Graham smiles intently, his hand settles down on top of Emma's. Their fingers intertwine causing the gold bands on both of their hands to clatter together. Emma giggles before turning toward Graham. The amount of love and devotion in his eyes causes her cheeks to flush as a shy smile crosses her lips.

"Why do you always blush when I look at you?" He asks, his voice merely a husky whisper.

Emma shrugs softly, "Because you look at me like I'm the only woman on the planet."

Graham grows silent as he takes in Emma's words. "That's because, to me, you are. Emma, you're my wife," His arms wrap around Emma, her bulging stomach connecting with Graham's bare chest. "you're pregnant with my child. You are perfect. I love you because you are you."

Emma's heart practically melted at his words. If you would have told her nine months ago, that she would be happily married, settled in Storybrooke, and about to give birth to her second child, Emma would have laughed. She had told herself that after everything that had happened with Neal that she would never be vulnerable around another man again. It had worked too. At least until Graham showed up with his cocky swagger, his far too handsome face, an accent that would make any woman weak in the knees, and a smile that would knock you flat to the ground. He sauntered into her life like he had always belonged there and started to knock down walls that he had no right to be knocking down.

Now, though, Emma couldn't be happier that he had. Graham was everything that Neal wasn't. He was kind and generous. He was a man of the law instead of constantly breaking it. Not to mention the fact that Graham would rather die than hurt her, which was a hell of a lot more than Emma could say about Neal.

"Where's you're head at, princess?" Graham asked, as he snugged his face against her cheek.

Emma grinned at him, before placing her hands on his chest and shoving him back. "What have I told you about the princess thing?" Emma asked, her eyebrow raised.

"That just because you broke the curse, which I'm proud of you for by the way, and that your parents are Snow White and Prince Charming, that I am to never call you princess."

Emma nodded, before patting Graham on top of his head, "Good boy!" She grinned.

Graham growled at her, his fingers poised, "Don't think that just because your nine months pregnant that I won't tickle attack you, because I will."

Emma cocked her eyebrow and fixed him with an 'is that so' look. "Really? I dare you."

Graham chuckled, "I wouldn't have done that if I were you, Emma Humbert." His fingers danced softly over her skin as Emma started to bust out laughing.

"Okay! Okay! I give! I give!"

Graham pumped his fist in the air, victorious. "I win, again. I love it." He chuckled.

The bedroom door squeaked open, as a droopy-eyed Henry sauntered in. "You two are really loud." He mumbled, as he walked toward the bed. "What's for breakfast?" he asked, before climbing up onto the bed and peered at Graham and Emma with blurry eyes.

At that moment Emma's stomach growled loudly, causing her to laugh before placing a protective hand over her large stomach. "Well, your baby sister seems to think that french toast sounds delectable."

Graham nodded, "I'm on it." He said, before climbing out of bed.

Graham started to dish out the breakfast he had whipped up. Emma's eyebrow shot up, she still couldn't believe how great of a cook Graham was. Which, was of course, a good thing considering Emma's lack of culinary experience. She grinned brightly at the spread of food on her plate: two pieces of french toast cut diagonally and topped with powdered sugar, two eggs, four slices of bacon, and a side of hash browns. She really couldn't love her husband anymore if she tried.

"Graham, this looks-" Emma paused, her face scrunching up.

"Em...are you okay?" Graham asked worriedly.

Henry's head lifted at Graham's tone, as he took in his mother's appearance. "Maybe she has a stomach ache? We did eat an awful lot of pizza last night." Henry pointed out softly.

Emma growled and her eyes narrowed. "Dammit." She moaned out. Twisted her head sideways, she looked at Graham. "I'm pretty sure I'm in labor." She rasped out, as another contraction hit her.

It had been a good long time since she had Henry, but she was pretty sure that the contractions were hitting a little too quickly to be anything too minor. Not to mention the fact that they hurt like a bitch.

