This came to me a few days ago. I didn't like how Cassie left it with them just together... I wanted more. This is "the morning after." Eventually, I hope to actually get to the "night" part. ;-)
She woke up to Jem's beautiful smile, and his eyes capturing every inch of her face, as though he was memorizing it all over again. It reminded her of the times, so long ago now, that she had snuck into his bedroom in the dead of night and fallen asleep to his violin, or his arms wrapped around her.
She reached out for him gently, wanting to be sure he was still as real as he had been when he was inside her the night before. Her fingers lightly traced the contours of his face, ghosting over the faint remnants of the scars of the Brotherhood, and twisting her fingers easily in his deep black hair. Tessa had been astounded by how quickly she had accepted the new color, and at how well it suited him. After having seen his face framed by silver for so long, the dark locks were a strong contrast, but she loved them, anyway. To her, the change symbolized a new beginning, a new start for the pair.
Her and Jem.
As it should be.
Thanks for reading! Please review.