"Just one step..." Alice said quietly to herself "And it will all be over."

She stood on the bridge and took a deep breath. For years her only love had ignored and resented her. She felt the wind gently urged her to go on with her plans. All she wanted was for Alfred to talk to her again but he had said he hated her. Her mother was forcing her to marry a horrible french man and she just couldn't live anymore. Even her siblings didn't want to hear about her troubles.

"Alfred you bloody git. I love you and this is how you repay me for all the years i wasted trying to get you to love me back?!" Alice shouted into the wind. Her dress was a flurry of fabric and her hair wiped around her face. She just had to take one step and it would all be over. So why did she hesitate?

"Alice!" A young man yelled his periwinkle eyes full of concern "What are you doing?!"

Alice turned a little to quickly and lost her footing. The young man grabbed her and pulled her onto the right side of the railing. She cried into his embrace and felt her heart break again.

"Oh Matthew! I feel terrible. Alfred said he hates me. I cant live with the thought of him never talking to me again." She held tightly to Matthew; afraid he was going to disappear. He was the only person who was going to listen to her and she knew it. Even if he was that frog's son she felt a brother-sister attachment to him. "I love him so much but he wont give me the time of day anymore."

Matthew sighed and picked her up. "Lets get you back home... Your parents are worried sick about you."

He carried Alice back to her house where her father was pacing madly and her mother sat on the couch stitching. Her fiancé sat on the couch; when he saw her his face lit up. Matthew set her down and backed away; her mother came over and hugged her.

"Oh we were so worried about you dear." Alice's mother sobbed.

"What in god's name did you think you were doing running away from home like some bloody american?!" Her father boomed.

Alice was completely numb to each of their reactions. 'They don't care about me. They just want me to be their perfect daughter.'

"Did it occur to you that half the town might hear about the scandal of you running off into the middle of the night just to have your soon to be step son bring you home?! Are you a bloody git like your brothers or are you going to be the smart woman of class we know you are?!" Her father continued.

"Father I am sorry. I haven't been feeling well and just wanted to get some fresh air and have sometime to think." Alice said politely "I will go strait to bed and will be no trouble from now on. I am truly sorry for worrying you and mother."

Her father calmed down and straitened his jacket. "Good. I am glad to see you are being level headed."


Alice sat in the sitting room with her fiancé. He sat in the chair across from her and looked at her quietly. His blue eyes watching her as she sewed.

"Its not polite to stare Mr. Bonfery." She said after he had been staring for twenty minuets.

"Please call me Francis." He said with a smile on his lips. She could almost feel him undressing her with his eyes.

"That is a bit to familiar considering we are not related or married."

"Yet. We are not married yet." Alice rolled her eyes.

"Malady your carriage is here." A maid said quietly.


Alice sat beside Francis as the carriage rolled down the forest path. She was looking out the window when suddenly the carriage stopped; almost throwing her out of her seat. A man with silver hair and demon eyes pulled her out of the carriage; dragging her toward is horse. She fought and kicked and screamed at the top of her lungs. Francis was trying to fight his way to her but there was to many of them for him to fight all by himself.

Just when she thought that all was lost, the demon eyed man let go of her and fell to the ground. A new man had grabbed alice and carried her away from the scene. His hand was clamped over her mouth so she couldn't scream. 'Oh god. Oh god. Who is this man?' Out of fright she bit the mans hand and tried to run away.

"Ow!" The man grabbed her again "Alice would you stop it!"

Alice turned to the man. He had bright blue eyes, full of life and golden blond hair with one random curl up top. How many times had she made fun of him about that curl?

She looked up at him; her eyes filled with tears "Al-alfred?"

Btw this is just an idea i had so i'd really like some feed back. Idk if i should continue the story or not.