"What makes the difference between wishing and realizing our wishes?

Lots of things, and it may take months or years for the wish to come true,

but it's far more likely to happen when you care so much about a wish that you'll do all you can to make it happen."

Fred Rogers

Regina placed a basket on the table in her kitchen, starting to save food she should take to the picnic she would go with Snow and Henry. Months ago they had arranged for at least one day in the week, the three of them should be together. They agreed, so did Regina.

Actually, yesterday had been her birthday, and she'd had a little party. Not a party as such, but it had been something. Snow had insisted that she should make one, and Henry had plotted with his grandmother-sister for that, saying he always wanted to celebrate her birthday in style, but she never had accepted. It wasn't as if everyone would go to her birthday, anyway. So, yesterday in her home, she'd had a small gathering; there was Snow, Henry, Emma, David, Neal, Gold, Belle, Ruby, Granny, and Hook.

Regina shook her head from side to side, placing a couple of apples in the basket. How had she become so close to Hook? She never knew. How she ended up in her room with him? Well, there was alcohol included, but then they began to talk more and more, and now Regina could tell that they were... something. None of them knew what exactly, but they were trying to figure it out. But Regina could say that they had feelings for each other, but they weren't yet ready to move to the next phase. She at least wasn't. She never wanted to be with any man but with Daniel, ever. All this was very new to her.

And she did not forget the fact that Hook had almost hurt her son, but now he was saying to death that he wouldn't have done it anyway.

The mayor felt a chill as she remembered that day. Her children in danger, and when they finally were safe, Snow had collapsed, poisoned, on the verge of death. She sighed and went to the fridge, relieved that all danger was now no more in their lives.

After Greg and Tamara wanted to kidnap Henry and they went to Neverland, she, Gold and the Blue Fairy agreed for the first time in history; they did a spell around the town, making it impossible to open portals there, and making it impossible for an outsider from their world coming in again. It had been six months since she could say that she felt safe, knowing that Henry and Snow would be fine, so she would be.

Regina moved her gaze to the clock on her wrist, seeing Snow and Henry were being late. She sighed with a small smile, knowing that this had happened many times. Because Henry wanted to bring things that Snow didn't want to, or because Snow wanted to go to places with them that Henry didn't want, so they were arguing about it in their home. She took the basket and went to the living room, remembering how many times she had presence childish fights of her children, though Snow was twenty-nine years old.

The bell rang three times in her silent house, and she looked at the door, a smile on her face. That was the way Henry rang the bell, although she didn't know why they were ringing the bell, since Snow like Henry had the keys of her house. But eventually, Regina put down the basket on the table and headed for the door. They could have forgotten their keys.

She opened the door, and as she was expecting, her eleven year old son was there, with a small smile on his face. She frowned and looked around, noting that Snow wasn't there. "Henry? Are you alone here?"

"Uhm, Emma's in the car." She looked up, looking toward the street, watching Emma's yellow bug there. She raised her hand and waved to her, as Emma did from her car.

"So... where's Snow?"

"That's what I had to say. We have a surprise for you. I mean, now I have it, because she doesn't remember it, but she will then." Regina frowned, starting to feel the worry getting to her.

"What do you mean? She doesn't remember what? Is she okay?"

Henry moved his lips to the side, and Regina frowned, confused this time, knowing that the gesture was not of concern. "She's fine, but since yesterday was your birthday, we decided to make a surprise for you."

"Henry, I just want to see her. Where is she?"

Henry looked to his left, and Regina frowned, knowing she had already looked in all directions, though maybe Snow was hidden in some disguise or whatever. But then, her heart stopped at the sight of a little girl jumping next to her son's side; a smile on her little, beautiful face, as her green eyes sparkled like never before.

"I'm back, Mama!"

Regina blinked in shock, her eyes on the little girl. Her black hair was a little longer, and she was wearing the same white dress she wore when she appeared at the door of her house, claiming to be her daughter. And now she was here, almost a year later, in front of her. But... was it a dream? She looked over to Henry; his eyes shining in excitement, waiting for her to react. No. She wasn't dreaming.

"Mama?" Little Snow said, and so Regina moved her eyes to her, the shock still drawn on her face. "Aren't you happy?"

Regina frowned slightly, still unable to understand how this was possible. Would Snow never come back? No, that couldn't happen. But seeing Henry's face, she could see that he was happy about this, not worried. And what she was thinking? She had her little girl – literally – in front of her… again.

