Disclaimer-I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters or any of the things from that world. I simply own the plot.

Pairings- Hermione Granger/Sirius Black, Lily Evans/James Potter

Rating- T

Note- this is my first ever Harry Potter fanfic. I'm doing this with my favourite fictional pairing, i.e, HG/SB. The scene of the room of requirements was completely taken from the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, since I haven't read the book yet. If there is anything wrong written, please correct me so that I won't make the same mistake again. I know the time-turner thing is kinda cliché, but you just can't make a classic time-travelling story without it!

Some of the tips I used for time-travelling is from other fan fictions, such as Flying High by .. Another reference I used I'd is The Thief of Time by Tinkwolfe. I love both these stories a lot as these were the first SB/HG time fan fictions I'd read.





The Revisionist

Chapter 6:Of Black and Potter






Hermione was up at the crack of dawn, not ever wanting a repeat of being late again. The sun had just raised, the beautiful rays of pink and blue casting a dewy shade over the whole Gryffindor girl's dorm. However, when she first opened her eyes blearily, all she saw was darkness. And the feeling of smooth parchment on her skin.


She took off the book on her face by the corner so as to not touch the drool staining the paper. She hastily wiped off any excess drool on her face before taking her wand and muttering a quick scourgify to get rid of the stain. She must've slept off while reading, which almost never happens.

Stretching her arm high and satisfied at the faint popping sounds, she got out of bed to get ready for another probably interesting day in the seventies. It had been two months and 12 days since she fell into this world.

The floor felt cold under her bare feet, as she trekked to the bathroom. Was it normal to fall into a routine so easily even if she was in an alternatively different world? She didn't exactly know. All she knew that if she was going to feel peace and contentment just for a little while, she'll be glad. After all, she knew it wouldn't last long.

It can't.

Lily was also thankfully up by the time she was ready. After waiting for the redhead to finish up, they both left to the Great Hall for breakfast together. She was appreciative that Lily was with her; she didn't feel confident enough yet to go any place in the school alone without a friend. Well, there was that, but also because she was afraid she'd start to feel lonely if she was left alone. And she was aware loneliness was not something she wanted to deal with anytime soon. It may consume her yet.

By the time the two girls had reached the Hall, it was nearly eight. The Great Hall looked radiant with the sun's rays pouring in through the floor to ceiling glass windows. There were only a few people present; early riser such as themselves. In fact, it was the Ravenclaw table that had the most occupants, but then again, that was hardly surprising. There were only about two or three Gryffindor's present at the end of the table, that too first or second years that still hadn't gotten into the Gryffindor's habit of sleeping late and getting up late. Hermione smiled at their direction briefly, maybe there was hope for them at least.

As they sat down, elegant, gold lined plates magically appeared in front of them with a serving of toast, scrambled eggs and bacon with an assortment of jams and marmalade along with a pitcher of juice and a cup of tea and coffee. Hermione looked on appreciatively at the food, she really was hungry.

"I've always never gotten over how food just appears like that," Lily says, her voice lined with subtle awe, "I mean, I'm aware of how it is, but I guess I'll never really get used to it."

Hermione smiled. "I know what you mean, though. It's the same for me, but then again, I'm pretty sure magic in general, I'll never get used to. Even now, I automatically reach for a light switch even though I can just use lumos."

"Oh yes, me too! But I suppose it's the same for all muggle-borns. We'll never have magic as our first instinct." Lily mused thoughtfully, spreading strawberry jam carefully and evenly on her toast before taking a small bite.

Hermione nodded absent-mindedly but her eyes were stuck on how meticulously Lily was spreading the jam, "do you always spread your jam with such...precision?" her tone implying her amusement.

Lily's eyes narrowed mockingly, "as if you can talk, Miss OCD, do you even see how you're arranging everything on your plate?"

Hermione looked at her plate in surprise; it was true, she had been separating the eggs, bacon and toast into three separate sectors, arranging the jams and marmalades according to preference and also organizing all the cutlery on the side. Her smile turned a bit sheepish. "Well, that just shows we're two peas in a pod...?"