"Pretty sure?" Graham asked, as he knelt down beside Emma. He tried to mask his concern, worry, and excitement.

"Well, the pain aside-" Emma gritted out, "I'm pretty sure my water just broke."

Graham nodded, "Henry, go throw on some clothes." Graham stood up straight as he peered around the room. He knew that Emma had packed a bag a few days earlier since her due date was looming closer. Groaning, he tentatively left Emma's side to go in search of the bag.

"I'm ready, dad!" Henry called, as he ran back into the room. He had one shoe on, while he carried the other one in his hand.

"Okay, help your mom stand up, I have to find that damn bag!" He muttered. Where had she put it?

"I have it, Graham." Emma called.

Walking back into the kitchen, he just stared at her. "Where in the hell was it?"

Emma chuckled, "I put it under the table so I would know where it was."

Graham sighed. "Alright, let's get going." Graham ushered his small family out the door. Pulling his cell phone from his pocket, he waited until Emma and Henry were in the car, before dialing a familiar number.

Snow glanced at the clock, hours had passed by without an ounce of news. Her stomach grew uncomfortable, flip-flopping, at the fact that something could be wrong. She tried to keep her face neutral as she could feel Henry's stare on her face.

"Is it supposed to take this long?" He asked suddenly.

Snow turned slightly, she locked eyes with James for a moment, as he nodded, giving her the strength to continue. Looking down at Henry, she saw that his face was scrunched up in worry.

"Sometimes it can. I'm sure everything is alright. Graham will come out here any minute now." Snow offered what she hoped to be a smile.

The doors to the delivery room banged open, causing all three family members heads to turn. Graham sauntered out, a huge smile on his face. His blue eyes were wide in wonder as he knelt down in front of his family.

"I'm a father." He whispered, almost as if he couldn't believe it himself.

Snow and James were matching smiles, as Henry hopped off his chair and threw his arms around Graham's neck.

"Is she amazing?" Henry asked, his smile matching Graham's.

"She is beautiful. Just like her mother." He stood up and stretched, before waving them forward. "Emma's been transferred into a room."

The small family walked together, Henry clasping onto Graham's tightly. Graham stopped for a moment, to throw open the door to Emma's room, before letting everyone inside.

Snow walked forward, peering down at her daughter and granddaughter. She smiled softly, as Emma's eyes dragged upward. They drooped slightly, as she smiled.

"Hi, mom." Emma spoke softly, before looking back at James, "Hi, dad." As he took a few steps forward.

Henry took a few steps toward his grandmother, "What did you name her?"

Emma bit her lip to keep from yawning, as Graham took over. "We named her Mary Eva."

Snow gasped, her hand raising to cover her mouth.

"Is that okay?" Emma asked, worried that her mother might be upset with her.

"Oh, Emma. It's more than okay." Snow answered softly, before reaching out her arms.

Emma gently slid Mary into Snow's arms. Snow looked down at her granddaughter awestruck. Peering up at Emma, she couldn't keep the smile off her face. "She has Graham's hair."

Emma giggled, "Beautiful curly brown hair, just like her daddy." Emma looked up at her husband lovingly.

"Beautiful, porcelain skin just like her mommy." Graham said softly.

James walked around to get a good look at his granddaughter. Mary started to fuss loudly, causing both, Snow and James, to chuckle lightly.

"Looks like she might have inherited Emma's temperament. Good luck with that." Snow said softly, laughing as Emma rolled her eyes.

"I am not that bad."

Graham shrugged, "I would be incline to disagree, honey, but I fear for my life."

Emma crossed her arms over her chest as a scowl crossed her face. Her attempt at faking anger was interrupted as a loud yawn ripped itself from her mouth.

"I think we should let you sleep. We'll be back a little later on, Emma."

She nodded even as her eyes drooped close. The last image in her mind was of Graham sitting in the small chair in her room, cradling Mary close to her chest, as Henry leaned against his shoulder. A smile crossed her lips as she fell into a deep sleep.