Snow let out a cry of surprise when Regina practically ran the short distance that separated them and lifted her in the air, clutching her little body to her body. Little Snow decided to wrap her legs around her body as her little arms were around her mama's neck, finally.

"I've missed you!"

Regina let out a small laugh, feeling the tears filling her eyes. "I've missed you too, my princess."

The little girl walked away from her, looking at her sadly. "I'm sorry I couldn't be in your birthday, Henry told me that it was yesterday."

Regina smiled hugely and shook her head slightly, one hand clutching the child on her hip and the other gently caressing her face. "All that matters is you're here now."

Regina moved her look ahead to see someone coming to them. Emma. "So, are you happy with your surprise, Grandma?"

Regina gave her a significant look, though her smile never faded from her face, so Emma smiled slightly, and little Snow frowned, confused. "Why do you call her Grandma? It's because she's my mama?"

"You got it, kid." The blonde moved closer to her son and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "I think we should get going, Henry. Neal's waiting."

Regina frowned, shifting her gaze from Emma to her son. "What? Aren't you staying, Henry?"

Henry shrugged slightly. "I think you should just spend this day with her. Tomorrow we make the picnic that we wanted."

"Are you sure?"

"When night comes, and when she falls asleep, everything will be as before." Emma said, not wanting to say too much in front of the little girl.

Regina looked at the girl for a few seconds before returning to Emma. "How did this happen?"

"She wanted to do it. She asked Mother Superior to make a potion so she could go back to being a little girl for a day. She asked her months ago, and luckily, it was ready for yesterday. But she didn't want to miss your birthday."

Snow frowned, looking back and forth between Emma and Regina. "Who's she? What are you talking about, Emma? I wanna know!"

"Don't think you'd want, girl." The woman smiled at the little girl. "Be good to your mama, okay?"

Snow smiled widely, showing all of her little teeth. "Of course!"

"See you later, mom!" Henry said turning around and starting to walk away with Emma.

"Henry!" Little Snow cried out, as Regina held on to her to her hip. The boy turned, looking at his now, little sister. "May you come later? I missed playing with you!"

He chuckled and nodded quickly. "I will come. I've missed playing with you, too!"

Both Snow and Regina smiled as Henry turned around again, moving away with his mother. Regina turned around and got into her house, closing the door behind her with her free hand, still not wanting to let go of the girl on her hip. Snow just clutched her arms around her neck, so she had no intentions of getting down either.

Regina just stared at her, as Snow inspected the house with her eyes. "It's a little different since the last time I've been here."

Regina nodded slightly. "Maybe..."

Snow moved her gaze across the room, her eyes widening at the sight of something she hadn't seen before. "You have these things hanging on your wall! How?!" She pointed to a wall, and Regina turned her head toward it, seeing what it was.

During these seven months, Snow and Henry got closer to her, so they had funny moments, like in the days when it was just the three of them. On many days, Henry had decided to take lots of pictures, so Regina then sent them to reveal, and now most of them were hung in frames on the wall.

Snow frowned, her gaze fixed on a picture. "Is that... me?"

Regina was surprised that she could recognize her adult self, because there were many pictures of her and Snow, many of them funny, some just smiling, or with Henry. But when Regina moved her eyes to the picture that Snow was pointing, she smiled. "Yes, that's you."

It was one picture of her and Snow, both of them together, sitting in the garden of her home, but Snow was holding the picture that once, Henry had taken to them, when she was this little girl in her arms.

"And that's me... adult?"

Regina nodded. "Yes, we had a lot of fun that day."

Snow smiled immensely. "I want to be in those things, too! Can you put me in there?"

Regina chuckled, and after a few seconds, nodded. "I think that's possible."

Regina laughed at the sight of a little girl in front full of flour. Snow began to blow into the air, trying to get some flour that was on her face. It was one of the cutest things she had seen, she had to admit. And it was like she was seeing her five years old son in front of her, too, wrinkling his nose full of flour. But it was her little stepdaughter doing it, now stirring the flour from her face with her hands.

Regina laughed again and looked at the oven, knowing it would take a while for the apple pie was finished. Snow was hungry, and Regina slightly suggested that she could make apple pie, knowing that Snow – adult or child – preferred not to eat anything of apples. But this time, Snow had jumped of joy, exclaiming that she had missed her meals of apples.

And when she had walked away from her oven and she had turned, a handful of flour was thrown at her face. She had begun to cough, despite Snow's laughter. Then, she had washed her face, and with the little flour that was left, she had filled the little girl of flour. Her black hair as her whole face.