Lily laughed, "I guess so—"

She was interrupted from saying anymore when the doors of the Great Hall burst open as two very familiar sixth-year Gryffindor's entered in ' a very dramatic fashion' which was Hermione's opinion and 'a very attention-seeking means which was the probably only way those two imbeciles know how to live' which was Lily's humble opinion.

But rest assured, they did attract everyone's attention to the door for a brief second before going back to what they were doing previously, or in the Slytherin's case, sneering in contempt before going to back to what they were doing. Hermione looked back at the two in question; was this a regular thing here?

She noticed Lily was gripping her cutlery a bit tighter before relaxing.

Hermione was a bit surprised when both Sirius Black and James Potter ignored them and sat down a few seats farther, or rather plopped down. Though judging by the half drooping eyes behind the glasses and the way James's face was dropping in a way that any second now his face was going to be grossly decorated by the food in front of him prompted her to believe maybe they didn't necessarily ignore them as much as just didn't notice them.

Lily breathed out a sigh of relief beside her and whispered, "Thank Merlin. Maybe he's finally learnt some tact. Or maybe to know when one's not in the mood to tolerate his...antics. But then again," she said, frowning considerately, "he hasn't learnt that in that last five years. So I don't believe that's it."

She really was curious, Hermione noticed, smiling amusedly. "Maybe he just didn't notice you...?"

Lily snorted before spooning scrambled eggs, "No, I don't think so. If he never had noticed in the first place, trust me, I wouldn't be complaining half as much as I do now..."

Hermione smirked before nudging her shoulder, "I consider it a part of your charm now. Lily Evans: Kind, considerate, beautiful and a supplier of limitless insults about a certain Potter—the whole package."

"Oh, shut it." Lily rolled her eyes in mock-exasperation.

Hermione shook her head before turning her head to catch a pair of slate grey eyes looking straight at her. Though startled a bit, she sent a brief hesitant smile in his direction. She hadn't talked to him since that encounter in Transfiguration class, nor had she made any attempts to. It's really not that she didn't want to; it's just that no opportunity really came up.

After all, why would she go up to the infamous marauders during lunch or dinner or even in class just to randomly chat? She had never been social and never will be. And that would probably be highly news worthy in this school—everyone was pretty much jobless.

Hermione really was lucky Lily introduced her to her dorm mates or else she knew she wouldn't have really tried to reach out to them. It would've been exactly the same as with Lavender and Parvati.

Also, there was the added reason that Lily just hates their guts. And Hermione knew she would've taken it as some sort of betrayal if she went to go talk to any of them, save for maybe Remus, just out of the blue—she knew from experience how frosty Harry's cold shoulder was. She could imagine Lily's being pretty much the same.

However, she really felt like her curiosity was beginning to bubble over. She had heard an infinite number of stories of the Marauders—both true and false, good and bad (mostly form Lily), from both her future and the current past. Rumours, stories, biographies, personalities, even statistics (of something she really had no use of knowing)

No one could really blame her for being curious could they? After all, they were practically a legend, both in Hogwarts and really, if she were being factual, they were a big part of why this era was important. She really wanted to know if these people were really as great as they were described or if all those stories were simply glamorized.

Also, a very tiny, very squashed part of her that was locked deep inside of her sort of considered Harry, Ron and her the next generation of Marauders, even if their adventures were more out of desperation than choice. They even had that nickname, the Golden Trio, for Merlin's sake. Was it really that big of a stretch to think of herself that way? She hoped not.

Hermione was surprised when Lily's gaze suddenly grew irritated, though when she saw a big outlandish flower on the space where the jam was supposed to be, she got the gist of it.

"Mornin' Evans! Didn't think I forgot about you, did you?" James said, practically leaping over the few chairs in his haste to get near Lily. Sirius followed at a more sedate pace, an amused smirk already there. "I thought since you and your friend are already here, then why not have breakfast together? Meeting new people and all that." He said with a wide grin, before turning his attention to Hermione.

