Title: Someone To Live For
canon couples
Genre: Drama/Angst/Hurt/Comfort/Romance
Warnings: AU
Chapters: 1/around 40.
Status: WIP

Disclaimer: I don't own Bones nor the characters. Just playing with them.

Summary: Brennan's trip to Maluku is cut off suddenly after she gets the devastating news of Booth's demise in Afghanistan. Knowing she's lost him forever, she decides to give the world one last part of him – his child. But life never goes as you plan and tragedy strikes once more in the most unsuspected place, changing not only Brennan's life but all those around her too. AU. Post season 5 finale. There is BB.

AN There are a lot of things I'd like to say (justify?) about this fic. But I don't like long AN so I'm going to say this: it's a long two-part kind of story, mostly written already. It's angsty. But I do believe that love conquers all, so if you're still interested, here is the first chapter to my newest story: Someone To Live For.



Chapter One – The Phone Call


The tropical Sun glared brightly at the makeshift camp. The azure sky was cloudless as the birds chirped and mosquitoes buzzed around the people gathered there. But the humid weather was not really a bother to the world-wide specialists that were busily moving around.

Daisy Wick still could not believe that she was there. Every time she thought about the biggest dig in the recent history (one she was a part of!) she felt a giddy bubble burst inside her, followed by a wide smile spreading on her face. The barely contained squeal burned her throat, as she forced herself not to jump exuberantly.

And she was there with her mentor and idol: Dr. Temperance Brennan. The Dr. Temperance Brennan.

Daisy shaded her eyes with her hand and looked around the camp to find her professor. Dr. Brennan was standing near the communication tent, clothed in a pair of brown shorts, creamy tank top and a simple hat. Her feet were encased in heavy boots, perfect for the uneven terrain they were walking on. Daisy wished she could look as good in the jungle as her Professor did right now, already well into the first month of their digging, hiking and jungle searching.

But at least she has turned out to be useful (not that her expertise was not appreciated – she was a genius, after all – just this time she has turned out to be useful on a more personal matter! In the regards of Dr. Brennan's looks!).

It all happened one week after their arrival. They were hiking through a particularly tight spot of the jungle when Dr Brennan's beautiful hair got tangled with some branches rather quickly and effectively. There was really nothing they could do but to cut it off. The effect was kinda pathetic (not that Daisy dared to express this opinion to her Mentor!) so the hair needed to be cut in a bit more stylish fashion. It was here when Daisy was able to offer her hand and do the cutting. Dr. Brennan (rather reluctantly, Daisy had to admit) agreed but Daisy managed quite an impressive fringe for her Professor. Dr. Brennan thanked and smiled at the new look that her intern gave her. Daisy couldn't be happier. She couldn't wait to tell Lancelot- ekhem, Lance all about it.

Right now, Dr. Brennan was talking on the satellite phone they were provided with. And from what Daisy could tell the news was not good. She frowned and put away the brush and shovel she picked up for her working today, and started toward her professor. Clearly something has happened. She knew she was not Dr. Brennan's favorite intern but so far the two of them were the closest people they knew on this dig and she felt a compelling to come and provide some support to her Mentor.

Dr. Brennan finished her talk on the phone before Daisy got there and was standing now motionlessly while Daisy approached. Unexpectedly, the older woman turned toward her and Daisy gasped audibly. Whatever Dr. Brennan has learned wasn't good. Not good at all. Her face was pale as a chalk even under the tan and freckles she already got during the past month. And her eyes… Daisy's heart clenched at the suddenly haunted look in the Anthropologist's eyes.

"Dr. Brennan?" she asked before she could stop herself.

The older woman startled and focused on her young intern.

"Yes, Miss Wick?" she asked, her voice shaky and rasp.

Daisy gulped, suddenly lost for words.

"I- Is… is everything alright?" she asked tentatively.

Dr. Brennan took a sudden sharp breath as if struck by the question. Her haunted eyes welled with unshed tears. She visibly shrunk into herself, her arms hugging her middle. Her lips formed just one word.

