Song suggestion: Supernova by Kanye West ft Mr Hudson (I was feeling nostalgic for summer 2009 and this song was my jam that summer.)


The evening was not fun. I suspect that even if fun things had happened I still wouldn't have enjoyed myself, but I've decided to try, a opposed to lying in bed ignoring everything.

I think the most irritating issues to be had with the evening revolved around everyones awkwardness, Emmett being an idiot and the elephant in the room. The elephant being my dead father, a subject that I can't even think about let alone talk about even though I know it's what everyone else has on their minds too.

From a rational point of view I can understand the awkwardness I was receiving from everyone except Carlisle, because he deals with shit like this regularly I'm guessing, but I didn't want to be rational. I'd just found out my Dad plotted to kill my Mum, died in the process and put my life at risk. Why on earth would I be feeling rational? They wanted me to start talking and eating and I did but now it's just awkward, great.

And as for Emmett, my God!

I'd noticed during the time we spent in the lounge and having dinner that he was giving Jasper death glares. It was irritating but I decided to ignore it and try and bring it up with Rosalie later. But no, it got worse. Not only was he continuing with the glares but he was also starting to snap at Jasper which caught everyones attention, and made everybody even more awkward. The Cullen house was awkward/10 at that point but, like most things, it got worse.

We'd just finished dinner and Carlisle asked us about plans for Halloween, which is a normal thing to ask therefore got a awkward response because God forbid I should be leaving the house at any point in the near future. Then Jasper spoke up saying someone at school was having a huge everyone-invited party, which was when angry, overprotective Emmett got involved.

He'd done some loud talking about how we wouldn't be doing that this year, then Rosalie told him to cool it and asked to speak to him privately, a perfectly reasonable request. Which obviously resulted in Emmett shouting some more about how he was sick of my relationship with Jasper and didn't like how we were together. I'd had enough by this point and screamed at him to shut up, leaving a rather uncomfortable silence.

Rosalie said she and Jasper should leave and I walked them to the door. I apologized about Emmett, Jasper was totally calm about the situation like only he could be. Where as Rose was fuming, but accepted my apology and I kissed Jasper goodbye before they left.

I'd gone straight to my room after and I haven't left since.

Honestly, it had been a productive four hours since the incident. I'd done some calming yoga, completed all the assignments I'd missed from school, placed a large order with net-a-porter, had a bath and now I was lying in bed.

I'd been almost asleep when I heard a knock at the door and Emmett's voice asking to come in. Which reminded me of early events and shockingly I didn't feel tired anymore, just anger starting the build within me. The cheek of that boy.

I threw myself out of bed and stomped to my door, wrenching it open.

"Can I help you?" I hissed through gritted teeth.

"I need to talk to you." He mumbled, causing my eyebrow to raise. "I'm really sorry Alice, and I phoned Jasper and Rose and apologized to them." He looked at me pleadingly. "I was just really upset about how things have ended up for you, I felt helpless compared to him when you found out the other night and-"

"Stop." I sighed. "If you're going to get this deep you might as well come in." I thought I might physically collapse of boredom if he continued, which would be less obvious if I was lying down.

"As I was saying-" He began as we got comfy on the bed.

"I'm cutting you off there," I began, deciding I couldn't deal with soppy Emmett any longer. "Whatever reason you're about to give me for how rudely you spoke to Jazz, I don't care about it. I care that you made what was already an awkward situation awful and you were so rude to him! It was actually quite embarrassing for anyone who witnessed it." I looked away from him and let him think about what I'd said.

It was a long few minutes before he spoke again.

"It just upsets me that you guys have a better trust than we do, I'm you're cousin and supposed to be taking a brotherly role." He whispered, the guilt obvious in his voice. I felt tears begin to brim in my eyes and I closed them tight, willing myself not to cry. Once I started it felt like I wouldn't stop till all the fluid in my body had be cried out.

"Emmett, don't think like that. I trust you all, so much, more than I trusted any of my friends back in New York. But Jazz just seems to know what to do and when to do it when I need it. I don't know how or why, that's just how it is. I trust him as much as I trust you, and that's a lot." I watched him carefully when I stopped talking.

"I realise that now, I was just being stupid." He huffed embarrassedly.

"Yeah, you were." Replied with a smile in my voice, he look up tentatively to see if I was still mad. "Come here." I sighed and opened my arms wide. He wrapped his arms round me in a big bear hug.

"I'm supposed to be taking you to your appointment tomorrow, but if you'd rather Edward can drive you." He said quickly.

"No, you can take me." I tried to smile but thoughts of tomorrow's therapy session put me on edge. I'd have been pissed about having to be accompanied there but I knew they just wanted to be sure I went.

The whole weekend had dragged. My therapy session was as emotionally draining as I thought it would be. I shed so many tears I felt dehydrated and Emmett insisted on taking me to the diner to make me feel better. We got milkshakes and I cleared up the Halloween situation with him, insisting that if we were to go I wouldn't drink and would promise to tell someone if I wanted to go home or was upset. A mature agreement if I do say so myself, considering that more than anything I wished there were a triple vodka in my milkshake.

The rest of the weekend was spent doing extra research on the classes I'd missed and trying to figure out what to take in the draw in art class. I'd already annotated and arranged all my other drawings last night, I was just stuck on what to draw. I gave up trying to think and decided I'd just take in one of my more interesting pairs of shoes.

I'd only managed to speak to Jasper briefly yesterday via text where he apologized in every message. I couldn't be angry, just irritated that his Dad was hogging him all weekend. Which I knew was a selfish thing to think but that didn't stop me thinking it. I couldn't help but feel bugged that he hadn't text me back today, it had been hours since I sent the message.

I knew Jasper's family was kinda fucked up due to what he'd said about his Mum, the fact his Dad worked out of town and appeared to hardly see them and the general impression I'd got from him talking about his Dad just kinda didn't seem honest. I tried not to dwell on it, as if I didn't have enough shit to be thinking about by adding to it with a topic Jazz blatantly didn't want brought up.

That said though, something didn't seem right.

Oh wow what a chapter?! I know, it's been a while but in fairness I have left home, moved to a different city and started a degree at art school. Forgive me. But now I'm used to the changes I feel myself needing to space out and forget about everything for a few hours, which brings me here.

Anyway, pretty much decided to scrap my old ideas for where to take this story to something more realistic and probably better.

Let me know what you thought, I realise there wasn't much dialogue in this chapter and it's short but I'm setting stuff up for the next, more interesting, chapter. Which will be up within the week.