"Not so funny now, isn't it?" Regina chuckled, shaking Snow's hair, helping her get the flour out.

"It is!" Snow exclaimed with joy, and Regina moved away from her, watching the big smile on her face. "Can we do it again?"

The woman smiled and shook her head. "Of course not, now we have to wait for the apple pie to be ready."

Snow snorted and turned, still removing the flour from her clothes and walking around the kitchen. But she stopped when she realized what was around one of her wrists, and frowned. "What is this?"

Regina turned to look at her and frowned. "What, dear?"

Snow turned, lifting her right wrist, and her silver bracelet there. "This. I don't remember having it before."

The mayor smiled slightly and crouched in front of her, taking her little wrist in her hands. "This is a gift I've given you, months ago." She looked at Snow's face; she was looking concentrated at the bracelet. "Do you like it?"

Snow frowned, her gaze still on the bracelet, but then, a big smile appeared on her face. "I love it! Now can I go to the bathroom?"

Regina confused but amusingly frowned, nodding. "Yes, but be careful with the stairs..." Snow nodded and ran off. "No running!"

Regina sighed with a smile still on her face. She walked over to the table and took the small camera that was there, turning it on again. Her smile began to widen as she saw all the pictures she had taken minutes before. Snow was infatuated with that she wanted to appear on the wall, so Regina decided to start taking pictures of her, promising her that she would be there.

Most of them were funny, and extremely cute because of the little girl. And there was one in particular that she loved, because it reminded her of a picture of her, adult Snow, and Henry. In this picture, she'd been in the middle of Snow and Henry, as they were kissing both of her cheeks. She didn't want to take that picture, because although she loved her children, she couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. But then, she had thought better on it, and she decided to do it. And that picture was now in her room, and a small copy in her wallet. And here was this photo; she was holding the camera, smiling, and little Snow was sitting on her legs, kissing her cheek. Finally, that brought tears to her eyes, unable to believe she was having the opportunity to spend a little time with her little girl again. She had known that one day she would see her again. And this was not a dream. She had seen her in a dream once, when she had to choose between staying in that dream or coming back to reality.

"I love you." She murmured, pressing a kiss to Snow's forehead. "I know I'll see you again."

Regina sighed deeply and put the camera down on the table again, turning it off. She turned around and headed for the oven, noting that the apple pie wasn't ready, but it was going to be at any minute. She turned her gaze to the door and frowned, wondering why Snow was taking so long. She walked out of the kitchen and went to the stairs, looking up.

"Snow?" She called out.

The girl didn't answer, so the concern got to Regina. She walked up the stairs quickly, and without hesitation went to the bathroom, but the door was open. And no one was inside. She frowned but a noise was heard from Snow's room. She still had that room, so Regina sighed in relief and walked to the room, knowing that the girl was there.

The door was slightly opened, she had to move it slightly and poke her head. The little girl was looking in a drawer in the dresser, but then closed it abruptly, and ran to the other side of the room, looking under her bed. Regina frowned and opened the door, coming in.

"Sweetheart?" Snow suddenly turned around, startled. "What are you looking for?"

"Nothing." She quickly said.

Regina frowned but smiled, walking towards her. "Really? It seems you're looking for something."

"I can't find it!" The girl huffed and crossed her legs and arms, a frown and pout on her face.

Regina had to hold to laugh or make some sound of cuteness to see her adorable face. She just sat at her side. "What was it?"

"It's something I made for you... the day before I was in the hospital."

"Really?" Snow nodded.

"But I can't find it! I can't remember where I left it!" She spread her arms and hugged her legs, hiding her face, starting to sob.

"Hey, no need to cry. Come here." She stood up and lifted her from the ground, sitting her on the bed. "You don't have to give me any gift; I already have everything I want." She said softly, wiping the few tears of Snow's cheeks.

"But I wanted to give it to you!"

Regina sighed slightly and looked at the clock hanging on a wall. "Okay, there are just ten minutes for the apple pie is ready, don't you want to read a story?"

Snow, without much enthusiasm, nodded. "Okay..."

Regina smiled slightly and kissed her forehead before heading to the desk where the fairy tales books. She took a couple of books and pulled them out from the desk, as something fell down because of that. "Oh..." Regina said, looking down to the floor, watching a small object there.

"You found it!" Snow jumped out of bed and ran happily into the small object. She reached down and took it, smiling. "Yes, I knew it was here!"

"That's what you were looking for?" Regina asked, leaving the books on the desk again. Snow nodded and looked at her, her green eyes shining in joy. She held out her hand, and Regina could see the small object more clearly.

