A.N.: Happy Spring Break to me! Oh, what's that you say? Why yes faithful readers, it is a new story! :) (Sorry, not sorry)

Disclaimer: All songs belong to the artists mentioned with them. However, I currently have Ryan Murphy hostage in hopes that he will give me Glee. *Cocks pistol* *Arnold Schwarzenegger voice* I'll be back.

(Santana's POV)

Special talents. We all have them; whoopdy fucking doo. Excuse my language. It's just that buttchined Will 'Sweater Vest' Schuester has us sitting here singing songs about our best/special talents.

"It's supposed to build your self confidence!" , he says. Whatever. I'm just mad because I had to sit here and listen to Frodo piss and moan about Lady Hummel singing 'I'm The Greatest Star' which is quote unquote "her song to sing". Like what the fuck ever.

At least there were a few tolerable performances out of all this. Wheels actually got this thing rolling (no pun intended) with his rendition of 'Ridin''by Chamillionaire. You can guess what his talent was. My girl Cedes sung 'Bootylicious' and told us her talent was being a "fine, voluptuous, black woman".

I think everyone enjoyed my boy Blaine Warbler's clean version of the song by B-Type called 'Dapper As Fuck'. Which is true considering just how dapper his hobbit ass really is.

I especially think he did good on the rap parts. Its kind of a hidden talent me and Warbz share. But I guess it's not that hidden anymore since Sectionals. Meh, win some lose some.

Even Britt's performance was good. She sung 'Why Don't You Love Me' by Beyoncé. After I realized what song it was, I got kind of uncomfortable because she kept giving me these pointed looks during the song.

In totally honesty I haven't even thought about what song I'm gonna sing. It has to be very badass or emotional. Either way, I'm gonna kill it.

Next up was Quinn. She gave a nervous smile that was utterly adorable.

Wait, what?

Anyway, she said her song was by a band called First Aid Kit and it was for someone who she just couldn't help but be in love with.

Is it your fear of losing

That makes you go further

What makes me wonder friend

Is how you get away with your lies

Cause maybe you haven't noticed

That I appreciate your company

And every time you have to go

I regret I didn't let you know

I could love you

And when you hung up the phone

I realized I was alone

And I can't help it

You're so beautiful

I can't help it

You're so beautiful

Mmh mmh mmh

Mmmh mmmh, ohh oh

At this point, I can honest-to-God say I that I had no clue who this song was for. It could've been for Finn. Shit, it could've even been for Rachel with all the incest in this club.

You may have seen the world dear

But you don't know me

That's why all of this

Seems so absurd

I lie awake at night

Picturing me and you

I wish I could make it all clear

You see,

I could love you

And soon the fall is here

Turning us cold

And I can't help it

You're so beautiful

I can't help it

You're so beautiful

Mmh da, la da da da da

La da da

Oh oh oh oh, the morning light

But the demons

they come at night

I want to be your appetite

I want to be your good dreams

Your bad dreams

I can't help it

You're so beautiful

" Well, it seems my talent is falling in love with people who don't love me the same way."

Everyone clapped for her. Even Berry applauded her on her harmonies. I just sat their stunned. Why was she looking at me? And why was Brittany looking at Quinn like she killed Lord Fatass and she wanted revenge. Was Quinn talking about me?


That was a good one.

"Okay guys. That was good session. Everyone else goes tomorrow, Starting with... Santana!"

Why am I not surprised? Nothing in my life is every easy. Especially not with Quinn and Britt looking at me like I've got a huge secret that will make or break them. I'll just have to take the easy way out.

A.N.: Idk why in the world the font is like this but, Part 2 will be worked on later in the week. :) Toodles. Until next time...