If Daisy was speaking with anyone else she might have not get it. But she had worked with Dr. Brennan for enough amount of time (and well, this was the Dr. Brennan, after all) to read the word immediately for what it was:


Daisy took an involuntary step toward her Mentor. "Dr Brennan!" she yelped alarmed, but stopped before touching her.

The older woman sobbed. Once. Then her breath hitched and she started gasping. Daisy panicked.

"Dr. Brennan, you need to calm down. You need to take a slow breath, you need to exhale, Dr. Brennan! Dr. Brennan!"

But the older woman didn't pay her any attention. Daisy caught her arms, shaking as well. By now their commotion had caught attention of other occupants of the camp. Dr. Jearrou from Canada took a step toward them and Professor Verrick from Europe quickly followed.

Daisy fell with Dr. Brennan as the knees buckled under the older woman, all strength suddenly spent.

"Dr. Brennan!" Daisy called, but the woman in her arms was unresponsive.

Others have gathered around them. Professor Verrick took the lead, demanding to bring some bag and water and call their medical doctor.

"Dr. Brennan." He took her head in his hands, and locked her eyes with his, until he got her attention. "Breathe with me." He stared at Dr. Brennan steadily and spoke slowly. "Out, slowly. I count, you exhale. One. Two. Three. In. Slowly. One. Two. Three."

He repeated it a few times until Dr. Brennan was able to breathe on her own. Daisy watched it all, worried beyond measure. What could have happened to provoke such a reaction from her logical and composed Mentor? What could have happened to Agent Booth? Daisy was afraid to ponder the possibilities.

She watched as Dr. Jearrou took Dr. Brennan to the tent Daisy was assigned to with her Mentor; the other woman's arm around the Anthropologist's shoulders as she talked to her soothingly. All of sudden Daisy was left in the middle of the camp, feeling inadequate and unneeded. Finally, after their physician attended to Dr. Brennan and assured them she was ok, Daisy dared to enter and check on her Professor herself.

"Dr. Brennan?" she asked tentatively, standing in the opening to their tent.

"Yes?" the older woman was sitting on her cot, her shoulder hunched; she did not look up at her student. Daisy's heart clenched.


"Can I help you?" Dr. Brennan's voice sounded flat and emotionless.


"What has happened?" she asked, trying to comprehend what was going on, so she knew how to try and help her teacher and idol.

"Booth… is dead." Dr. Brennan gave a resigned, robotic reply.

Daisy gasped. "No…"

"He was killed in action." Dr. Brennan continued in that detached, mechanical voice, her head down.

"I… I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Daisy stuttered.

"Why? You didn't kill him." Again that resigned emotionless voice.

"I-" she gulped. "Are you coming back for his funeral?" she asked.

"There won't be one. Not now at least. The Army needs to investigate and until then the bodies-" Here her voice croaked. "-the remains will not be released to the family."

Daisy's heart squeezed painfully for the woman in front of her.

"Maybe… maybe you should go back anyway? To be with… with your family now?" she asked gently. No matter what, Dr. Brennan should not be alone right now. She needed her closest friends and family, because no one here, not ever herself (no matter how much she would want to) could give her the relief and support she needed now.

"No." Dr. Brennan protested. She hadn't moved even a little since Daisy came to check up on her. "There is nothing I can do there."


"Leave." It was not a request but a demand.

"Dr. Brenn-"

"Leave!" Dr. Brennan's head shot up abruptly.

Daisy gasped and left quickly just like she was asked to do. Dr. Brennan was always so calm and quiet. Just like in this moment. On the surface she didn't look any different than before she got the call. Except… except for the eyes… oh, the eyes! They were haunting Daisy even now in the glaring Sun of the early afternoon.


And dead.

Daisy gasped recalling the woman she has just left in their tent.

A shell.

And in that moment Daisy realized something all of the people at the Jeffersonian knew on some level already.

There was no Dr. Temperance Brennan without Agent Booth.


End of Chapter One


AN 2 Still with me? Have faith! The first part (20 chapters) is already written, I'm working on the second part and because of that I'll be updating this story once a week, on Sundays.

Stay tuned for next chapter, titled: Half of a Center.

And please review!