It was a bracelet. Kind of. In fact, it was a bracelet; it was a bracelet just for children. It had colored beads; part of it was black, another part was red, another part was white, and the last part was green, and the thread that bound it all was white. Even though, Regina smiled hugely and looked down to see her child's face.

"Your favorite colors are red and black, and mine are white and green, and I thought that you'd like it." She smirked. "Now both of us have bracelets!"

Regina crouched in front of her and took her into a tight hug. "Thank you. I love it."

Both of them were separated and Snow put the bracelet on her wrist, radiating happiness. "It looks great on you, Mama!"


Snow nodded quickly. "Yes, it's really pretty!" Regina smiled and caressed her hair as her nose began to move in disgust because of a strange smell. She got up and looked around, as Snow was beginning to wrinkle her nose too. "What's that smell?"

"Oh..." Regina gasped. "The apple pie!" She ran off the room. Snow laughed and ran after her.

Regina smiled watching her children play in the garden. The apple pie hadn't been burned much, so Snow wanted to eat it anyway, and then Henry had arrived. The three of them enjoyed a good snack, and then they had decided to play in the garden, sword fight, as she turned to sit on the bench and watch them.

"I'll be back!" Henry yelled before running straight into the house. She frowned, but her gaze moved forward, watching her little girl walking to her.

"I love playing with swords! Am I good, Mama?"

Regina smiled and tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear. "Of course you are."

The girl frowned, as a mischievous smile formed on her lips. "And you're good with swords?"

Regina chuckled and shook her head. "No, I'm afraid I'm not."

"Now you will be." Henry said walking towards them. Regina moved her eyes to him, seeing that he was taking two swords of wood. Before she could say anything, he handed him a sword. "Please?"

Regina looked at her son, and then to her daughter. Both of them were watching her all excited, as if they would really like that. She smiled, remembering how many times Henry had told her that he would have liked to play with swords all three of them. He certainly would have remembered that. And now they had the chance. She couldn't let him down.

She stretched out her hand and took the wooden sword from Henry. "Yes!" Little Snow yelled, jumping back in joy. "It's me and Henry against you!"

Regina frowned, fun. "What? I don't think that's fair..."

Henry chuckled. "You're older than us, Mom..."

Regina narrowed her eyes at him and moved her gaze to the little girl next to him. "What about the girls together?"

"Yes!" Snow screamed running to her, staying still at her side.

Henry opened his mouth, as if he were offended. "You betrayed me! You're going to pay for this, princess!" Regina chuckled as he moved his sword forward, as Snow was doing it as well, same frowns on their faces.

Regina smiled again and stood in front of Snow, extending her own wooden sword to her son. "You have to go through me first, Prince Henry."

Henry smiled slightly, as he had remembered all the times when he was younger, she called him that. He always was her prince. "And who are you?"

Snow was placed at her side of a jump. "She's Queen Regina! We are going to kill you, Prince!"

"We'll see about that."

Henry moved his sword at her, so Regina had to start fighting, amusingly, with her son. She was never good with swords, she never learned how to use one, but she knew a couple of things. Henry was pretty good though. And while they were fighting, she knew what she had to do. She had to let him win.

Henry hit his sword with hers tightly, and she dropped her sword to the ground, feigning surprise and fear as a smile appeared on her son's face. "I won!"

"No, you didn't!" Snow said behind him, as Henry turned quickly, never dropping his sword. "Now you have to fight me!"

Both children started hitting woods their swords with one another, and Regina smiled taking her own wooden sword. She smiled even more when smiles appeared on her children's faces, as they wouldn't stop fighting with each other. She had to make a note in her mind for the future; they had to do this with adult Snow. Because though she was totally strict for everyone, as if she had no feelings, she always managed to have fun in any way with Henry and Snow. No doubt, they brought out the best of her.

She was startled and jumped back when both little Snow and Henry ran towards her, ready to now, fight her. And she was about to give up at some point, but meanwhile, she continued to fight with both of them, trying not to let any of their swords touch her. It was very funny, and she would never forget her own smiles, and especially, Henry's and Snow's laughter.

Henry had asked Emma if he could sleep over at her house that night, though it wasn't one of the nights she was supposed to have her son. But Henry wanted to stay with her and little Snow, until it was all over. The nostalgia began to reach her when night fell on them, but she couldn't help but feel happy anyway, because she had had a beautiful, wonderful day with her little girl and son. And although she was delighted to have little Snow again, she couldn't help it, she missed Snow.

