** OK, this is my first fanfic, so please be nice. I know the story jumps around a bit and there is some problems with grammar and capital letters so I'm sorry. I hope you like it despite this. BTW: I don't own any of the HP universe. **

Chapter One: Meaning of Relationships

"He does too" yelled hermione Granger at her fiery haired tormentor.

"He does not" replied Ron at the top of his voice. Neither one of them had noticed that most of the occupants of the gryffindor common room had stopped to watch the fight. "How can you pass Judgement on my relationship with Viktor Ron? You've been nothing but hostile to him since the start!" hermione's yell echoed around the cavernous common room.

"Relationship! You think you're in a relationship Hermione?" Ron replied angrily "You've seen him for a couple of hours in the six months you've supposedly been having a relationship. That's not much. Especially for someone who can apparate. I don't call that a relationship!". Hermione took a step towards Ron as if to hit him, however her hand stayed by her side as she drew herself to her full height in order to look Ron in the eye "It is a relationship Ron. He loves me. There's no way you can belittle that".

Ron turned around and walked to the other side of the room "As i said before HE DOES NOT!" Ron shouted in exasperation.

"AS I said before He does too!" mimicked hermione continuing the argument.

Ron turned again to look at hermione and yelled angrily at her "He Does not love you hermione! Does he come to visit? When you see him does he scoop you into his arms and cover you in kisses? Does he miss you when he's not with you? NO! He writes to you once a month, signs it "Love Vicky" and your happy!".

"He does not sign it Vicky!" yelled Hermione at Ron "You don't know anything Ron. I don't know why I'm even talking to you!". With that she turned on her heel and stalked towards the bottom of the stairs to the girls dormitories.

"And for your information Ron! He's been to visit me 4 times!" she countered as she began to ascend the stairs. Ron stared after her wih this mouth open ready to retort, but instead he watched her disappear around the corner of the stairs and sighed, apparently thinking better of continuing the fight.

He turned to look at the people watching in the common room, "What?" he shouted at them before stalking off in the opposite direction to the boys dormitories.


"Ron?" asked a voice tentatively from outside the door to the dormitory. Ron recognised the voice as Harry and told him to come in.

"Don't you think you were a bit harsh on her?" asked Harry as he made himself comfortable on Ron's bed.

"No! She needs to realise what a git Krum is" said Ron angrily.

"Ron! Calm down" said harry "She's not stupid. If Krum was treating her badly she would do something about it".

Ron grunted in disbelief and calmed down slightly before replying to Harry "She can't be happy with him!".

"And why not?" asked harry skeptically.

"She needs someone who can be close to her." Ron said angrily "She needs someone to distract her from her work. She needs someone to look after her. Not someone who is in Bulgaria and visits her four times a year".

Harry laughed quietly patted Ron on the back "Honestly Ron, you sound like you'd prefer to take Krum's place or something!". Harry stood to leave Ron to his contemplation reaching down he squeezed Ron's arm and said "Well Ron? Who would you be happy with her going out with then?".

Ron grunted in response and Harry left the dormitory letting the door bang quietly behind him. Ron flopped back onto his bed and spoke to himself "I don't want Hermione to go out with anyone! She's ours".


Hermione sat herself down on her bed and picked up her pillow, thinking for a second about what to do with it she finally threw it against the wall. "Stupid Git!" She muttered as she lent down off her bed to pick up her pillow "What does he know anyway?". "Viktor loves me. I know he does. He tells me so" she grumbled to herself as she threw her pillow again. Getting off her bed to pick up her pillow she continued to mumble "But Ron's right about the visits. He has only been to visit me 4 times in 6 months and each time he's had something important to go and do after an hour or two".

Picking up the pillow and tossing it back onto her bed hermione thought outloud "And he has never scooped me into his arms and covered me in kisses". Angrily sitting back on the side of her bed she mutttered quietly "As if i'd let him!". Hermione rolled onto her stomach and stared at the foot of her bed where her trunk stood with a pile of books sitting beside it. Reaching down to the pile she yanked a thin volume from near the bottom, almost overbalancing the whole pile. "Do things like that really happen?" she asked the world absently as she laid the volumne open on the bed and began to read.