You Save Me
by: Siren Warren

A/N: I do NOT own Sons of Anarchy. It is strictly the property of Kurt Sutter and Sutter Ink. Nor do I own You Save Me by Kenny Chesney. No copyright meant.

Summary: Jax is in jail again after taking the gavel and finding the girl of his dreams. Giselle is Jax's queen. Everything he needs in a woman. But with Jax away from her constantly, she is so alone. And once out, Jax ends pushing away the only thing that keeps him from falling off the edge. Can Jax hold onto this wonderful woman? And if he loses her, what will he do?

Dear, Jax

I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you. Fyori is doing pretty well. Abel has been reading to her every night before bed. His reading has gotten much better. Fyori loves listening to him. She's starting to recognize and repeat the books back to him. I'm doing pretty well as well. I'm busy at work but I've been taking Fy and Abel to the park a lot. The other day we had a picnic. In the envelope I put a picture of us at the park on our picnic dinner that Fy and Abel both helped make.

I hope Fy will be patient when we come visit. She gets so antsy when she has to wait for things. Abel's been doing a good job of keeping her in line. And she returns the favor by bossing him around and forcing him to play dress up. I took pictures of Abel all dolled up courtesy of Fyori. It was hilarious. Fy could not stop laughing and neither could. Your mom was almost in tears. He kept yelling that it wasn't funny and it took a real man to look that hot in a pink dress. I lost it.

I love you, Jax. I miss you every day. Sometimes I dream about you being home. How we laugh and talk. How the wind feels blowing back my hair when I ride with you. I can't wait to get that back. I hope you're doing all right, baby. Please be safe. I love you.

Love Always,


Jax grinned down at the letter in his hands then looked at the photo of his girl and kids. Abel was holding his fiery haired little sister and her fiery haired mother held both of the children nice and tight against her. All of them smiling as warm and bright as the California sun. God, he loved them.

He laid back on his cot, staring at the picture. Then something fell out of the envelope. Jax blinked and picked it up off the floor. It was another photo but this one was of just Giselle. She wore all black. Black sheer, thigh high stockings, black sheer panties, black stiletto heels, and Jax's cut covering her breasts which were bear of a bra or shirt of any kind. Her long, wavey, fiery hair cascaded down Jax's bike, which she was laying on by the way. Her plump lips as red as cherries, her emerald green eyes half lidded in a lusty, sexy way.

Jax groaned.

He hid the picture in his waistband. No one was allowed to see Giselle like that. No one but Jax. He laid back and shut his eyes, dreaming of not just Giselle but his two beautiful children.

Dear, Giselle

You're trying to kill me with that photo, woman! God, I love you. I'm glad to hear that the kids are doing so good. I miss them so much it hurts. The day I get out is the day I make you mine. I promise you that. So make all the plans you want. because the day I get out, I'm going to marry you.

Sometimes I lay awake at night, remembering you laying beside me. I remember your scent, the way your hair hair felt when my fingers ran through it, the way your skin felt underneath my fingertips. I remember how warm you are, the sound of every slow breath you take. And how you curl up against me when you get cold at night. I miss that. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. I can't wait to play with my kids again, to hear them laugh, to watch them fall asleep as I read them bed time stories.

I love you, Giselle. Tell Fyori and Abel that Daddy loves and misses them and that I'll come home soon.

Love, Jax

Giselle wiped her tears away as she read Jax's letter. She moved to stand in the doorway to her daughter's bedroom. Fyori was asleep, clinging to the stuffed panda that Jax had bought her for her second birthday. It brought a smile to Giselle's face. Then she moved to stand in Abel's doorway. He was passed out in his racecar bed with a book titled Rainbow Fish.

Giselle sighed and went back to her and Jax's bedroom. She missed Jax so much. More than anything. The day they had sentenced Jax to two years in prison for assault with a deadly weapon Giselle had cried herself to sleep.

But in one week. One very long, agonizing week, Giselle was visiting Jax in Stockton. Giselle, Abel, and Fyori.

The thought excited Giselle but it also filled her with dread. Giselle dreaded the visit because she did not want her children to have memories of Jax in that awful place. Caged up like some dangerous animal. But she was also ecstatic because they all missed Jax and she wanted to see him. Giselle was so sick of Jax being in jail. He had been in prison the day Fyori had been born. Well, technically, so had Giselle. She had gone into labor while visiting Jax.

But now it was three years later. Fyori was three, Abel was five, and Giselle was hanging on every word Jax wrote to her. Waiting for him to be free. Falling under the spell that Jax's words wove over her.

Giselle looked at the siver ring on her finger. It was a silver claddagh ring with the claddagh symbol made of diamonds.

Her eyes slid closed, remembering the night that Jax had proposed to her. . .

Jax had taken Giselle into his arms as they laid in the grass ib their backyard, watching the stars. It had been a warm summer night that had ended a hot summer day full of barbecuing and watching Abel and Fyori splash around in Fy's kiddy pool.

Abel had begged Jax to let them camp out in the yard and Fyori, who couldn't form sentences very well at the time, helped out by chanting,"Camp! Camp!". So Jax had pitched a tent for the four of them and made a bonfire. After roasting marshmallows and the two children passing out in the tent, Giselle and Jax had decided to relax together outside and just star gaze for a little while.

Then Jax had started kissing Giselle's neck. And while she'd been caught up in the feel of his lips on her skin, he'd slid the ring onto her finger discreetly. Ever so softly, he breathed into her ear,"Will you marry me?" and Giselle had melted into a puddle of tears and joy.

Beautiful and perfect and everything Giselle had wanted in a proposal. Then a month later, Jax was in jail for assault.

Giselle sighed. So many times she'd thought of leaving. Jax wasn't just always in and out of prison, he was always in danger. And that wasn't fair to her children or to her. And the heart break was unbarable. Every time he got hurt or was sent away, she broke a little more. Not knowing if he'd come out alive. Giselle wasn't sure if she could handle getting that phone call one day. The call asking her to identify the body.

But that was also the reason that Giselle stayed. Jax was balanced out by Giselle's level headed attitude. She kept him calm and collected and made him a better leader, father, and person.

Jax had told her so many times that she had saved him. Jax was wild. A loose canon and always ready for a fight. But Giselle had taken away most of his destructive urges. Now he had his children, his woman, and he lived for them. Not for the thrill the club offered him.

Softly, Giselle touched Jax's cut. It was laying on their bed where Jax usually laid. Giselle clung to it when she slept, keeping Jax beside her every night. She pulled it close, laying on the bed and let sleep take her.