her warrior name when she was an apprentice, as she'd encountered a three moon old kit with a warrior name the other day.

"I wish I was a warrior!" Sweetpaw growled. Rosetail rested her tail on her sister's shoulder and the tortoiseshell looked at her with round eyes.

"You are," Thistleclaw purred, deciding to cheer her up. "You are now known as Sweetfur, warrior of StarClan!"

Sweetpaw laughed sarcastically. "Funny." Rosetail licked her cheek in attempt to cheer her up but Sweetpaw ducked away.

"No seriously, we'll talk to Pinestar or Sunstar, they'll be glad to help!" Thistleclaw offered and Rosetail nodded in agreement.

"How about Bluestar, she's my friend!" Sweetpaw cheered up immensely at the thought of talking to Bluestar. Why does everyone like her? She's a foxheart!

"I'll go talk to her, come with me Thistleclaw," Sweetpaw asked. Rosetail gave him an expectant look and he shook his head apologetically.

"Uh, no, I'm not her favourite cat at the moment," he pointed out. Rosetail gave him a questioning look before shaking her head and following Sweetpaw into the undergrowth. Off to find Bluestar…

"I'll go join Windflight and Poppydawn, maybe they'll be less talkative about Bluestar," he walked off without a word in attempt to find his parents in all of StarClan.

"Thistleclaw, it feels we haven't seen you in ages!" Poppydawn exclaimed in surprise when he walked into the clearing. Yeah, I've been spending too much time with Snowfur, I haven't thought about my kin, my mother, and my father. And even my littermates!

"I've been with Snowfur, Bluestar just joined StarClan, and she doesn't seem very happy I'm here," he confessed and Windflight shook his head.

"Why are you two even quarrelling?" he rasped and Thistleclaw felt a prick of amusement at his father's words.

"I don't know, deputy perhaps? I wanted to be deputy, so did she! And now she treats me like dirt because of stuff I did in the clans, I didn't know she was meeting Oakheart!"

"Maybe that's why, you hurt her loved ones. You hurt Oakheart." Poppydawn suggested gently but Thistleclaw was sick of everyone defending Bluestar. She met a RiverClan cat for StarClan's sake and no one is even bothering with that! They're all like Thistleclaw is so horrible!

"Fine, I'll leave," he spun around and stormed off into the undergrowth.

He was looking for the RiverClan tom, Oakheart and Thistleclaw guessed he'd be by the reeds near the stream.

"Oakheart?" he called loudly, seeing if there was any reply.

"Who's there?" a gruff voice answered. The owner of the voice was a familiar, large tom with a crooked jaw.
"Crookedstar," Thistleclaw politely dipped his head, shocked that he'd found one of RiverClan's leaders. He's Oakheart's brother! He'll know where he is!

"I'm looking for Oakheart," confusion lit up in the RiverClan tom's eyes and Thistleclaw found himself gazing at his paws.

"Why?" he asked suspiciously.

"I'll tell him that, where is he?"

Crookedstar sighed and looked thoughtful for a moment. He parted his jaws and sniffed the air and he waited awkwardly.

"He's by the river," he stated and looked at Thistleclaw. "By the reeds,"

Just as I suspected he thought and gave the tom a grateful look before the grey-and-white tom took off towards the river where Oakheart, hopefully, was.

He reached his destination in a few minutes and he sniffed the air. "Oakheart?" he called again.

"What?" a voice asked and a bracken-coloured tom stepped out of the shadows. "Thistleclaw," his fur began to rise.

"What do you want?" he growled. Thistleclaw took a deep breath and looked at Oakheart with round eyes.

"Bluestar hates me, but I'm not a bad cat!" he pointed out and Oakheart laughed coldly, his ears flattened.

"Not a bad cat? I'm yet to see your good side," Oakheart retorted and Thistleclaw flinched. But Oakheart wasn't finished.

"You almost killed me! ThunderClan thinks it's funny to kill me. And I see you taught your apprentice well," his amber eyes reflected the anger Thistleclaw was feeling.

"I-I-" he started.

"Just leave Thistleclaw, I don't want to talk to you!" Oakheart snapped, turning away and leaping into the river, swimming to the other side.

Thistleclaw felt regret gnaw at his stomach as he remembered the unspoken words he'd came to say had been left unsaid. I'm sorry…

Thistleclaw was on his way back, hoping to meet up with Snowfur so they could share words about what was happening and why it was happening. But instead, he came face-to-face with Bluestar.

"Thistleclaw, why are you here?" her pelt began to bristle. He took another breath, forcing down his anger.

"I am looking for Snowfur, have you seen her?" he asked politely. Bluestar had a smirk on her face and Thistleclaw knew it wasn't a good smirk.

"Yes, she's happier now that I've told her that you've joined the Darkforest," Thistleclaw gasped in shock, leaping back a pace and baring his teeth.

"I belong in StarClan! You're the newcomer here, why don't I just chase you out?" he snapped and Bluestar hissed.

"Because I'm chasing you out, get out of here Thistleclaw! You are evil, bloodthirsty, and there are so many other words that I couldn't be bothered saying. You don't deserve a spot up here in the stars!" Bluestar threatened and Thistleclaw took another cautious step back.

"I told her everything you've done, I told her you almost killed someone once, she doesn't want to see you!" she finished and she had a flicker of glee in her icy blue eyes.

"Bu-but, I need to talk to her!" Thistleclaw stammered, trying to walk past, but Bluestar didn't budge. "She doesn't want to see you!" she repeated.

"Where do I go?" he sighed, looking at his paws, feeling ashamed, his ear-tips burned. Bluestar had triumph in her eyes.

"Go to the Darkforest, where you belong!" Bluestar spat and she raked his ears, he didn't bother fighting back and he ignored the pain.

He took off fleeing towards the moor, and towards the waterfall, which is where, the Darkforest lied.

Snowfur cried loudly, throwing her head back in grief. The cat she loved was gone, and she would never see him again.

"Where is he?" she wailed loudly, Bluestar padded towards her. "He's joined the Darkforest Snowfur, and he's never coming back." Snowfur felt something tug at her heart and she stared longingly into the distance.

"But it doesn't make sense, he isn't an evil cat!" Snowfur sadly remarked. Snowfur knew what her sister was going to say, but fortunately, she never said it. He is and you know it Bluestar's thoughts echoed in the white she-cat's mind.

"I'll go and get him! I'll go the Darkforest and get him back!" she meowed and Bluestar rested a paw on her paw.

"Don't Snowfur, he's gone and he's not coming back…" Snowfur felt her heart shatter into a million pieces and memories flooded back to her. Where they lay next to each other in this very spot, warmed by each other's touch. Is he really evil?

"I know he was a good cat, once at least," she whispered. Why did he leave me?

I hope you enjoyed this! I have an idea, should I make a little after chapter about the final battle in The Last Hope and her finding him? Please review! And yes, I am editing all my fics to make them even more perfect!

-Blossomstripe xx