"I'm James Potter, by the way. Lovely to finally meet the new transfer everyone's been talking about." he stated, his grin wide and unflinching. Hermione's eyebrows shot up.

She was definitely surprised and a bit startled at the sudden introduction, but her lips twitched. He just exuded this warm and genuine aura that immediately made her feel a bit more relaxed, though the smugness could be detected; but she figured she really wasn't one to talk about smugness. Maybe his sincerity was the charm he was so famous for in the future, she reckoned. Also the way he was glancing at Lily since the moment he got here was just adorable.

But maybe from Lily's expression, it wasn't that adorable to her. Maybe revolting might be the word to describe it for her.

It took a few moments for Hermione to respond, "People are talking about me?"

James shrugged easily, helping himself to butter and toast, "not really, just word of mouth and all. Hogwarts never really gets any transfer students, that's all." He said, giving an encouraging smile.

"Oh," she muttered, feeling all hope of staying anonymous vanishing, "...my name's Hermione Granger, anyway."

"I know," he said, "in fact, I'm pretty sure everyone does by now. So, have you met the goof sitting by me by now?" he nudged Sirius, who was quiet till now, playfully.

Sirius snorted, "Yes, I'm the goof, not the one who actually leaped over seats to get to his lady love, but me. Right." He drawled dryly before looking at James blankly, "...I pity you."

"Shut up, Padfoot, I did not leap. That is so not a manly thing to say. And I am all man, as you very well know." James played along, looking all serious and indignant. The bantering brought forth an amused smile from Hermione, but an annoyed scowl from the redhead.

"Sorry to interrupt this...male bonding," Lily began with narrowed eyes, though from her tone it was quite clear she really wasn't that sorry she did, "but may I ask why you two came over here without any real invitation or permission?"

"But I did ask permiss—"

"No. No, you didn't, because I would've definitely remembered giving you of all people permission to sit down with us." Lily said, her gaze growing narrower. Both Hermione and Sirius could only watch the proceeding quietly—Sirius with a resigned but amused look and Hermione with interest; after all, it was her first time seeing this. It was quite entertaining.

"But what's the need of permission and technicalities like that between soul mates, Lily-flower?" James asked, looking confused at the rising ire on Lily's face.

"We are not soul mates." Lily spat out.

"I believe we are and I know you'll see it soon too. After all, we're meant to be." James winked. Hermione watched with raised eyebrows—was he that sure or just foolishly hopeful?

"Not even in your dreams, Potter." Lily snarled, her mood growing darker and darker. Would this blithering idiot not even let her enjoy breakfast in peace?

"Ah, see, that's where you're wrong, my dear, sweet Lily, because I can assure you I've had many, many dreams about that very same phenomenon. And all of them may or may not be entirely platonic..." James said cheekily, winking for effect.

"Ugh! I'm sorry Hermione but I just can't stand to be near Potter for another second!" Lily shouted in frustration, her face red with anger and irritation as she directed a death glare to the Potter mentioned, "i'll see you at class or something." She muttered quickly to Hermione before storming out.

"So, see you in class then?" James called out.

"Oh, go bother someone else!"

Hermione's eyes were wide as she processed the whole scene, but her eyes softened when she saw how James completely deflated when Lily left. Not that she was supporting what he did—if someone had behaved like that to her, she would've hexed their bullocks off, but seeing him like that did make her feel more than sorry for him. A very tiny bit.

"Don't know how you planned to charm her with that, prongs, really don't." Sirius said, looking amused, "I think your technique needs real work, so I rate it it—a 4.75. The 75's just for entertaining me." He said, nodding contritely.

James sputtered, "excuse me?! I think I deserve more than a measly 4.75, thank you very much!"

"Er, excuse me for interrupting this highly amusing conversation," Hermione cut in hesitantly, "but does this happen...often?"