It was past bedtime, but she had allowed Henry and Snow that to happen, because as she and Henry knew, when Snow fell asleep, she would go back to being normal. And she'd begun to suspect that Henry had missed this little girl as much as she did. But now he was also missing his grandmother. And for some reason, she felt that this would indeed be the last time they would see her.

Now they were sitting on her bed, because she had decided that all of them could sleep there that night. Snow was sitting beside her and Henry next to her. She was reading Henry's book, how Snow White and Prince Charming met, and Snow had begun to try to keep her eyes open. She was starting to fall asleep.

"Snow?" Henry said, so Regina stopped reading. "Are you sleepy?"

Snow wrinkled her nose and rubbed her eyes, nodding. "Yes..." She whispered.

"Please, don't fall asleep." He mumbled slightly, and Regina felt her heart breaking to see that Henry was feeling the same as her. They wouldn't see her again. Never.

Snow frowned slightly, moving her green eyes to him. "Why?"

He shifted his gaze to her, and Regina nodded slightly, with a small smile, and tears in her eyes. Soon Henry's eyes filled with tears as well, and he wrapped his arms around his little sister. "I loved being your big brother."

Snow laughed lightly, and let out a yawn, wrapping her little arms around him. "I know. You are the best big brother ever."

He chuckled and moved away from her. "You're the best little sister ever."

Regina closed Henry's book and laid it aside. She moved her eyes a few seconds her eyes to a clock; 11:09 pm. And a funny, small smile appeared on her face to know what would happen in a few minutes. But her smile faded when her eyes moved to her children. Henry's face was sad and happy at the same time as Snow was totally confused.

"Something's wrong?"

Regina smiled softly and caressed her hair, pulling it from her face. "No. It's just that we love you very much." Snow smiled and she had to press her lips tightly and keep silent for a moment not to let the tears out. "Did you know that you are the most beautiful little girl I've ever met?"

Snow's smile widened and Regina couldn't help but let out a few tears. "Are you – why are you crying, Mama? You're sad?"

Regina sighed deeply. "No, I'm very happy that I had this beautiful day with you."

Snow moved her head to the side and gave her a wide smile. "I'm happy, too."

Regina smiled again and gently caressed her cheek. "I know."

Snow smiled and walked over to her, kissed her cheek and then wrapped her arms around her neck, as Regina clutched her small body to hers, letting more tears escape from her eyes. But she quickly wiped them with her fists as Snow moved away from her, letting out a yawn.

"I – I want to sleep." She turned to look at Henry, scratching her eyes. "You won't get mad if I do?"

Henry smiled slightly and shook his head. "I won't, I promise."

Snow smiled and looked back to Regina, lying in bed, starting to close her eyes weakly. "I had a lot of fun today, Mama..."

"Me too." Regina replied, gently caressing her hair. She smiled slightly. "I love you, Snow." The little girl smiled and opened her mouth to say something, but her eyes couldn't take it anymore, so they closed, as Snow's face began to relax.

Regina moved her hand away from her head and took her small hand in hers, moving her gaze to the clock hanging on the wall. 11:11 pm.

A white light started coming to her eyes, and she quickly moved her eyes towards Snow, unable to see her; the white light was surrounding her completely, but her hand was still clutching hers. She began to feel a little hand disappearing from under her hand, to feel a hand of the same size of hers. The light began to fade, and she had a big smile on her face when she saw her Snow, asleep in front of her.

"She's back." Henry said, and she lifted her eyes to him, watching a small smile on his face.

Snow's hand began to move under her own, and she moved her eyes to her quickly, seeing her green eyes beginning to appear in sight. She blinked a few seconds and frowned, inspecting her around. But then, her eyes found her, and Regina smiled, as she did. "I love you too, Mama."

Regina felt a little surprised, though Henry had already told her. This time, Snow remembered everything. It wasn't like they were going to have to go through the hell that they went through the first time, but she felt very good to know that she remembered all that they had spent on this day.

Regina said nothing as Snow sat straight. When she was in a comfortable position, she threw herself into her, wrapping her arms around her. She quickly felt Snow's arms around her as well, and her head resting on her shoulder.

"You didn't have to do this." Regina whispered, as though she'd loved spending the day with her little Snow, she didn't want Snow to feel that she preferred her little herself than her.

"But you loved your surprise." Snow replied, moving away from her. Regina sighed and let out a smile, taking Snow's two hands in hers.

"I don't want you to do this ever again." Snow frowned, confused. "I love you as you are. I love that little girl, but as I've always told you, you're that little girl. No matter how old you are, I will always see you as my little girl."

