Important Authors Note!

Yo, guys. I just wanted to let you know that this part of the story is closed and complete. If you would like an OC inserted into the story, you'll have to check out chapter two. I do not accept OC's that are jinchuriki. Honestly, all the jinchuriki in my story die. So.. It'd be pointless. I also will not accept 'mary-sue' characters. Tobi, unless someone wants him paired with their OC, will not be in the second story. For more information check out the first page of part two. The Disclaimer/Warning.

I want to thank everyone who has been following and supporting my story so far. I recently got a review of someone asking me to make a character who is Naruto's twin. I will definitely agree to this. Unfortunately, I will not add in everything that you wanted for you OC. (The getting kidnapped by Tobi, sold to Orochimaru, being friends with Sasuke, ect.) I would also be very happy to Pair Leia with Kiba, since Sasuke is already taken. Since I don't know your name, I will just mention that Leia is not my OC. Also, I'll have to give her the last name Uzumaki, like Naruto. I hope you're alright with these changes. I like the idea of Naruto having a twin sister. I also figured instead of wind-style, I'll make her a fire style. 'Cause you know.. Wind helps increase fire. So she can use basically the same justsu's as Naruto, only it'll be in fire style.

The only reason I'm making this as a note, is because I cannot message you a reply since you wrote the review as a guest. If you're okay with me using the OC as I described, please write me and let me know. If you're not, then I'm sorry I won't be able to use her. o be completely honest, every thing that you said she could do was just too 'mary-sue' ish, and I cannot write characters like that.

Also, in response to Yoma; I will definitely use your OC! She'll have to be paired with Kakashi, and she probably won't appear until later in part two, so keep a look out! Again, I couldn't message you, so I'm letting you know in this note, aha. Unfortunately, Yumi won't be close with the other girls, since she's on the opposing side, but I'll do my best to keep her and Kakashi alive and happy together. It'll be difficult, since a ninja war is coming up in book three and four. So keep a look out for your OC!

I try to work with my readers as much as possible, and I try to make as many of them as I can happy. I guess you can't win them all though. -sigh-

Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope everyone had a good day/night!