Sirius snickered while James sighed pathetically. "You don't know the half of it, love. This has been going on for, how many years now?" Sirius squinted in thought before shrugging and popping a piece of bacon in his mouth, "long back, that's for sure. He's been trying for so long that all the years are just bleeding together. It's just a mush in my brain now, really."

"What brain?" James muttered.

"Oi! Don't insult my brain just because your oh-so charms aren't working on her." Sirius said, pointing a fork at James' hunched figure, "but if it makes you feel any better Prongsie, you've already won over my heart."

"And what a consolation prize that is, Padfoot." James rolled his eyes behind his (familiar) glasses, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"What? A consolation prize?" Sirius gasped, acting scandalized, "I am no one's rebound, Mr. Potter, I hope you realize. It's either all or nothing." He finalized.

James was grinning widely now, "oh well, I did meet you first, so maybe it won't be all that bad."

"How nice to know I won't be all that bad. So flattering, really." The grey-eyed boy said dryly to Hermione, who was calmly eating her breakfast, watching all this with amusement.

James rolled his eyes again before looking at Hermione with an almost sheepish expression on his face, "Sorry you had to witness that," he said, then stopped before an almost annoyed look came upon his face, "well, not really, because you'd witness it eventually. In case you hadn't known, it's quite common. I'm just sorry my reputation just went down in seconds in front of a newbie."

"I thought your reputation included being rejected by Lily Evans on a common basis." Hermione stated innocently, playing with her fork. She really did love the stumped expression that fell over James in that moment.

Sirius laughed, and nodded his head in mirth, "hah! That's actually true! His reputation should be something like—Handsome, Charming, Smart and Constantly rejected by one Lily Evans. That about sums up James Potter."

"Oh, sod off. You both are no help at all." James sulked, pouting as he stuffed his mouth lazily with toast, " But thanks for the other compliments. I think those made up for it."

"I don't exactly recall saying I'm here to help, in any case. So, surprisingly I don't really feel guilty about that." Hermione teased, smiling at the how familiar James looked right now—Merlin knew how much Harry sulked, not that he didn't have a good reason to. But she didn't find it hard at all to fall into a familiar role—the role of a friend to the boy who looked so much like her childhood best friend. Never mind that this familiar boy is actually the father of her best friend; she figured it would be best to not get into the oddness of that.

"You're not exactly the timid, quiet person I thought you'd be." James said, looking at her thoughtfully with a smile.

"Yeah, you're really not. You're actually quite the spitfire, aren't you?" Sirius asked, an amused smile on his lips.

"Well, I don't know about that..."

"That doesn't matter now anyway," James immediately said before looking at Hermione with a hint of pleading in his hazel eyes, "what I want to ask you, dear Hermione is, what is it that I have to do to bring Lily to her knees?" all traces of humour gone from his face.

Hermione's eyebrows rose, but she wasn't exactly surprised at the question. She was, however, surprised at the intensity and seriousness in James' eyes. Did he feel the intensely about the redhead from his younger years too? Or did these feelings start recently? Somehow she doubted that.

She pursed her lips apologetically at the question as she felt the sigh come on, "I think you're going to have to take it up with her, James. I really would like to help, believe me..." she said, knowing he wouldn't know how utterly serious she was about wanting to help him.

James raised his eyebrows in expectation, "...But?"

"...But, I can't, because that'd be a bit like cheating, wouldn't it? And also, Lily would kill me if she ever found out I helped the enemy," she emphasized, "and I mean brutal murder."

Sirius snorted, "And we all know she's capable of that, Merlin forbid."

"That's just great. Now I have no inside information!" James wailed, quite obnoxiously, before planting his head in his arms. The perfect example of a man in mourning. A Ravenclaw made a face at the obnoxiously loud Potter who just sent a rude gesture back without hesitation.

"Right. Well maybe I'll give you one piece of advice, "Hermione said as she stood up, the plate magically vanishing as she did, "you could tone down your advances a bit. Or a lot. Something to think about."