Snow smiled and nodded. "I know. But I wanted you to see her again at least once more."

She moved her eyes to Henry, and frowned slightly. "You're happy that I'm back?"

Henry grinned and threw himself into her arms. "I missed you, Grandma. Even if now I'm the little one again."

"No matter big or little, you are the best brother and grandson ever."

"And you're the best grandma and sister ever."

Regina smiled watching them hugging; but then, they separated and looked at each other, as mischievous smiles appeared on their faces. And she knew that meant something. They moved their eyes toward her, and spread their arms to her. "And you're the best mom ever!" She quickly was found lying in the middle of both of them, their arms around her.

They stayed that way for a few minutes, until Henry moved away from them, a worried frown on his face. "Please, don't tell Emma I said that. She's the best mom ever, too..."

Regina chuckled. "I won't, sweetheart. Don't worry."

"I'll tell her." Snow said, and Regina moved her eyes to her, watching the mischievous and funny smile on her face. Undoubtedly, little Snow was still there, as always as she and Henry had silly fights; Snow seemed to decide to behave like his big sister, bothering him, just when she was alone with them. When the whole family was together, she was just his grandmother.

"You will not!" Henry said quickly, his eyes widening in surprise and fear, because he always fell in Snow's jokes.

Snow chuckled. "Yes, I will."

Henry quickly shifted his gaze to his mother, worried. "Mom, tell her not to!"

"Mama will not be there when we get home." Snow shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest, a smirk on her face.

"Oh, no, Mom, tell her that..."

"Oh, stop it children!" Regina said with a serious tone, yet fun. Snow chuckled as Henry kept his worried face, so she had to smile slightly and caress her son's hair. "Honey, she's kidding. She won't say anything to Emma."

"You always fall in my jokes, little one." Snow said, stirring Henry's hair, as one frown appeared on his face.

"I hate when you do that."

Regina rolled her eyes and sighed, letting out another smile. "Okay, what if I make cocoas with cinnamon?"

"Yeah!" Henry said in joy, jumping out of bed.

Regina smiled. "And then, to bed."

Henry formed a pout as Snow smiled. "That's what happens when you're the little one."

"That was for you too, Snow." Regina said, getting up from the bed. She could imagine Snow's face to hear that.

"What? I'm..."

She turned around, and as she had imagined a frown was on her face. "My house, my rules."

Snow snorted and she turned around and began to walk out of the room, as she could hear them begin to get into it. "Ha, you're a little one too!" Henry said.

"Oh, you shut up."

"Oh no tickle, no tickles, Mom, help me!"

She laughed lightly and shook her head, starting to walk down the stairs. No doubt she'd had one of the best days of her life, not just for her little Snow, if not for her being there with her son and now Snow was back, and they were going to stay the night with her. And she loved to hear their silly fights, as if they really were siblings, and she loved to act as a real mother would. She really was their mother, although she had learned that Emma was Henry's mother, too, and although Snow had another mother to love even if she wasn't here. No matter how old they would be, no matter if Henry then became an adult, and Snow continued aging, they were always going to be her children.

Regina thanked the heavens have made that wish almost a year ago. That wish was one of the best things that happened in her life, she had to admit. With that wish, she could have a little girl to love, she was able to forgive and be forgiven, she got closer to her son and got her stepdaughter back, and with her and her son, a beautiful family. That wish had changed her life, and was one of the best things that happened in her life, but she wouldn't make another wish. She didn't need it.

She already had everything she had ever wished. A family.

I cried writing the goodybe between Henry - little Snow - Regina, but I had to make it clear. And of course, I cried at the end of this story, yeah, I'm very sentimental about my stories. Plus, this story was the first story I've written about OUAT, and about Regina/Snow, and I loved it. But it had to end sometime.

Thank you very much to everyone who ever reviewed this story! To all the followers and all those who put it as favorite. Thank you very much to everyone who read this story, seriously. Yours reviews always made - make - my days. I loved each of them, and I'll always love them.

I can say that maybe a story of Regina and Snow of mine will be here soon, maybe. I already have many ideas in my mind, so I have to decide on one of them and see if I can make it work out.

I hoped you all liked this epilogue; I wanted little Snow to have moments with Regina as well with Henry, since you all loved the relationship brother/sister between them. And after little Snow was gone and Snow was back, I couldn't help but make them as siblings too, and Regina there as their mother, as a little, beautiful, family.

So, here I leave this story, and as always;

Thank you for reading!