Hey Guys!

As you can probably tell this is my first ever fanfic! I'm happy to hear constructive criticism but no major hating please?! I know this type of story has been done so many times over but I always see them not depicting the characters right and it really annoys me when they use their nicknames too much so this is my version of Annabeth goes to Goode High School! So please review and if I get good feedback I should update every week! (Hopefully) :) Just so you know TLH never happened… I'm also Australian (Go Aussies!) and I've never been to America so I'm trying my hardest to talk like them so please point out to me anything that I get wrong like mum instead of mom…

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or any of the other characters from the PJO series, all rights go to Rick Riordan.

Chapter 1


I can't believe I'm actually going to the same high school for the third year in a row! Last year I nearly got kicked out of Goode but thankfully Paul explained that the hellhound that attacked in the middle of the end of year dance was just our new overexcited puppy who followed me there. I was happy to leave early though because Annabeth couldn't make it and my mom had made me go. Today was my first day of senior year at Goode High School and I was determined to be good and at least not get two detentions in the first week. "Percy, get ready! Paul's going to be leaving soon!" My mom shouted through the door. Groaning, I got out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom for one of my famous 2-minute showers. One quick thing before we move on with the story, I'm a son of Poseidon, the god of the sea. I know what you must thinking 'But Percy, the gods don't exist!' but let me assure you they do and they've threatened to kill me many times because of some stupid things I've done. Anyway back to the story. I used my special son of Poseidon powers to turn the shower on and jumped in, waking up as soon as the water touched my skin. I got out, willed myself to dry and threw an old Camp-Half Blood t-shirt on with the CHB slightly fading with some jeans and sneakers, nothing too special, it's not like I had to make a good impression on people who already knew me.

I walked into the kitchen gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and grabbed a muesli bar for breakfast. I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door calling bye to my mom behind me. I jumped into Paul's Prius and we drove to Goode where Paul works. I said goodbye to Paul and raced up to the front gate of the high school where I hoped my friends would be waiting. Rachel was coming back to Goode because her dad finally understood she was miserable at Clarion! I kept thinking that this year would be a great year despite my amazing girlfriend Annabeth having to move back to San Francisco because she got kicked out of her old school. Little did I know that it was not to last…

I walked up the steps, surprised to see one of my best friends Lachlan Connors holding hands with our good friend Kate Smith. They were talking to some buddies of mine who were on the swim team, Daniel Vella, Austin Rickett and Zack Maine who were talking about some 'hot new girl'. "Hey guys! Long-time no see! How was everyone's holidays?" I asked. "Great!" everyone chorused in reply. "Why don't we go get our timetables now?" asked Kate just as Rachel rocked up. We all agreed and I hugged Rachel in greeting.

The office lady gave us all our timetables and we started to compare them. "I have French with Kate, Math and English with Lachlan and Austin and History with all of you!" I exclaimed, "I also have the rest of my subjects with Rachel." I smiled happily at her. We walked into the school corridor and up to our lockers getting prepared for Science when the whole corridor went quiet. My friends restarted their conversation about the new girl. "Guys, that's her!" Austin said. "Wow, she's gorgeous!" That was Zack. I ignored them and continued to put my books in my locker. "Percy she's looking right at you! Maybe we can finally get you a girlfriend!" Lachlan told me. "Dude she's way out of his league, she's more my speed I'm going to talk to her." Daniel said. I continued with arranging my locker, I put some new photos of me and Annabeth up and tried to block what they were saying out of my mind. This new girl had nothing on Annabeth, gods how I miss her! I wish she was here right now… Suddenly I was jolted from my reverie by a tap on the shoulder. I turned around to see…

Sorry guys I know this was short and probably terrible but as I said it's my first fanfic and I'm just trying to get back into writing! Did you like the cliff-hanger? R&R please? Next chapter should be coming up soon!

Yours sincerely, MissJackson798