"Tone down my...? That won't work!" James called out as Hermione left the Hall. He looked at Sirius in disbelief and confusion, "that won't work, right? I mean girls love serenades and flowers and shooting stars and all that shite right?"

"Well, yes, occasionally." Sirius said, before sighing, "But I don't think a girl appreciates it when their books are hexed to spell out 'will you go to Hogsmeade with me?' in every line in every single page though. Especially a bird like Lily Evans who takes her studies frighteningly seriously."

"But that was romantic! Even Moony thought so!"

"...He was being sarcastic, Prongs."

"Oh. Bollocks."




"Hello Sev." Hermione greeted with a smile as she took her seat next to him in Potions class. Severus Snape had been assigned as her potions partner from the first day—something about him the best student in class and her being a new one. Though she quickly proved Professor Slughorn how adept she was. Now, both of them, along with Lily were the best potioneers in class—not something she took a great pride in, seeing as the man never let go about his precious Slug Club.

Though she had been wary at the start—he had been ignoring her before—she was honestly glad by end of class to have been sitting next to him, greasy hair or no. It was the only instance she saw him completely at peace, staring at the simmering cauldron as if brewing were mere child's play. She was surprised to note not even Lily could break his attention when it came to Potions.

That, and the fact that the class was predominantly Slytherin and they all seemed to emanate the aura of Death Eaters ready to strangle a kitten at moment's notice made her feel slightly reassured to sit with a person she was acquainted with and was at least seventy percent sure wouldn't harm her.

Severus's countenance brightened as he caught her eye, but not so much as to take away from his dark, loner persona. "Morning, Hermione."

Hermione was honestly glad she had befriended Snape early on, in London itself. Because even though she did have friends, she could say Lily and Severus were her closest in this era, however strange that was and even if the other two parties were currently still both halves of a frosty silence.

Though Severus and her don't really have heart-to-hearts or meet up frequently, because she really could see the path he was on really wasn't in the path of good, she felt a sense of camaraderie with the lonely Slytherin; the feeling of being lost and the feeling indecisiveness—those were feelings she could relate to as of now.

"Lily say anything recently?" Severus asked with obvious forced nonchalance as he organized all the ingredients neatly in a row.

Hermione concentrated on opening her book to the required page and reading the instructions as she answered, just as nonchalant, "well she does have a mouth, and she does know how to speak, so I'd say she's said a lot recently."

A soft, apologetic smile came forth when Severus glared at her in annoyance, "no, I'm sorry. She's taking a lot of effort to not mention you at all. Even when I try to make her slip up," she said, "she very thorough, as you know."

"I suppose," Severus mumbled, staring hard at a jar of amphibian legs. Her smile shrank until it completely faded away at the sullen expression on her friend's face. He just looked so depressing that she couldn't help but feel a tinge of remorse. How did he even get through this previously without even a single friend? At least, this time, she was here, even if she couldn't do much to help.

"You need to stop being such a worrywart, Sev."

"What?" he asked, his eyes growing wide as he looked at her.

"You heard me. You guys were best friends since childhood, right?" she asked patiently, not caring for the suspicious glance he threw her way.

"...Yes?" he said, though it was posed more as a question. Hermione rolled her eyes at that—it wasn't like she was the one who had the answers to if they were friends or not. Annoying twit.

"Well, if your friendship's meant to be, then it will be." Hermione said with conviction, "everything will work out in the end if it's to be, Sev."

Severus stared at her quietly for a few moments before snorting and looking away, "That is such a naive and idealistic thing to say. No wonder you're a Gryffindor."

Hermione rolled her eyes again but caught the slight softening in his eyes. "You really know how to ruin a moment. Truly." She muttered half-heartedly, nudging his shoulder.

"Good. That would've been potentially humiliating and degrading if I was part of a moment with you."

"Good to know you're back to normal." Hermione mumbled with raised eyebrows and a teasing smirk as she measured the amount of anteater bile needed. It was quiet for a few moments, just the simmering of cauldrons and the soft chattering of students filling the air.

