It had started to rain.
Great Magnus thought.
He moved from the couch without his usual lively energy and stared gloomily out the window. Leaning his forehead against the cool glass, he closed his eyes and thought sarcastically; Of course it starts to rain. It can't rain tomorrow and it couldn't have rained yesterday. NOOOO that would have been too much luck.
He was supposed to leave today. Magnus' apartment was empty, bare and thoroughly clean. All his stuff magically packed in his suitcase by the door. The only thing not packed were the cloths he currently wore. Which were his sky blue pj's and fuzzy yellow slippers. Not his smartest move but hey, at lest it didn't have sparkles. He remembered a few days ago sitting with Shirley (oh, sorry Simon) and saying, "I had a dream. I saw city all of blood, with towers made of bone and blood ran in the streets like water. The darkness is coming. If it weren't for Alec I'd be gone from here."
Magnus' heart skipped a beats at just the thought of his name. Magnus felt a sharp pain in his chest. Like someone had reached inside him and was slowly crushing his heart. The longing and sadness and pain were familiar to him, for nobody knew as well as he did the feeling of losing someone. But never before had it felt as intense, or agonizing as this.
Packing had effectively kept his thought too busy to think of the pain, but he had no more to pack. In hindsight, packing it magically had probably been the reason the distraction didn't last long.
Magnus kept putting off his departure. Something always seemed to come up to keep him there another day. Yesterday he had to go buy more hair gel because he was running low (He wasn't really) and that took the entire day (the shop was right up the street). The day before that he lost Chairman Meow (He was asleep in Magnus' bedroom) and it took him hours to find him. Every day he found an excuse to stay and it seemed he would never leave.
Even now, when Magnus knew he had to go, he felt a strong urge to help the shadowhunters. He would only be able to go knowing that someone was there to help. But he didn't trust anybody to help them. Well, not anyone alive.
Magnus' eyes flew open and his head jerked back from the window. Maybe… He rushed to his suitcase and retrieve the book of white. Flipping through it franticly, he almost missed the page he was looking for. His mind ran a mile a minute.
"Yes, with a few minor adjustments this could work. Magnus, your ingenious mind amazes the world yet again!" He said to himself.
With a snap of his fingers his suitcase started to unpack itself. Items flew all over the room as Magnus walked calmly through the chaos to the center of his living room. Getting on his knees, he though with a smile; One last spell to blow this living room apart. Then he began drawing a pentagram on his floor. The book of white laying open on the floor next to him, open to a page titled;
Linked by Blood
Separated by time
The loud doorbell could be heard throughout the New York institute. Even from outside the noise was audible. Will started muttering about Magnus and his stupid, annoying, plans. Jem stood next to him looking only slightly annoyed. Will thought that most likely Jem was simply uncomfortable in this new environment rather than angry at Magnus for getting them into this mess.
Will began swearing fluently under his breath. He knew Magnus could hear his, but even though the swearing was directed at him, Magnus showed no irritation but simply smiled to himself. Only this morning Will and Jem had been hunting demons in the streets of London. In 1878.
Will and Jem had just found several Dahak demons in the alleys of London. Inchor and demon blood spilled all over will's gear as he killed the last of them. James came over, looking cheerful as Will's gear smoked an burned away.
"Ruining more gear, I see," he said
Will smiled and started to say, "Just part of the job, James." When a voice behind them said, "Have you nothing to do but talk of clothing? Goodness, you have hit rock bottom."
Will and Jem turned to see Magnus Bane walking up the alley toward them. He was looking rather strange with the strangest trousers he had ever seen and he was covered in…sparkles? Jem, being the polite person he is, ignored his strange clothes and said "Hello Magnus."
Magnus nodded his head in response but said to Will, "Hunting for demons are you?"
"Yes. I'm afraid it is as boring as ever at the institute. Not even poor Jessimine had anything to gossip about," Will replied in a dramatic manner, as if he was truly distraught.
"Ah, yes that must be boring indeed,"
Jem looked immensely curious as he asked, "May I ask why you have sought us out Magnus?"
"Well, I do say I would like to ask you a favor," Said Magnus, avoiding eye contact with Will, "Some good friends of mine need help and I am unable to offer assistance."
Will felt uneasy about this offer and said, "I'm afraid that we already have plans for today Magnus. I'm sure you can find someone else to help."
Jem looked at Will with a confused look on his face but quickly hid it. He did not understand Wills reluctance to go but Will obviously didn't like Magnus' offer. He quickly said, "Yes, we are not able to help you today Magnus. We must get back to the institute now." Before they had even turned to leave Magnus started to open a portal.
"Are you Insane?" Will snapped, "There are Mundanes nearby!"
Magnus looked at him and smiled, "This will take only a second," he said then abruptly pushed them both through the portal.