"...New friends of yours?" he drawled bitterly next to her ear.

Startled out of her thoughts, she directed an annoyed look at the boy when she knocked over a jar of lacewing flies all over the polished desk. Hastily scooping it all back into the jar, she followed his gaze to land on one James Potter and promptly froze as he waved avidly to get her attention. She thought he looked somewhat like a flailing fish. Once he saw he succeeded in capturing her attention, he winked cheekily and pointed obnoxiously at the oblivious Lily Evans sitting right in front of him.

Hermione raised an eyebrow in question. James grinned and held up a hand, then five fingers—the signature sign to wait for five minutes. He then proceeded to make a heart shaped symbol with his hands, then mimed swooning, falling back in a heap to his seat, making her lips twitch in amusement. The action attracted Sirius's attention, who looked at James then looked around to see who he was miming to. He sent a quick confused smile to Hermione before whacking James hard on the head, making him stop his one-actor act.

"He really is a great big fool, isn't he?" Severus muttered in distaste, "Don't know why you'd want to be friends with someone like that."

"Oh, hush. None of that with me, Sev. I mean it. I'm free to be friends with whomever." Hermione chastised, but the smile still wasn't fading. He really was entertaining. "And we're not exactly friends. We're merely acquaintances. Friends means having more than one conversation." she explained.

"Fine, I won't say anything. For today." He muttered, coolly ignoring Hermione's glare. Severus looked wary and annoyed for a moment before his eyes dark eyes widened with disbelief. "Lily's allergic to Orchids..."

She was confused at the sudden change in expression and the random fact though she finally understood as she saw the event that was taking place.

James Potter was kneeling down by Lily's desk with a bouquet of beautiful orchids in the hand outstretched to Lily, looking up at her with big, hazel eyes. The redhead looked at Potter with wide, fearful green eyes, wishing the ground would just swallow her whole. She thought he was done for the day, how foolishly naive she was. And were those...?

"Lily, you are as beautiful, exotic and sweet as the flowers in my hand which I have transfigured which shows I'm a very talented lad, by the way," he winked at her before clearing his throat, regaining his seriousness, "but anyway, I just want to ask you, will you please—"


"Er, bless you, but as I was saying, will you please—"


James rolled his eyes as he stood up, "okay, will you let a bloke at least finish his sent—why are you turning blotchy?" he asked, suddenly alert and alarmed.

"Achoo—I'm aller—achoo—gic to orchids, you—achoo—idiot!"

The whole classroom became a frenzy as people rushed to the seemingly bloating Lily to help her to Madame Pomfrey's. Most of the Slytherins were snickering at the plight of the mudblood and the daftness of Potter.

Hermione and Snape both looked on in varying degrees of horror as Lily was taken away. She was sputtering something that no one could really make sense of, but based on her narrow slits that were her eyes and the pointed finger at the terrified looking James' direction, everyone could pretty much guess the gist of it was probably about him, and not anything nice either.

As for James, he looked like he was rooted to the spot. She could see Sirius laughing at the back—looking like he was about to keel over— and Remus shaking his head but hiding an amused smile. Even Peter was giggling like the rat he was. Hermione sighed before going up to James and guiding him to his seat, before whispering to his pathetically sulky face.

"Maybe it's best if I help you after all. Sweet Morgana knows you need it."




"Er, might I ask why you both have surrounded me?" Hermione questioned, raising a curious eyebrow at the way Sirius and James flanked both her sides. She could feel her defenses automatically coming up; she wasn't yet accustomed to this new-found friendship they suddenly all had, or the boys believed they had. Also, the way everyone was starting to stare was beginning to get to her.

"You don't really need to ask for permission to ask a question, Hermione," James said cheekily, "but I appreciate the sentiment nevertheless. So, yes, you may."

"Prat," Hermione mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"...And you just noticed that now? You're observation skills truly astound me." Sirius said dryly, the corner of his mouth twitching upward as he glanced at her sideways.

"Oi!...no, wait, that's actually true. You're a bit slow, aren't you?" James piped in, a grin now apparent as his hazel eyes sparkled mischievously.

Hermione sighed impatiently, "Is this the reason you're practically squashing me between you? To irritate me?'

"Well, of course not, my dear 'Mione—"

"Don't call me that."

"—the real reason is actually to ask of you a favour." James continued on as if he wasn't interrupted, before peering at—or rather, looking down at her because he was a giant in the height department—with pleading, hopeful eyes.

She kind of knew what this was leading up to, it was pretty obvious with the way James was staring at her as if she had all the answers to all his problems; which in his case, May very well be true, she belatedly realised. She raised an eyebrow, "...and what exactly makes you think I'd do you a favour? Even after you've teased me so much, and not just that, but undermined my intelligence?"

"All right, that undermining bit was actually Sirius, if you think about it—"

"Hey! Way to stick up for your mates, prongs." Sirius grumbled, looking at James through narrowed eyes.

"—and you'd do me this favor because you're the bestest, most important friend and did I mention that I love you lots and lots? " James had his big brown eyes out again. No wonder he was one of the most charming blokes here, Hermione thought wryly, and this also proved where Harry got his puppy dog trick from. Lucky git; he got all the genes.

"No, you love Lily lots and lots. Don't mix up the names, James." Hermione playfully chastised.

"Well, names are inter-changeable to him, "Sirius told her with a look of disgust on his face, "and everyone says I'm the womanizer in this bloody school. No one suspects the bloke with the glasses, I tell you." He said solemnly, making Hermione grin in amusement and James to sputter nonsense before shooting a glare at his so-called best mate and immediately looking at Hermione with his big brown eyes. Again.

"...and what is this favor?" Hermione finally asked with a sigh.

James' took a deep breath before contemplating her thoughtfully with a smile. "I want you to help me know everything there is to know about one Lily Evans."

"...and why would I do that?"

"Because you love me—"

"No, I don't."

"—and want me to get the girl in the end," James said, a confident grin on his lips, "plus, you said you'd help me in Potions class anyway, so you have to do it."

Hermione snorted. "Says which law?"

James's eyes widened as he looked at her in disbelief, "You are a Gryffindor, aren't you? Well, Gryffindor's always keep their word and if you don't keep yours, it just proves you're not a real Gryffindor at heart. You don't deserve to wear those colors." He sniffed arrogantly, crossing his arms and looking at her expectantly.

Hermione stared blankly at the messy haired bespectacled boy, "...You just made that up."

His arrogant expression melted off to a sheepish one as he scratched the back of his neck, "Maybe. But I'm desperate. So...will you please help this loyal, handsome knight get his fair maiden?" he asked dramatically.

"Whoever said handsome? Don't force adjectives she doesn't really feel associate with you of all people on her, Prongs." Sirius deadpanned.

"Well I figured I had to be handsome to catch your eye, Sirius." James said, batting his eyelashes flirtingly.

"Keep it up Prongs, and we'll be known as the two poofs of Hogwarts." Sirius whispered, mock-embarrassed but he was smirking.

Then James seemed to come to his senses, dismissing his friend with a wave of his friend and looking back at Hermione, "so, what do you say? Not that you really have much of a choice..."

Hermione pursed her lips, meeting Sirius's grey eyes. He looked amused at the whole situation and seemed to be laughing at the whole scene based on the grin he was sporting. She had to admit, it was a bit humorous how far James would go for her. And a bit admirable. She sighed; why not? It was for the greater good, as Dumbledore would say.

"I'll agree on one condition."

"What's that?" James grinned triumphantly, shooting Sirius a quick smug glance.

"Please, stop with the cheese. The whole caste will be rotting with the smell sooner rather than later with all that. I'm surprised it still has clean smelling air, really."

James' smug expression evaporated as he rolled his eyes and Sirius barked a laugh. "Right. And I'm the prat. You just don't understand true love, the both of you."

"No, we just appreciate air to breathe, like all sane humans."


