Hey guys! I decided to make another fanfic, this time with Zella!Because there are only 2 or 3 Zella fics here, so I honestly think that we need more :-)

So this is it! Hope you like it, please review, let me know what you think about it!

Those lines where they talk are real, from one of their livechats, just in case you´re wondering.

Author xxx

P.S I believe in Zella, lol :-D

My name is Zendaya and yes, you probably know me, because I am the one of those two chicks from Shake It Up, on Disney Channel.

And I hate to be on Disney. I really do. Why? The reason is very simple. Everyone are expecting me to be a perfect example for those kids who watch it. Everyone are expecting me to be smart, always looking beautiful, no swearing, smoking, drinking allowed, because I just turned 16.

I don´t have problem with these things, because I don´t want to be rebel, like Miley Cyrus tried to be.

The problem is, that I have some feelings for my best friend on and also off screen.

And I can´t . Because I am one of those perfect pure Disney stars, who can be only straight. They can loose their virginity after they got married. Weird?

Yes, for normal people is it weird, but Disney stars are meant to be like this.

And everyone thinks that I am like that too, but I don´t want to be!

But what can I do?

I can´t tell anyone about my feelings, because I know that I can´t believe anybody. I can´t just delete the contract with Disney, I can´t tell even Bella, how I really feel.

There´s no way I can survive this, only pretend every day, that I am straight as hell and that I am happy.

But I am not.

I am locked.

I was sitting next to her, my love interest, Bella Thorne.

We had a livechat with our fans. I honestly loved my fans, my Zswaggers. They were sending me lovely tweets everyday, they were also sending me cute pictures, videos and I was so happy that there are so many people who believe in me, who like me and who are always with me.

Me and Bella were answering their questions, sometimes laughing on funny things and my mom was behind us in kitchen, making dinner or something. Around us were some people from my family, my little sister and my annoying cousin.

You know, it was pretty hard to sat next to Bella and looking like I don´t mind it. Not only that I had those feeling for her, but I felt that power, which made me attracted to her and it was killing me.

She looked beautiful as always and I was in love with everything she did. When she smiled, laughed or even looked at me, I was lost. Lost in my love for her.

But I knew that it was just a dream that will never come true.

We were playing a game with our fans - what will you do rather?

Some of the questions were really funny, some were interesting, but then came one...

"Would you rather be punked or kiss Zendaya?", Bella read aloud and my heart fell somewhere in my pants, but I was trying pretending that the question didn´t make anything to me.

Then I looked little disgusted, but I didn´t mean that.

"Well, obviously be punked, because punking is fun, did you see that punk show?", she said slowly and little quietly and I nervously laughed.

I was honestly swearing on that fan in my thoughs, really! Why did he ask that? I was glad that I didn´t look guilty or something like that, because it will ruin everything.

Oh, and there was my mother in the kitched behind us. She will probably kill me, if she knew the truth about me and my feelings.

Shit, I must do something with my life...

And the livechat continued and I was still good at pretending. My mom gave us whipped cream and then Bella said something ironic like "We are good influence for you guys" and I was thinking something like "Oh yeah, if they will know about my feeling, I will be really good influence to them".

"Would you rather date...oh.", she said later, when I wasn´t looking at the screen.

Yes, it was probably something about us two again, but she rather didn´t read that aloud.

I am glad that she didn´t read it, really.

And later, something even more terrible happend.

Something called "Tristan".

When I heard Bella´s phone ringing and then I heard her saying "Oh, Tristan", my heart jumped.

Yes, her stupid boyfriend, who I hated.

He was looking older then her and I never believed that he was only 15 like her. He was football or baseball player, I don´t even remeber, because everytime she started to talk about him, I automatically turned my ears off.

He had everything.

Beautiful blond hair, pure blue eyes, abs and "sweet soul", how Bella said.

Oh God, why do you do this to me? Shit, what he have and I don´t?

Sure. I know the answer, he is a boy and I am a girl. And what?

Jodie Foster or Jane Lynch never had problems like that. But she does.

Because she is a Disney star, just like I am.

"Hi Baby, you´re on in front of all my fans right now.", she said with her tiny voice and I was just eating the cream and trying not to look angry, or jealousy or even hurt.

But I was.

Tristan and Bella didn´t know that I hated him, because in front of them I was pretending to be friendly.

"I am doing a livechat right now and I answer you on the phone. Guys, it´s Tristan, everybody say hi from the computer", she said and waved on the screen and I think I did some weird face on this and said "Ewww", but then laughed.

Well, I couldn´t hide my disgust of this forever. I let our fans and Bella think, that I was doing it just for fun, but I meant it. I hated him and I hated the fact, that she was happy with him, not with me.

That she had perfect relationship with some stupid guy, instead of with me. But that was the cruel reality and I couldn´t fight with him, just with myself.

"Mh, with Zendaya and everybody´s watching me talk to you, so..yeah, it´s pretty funny...".

I didn´t really listen to her talking to him, because I was going to puke. They were so cheesy...

But then she smiled and said: "I love you too."

In that moment my heart just exploded and then she added: "How´s football?"

Oh great, so at least I know now that he played football, not baseball...What the fuck am I thinking about? She just said "I love you too", to him and it fucking hurted me! Why the hell must he call her everytime she´s with me? Why can´t they just talk to each other when I am not around? FUCK!

I started to reading another questions from our fans, because I couldn´t listen to Bella and her cheesy talk with her boyfriend anymore.

Then she said "Bye" to him and I was happy, that it was finally over with their talk.

But it wasn´t over for me. For me it will be still the same old fucking cell I will be locked in for days, weeks, maybe years.

I will be locked and I will never be able to tell the world or even Bella how I really feel. I will be still staring on Shake It Up, then on some other stupid Disney shows like that and when I will be older, I will end up with Disney, FOR EVER!

It will be just me and my solo career - maybe some CD´s or dancing or acting, I don´t know. But I will be gone, and I would never see Bella again, because she will still be the same beautiful Bella, who am I in love with - and she will be still with her boyfriend Tristan.

And that will be the death of mine.

Until I am locked, I am with her. But not like I wish to be. And when I will be finally free, the only way for me is left her. Forever...

She will forget me and just being happy, but I will never forget her. I will be still in love with her.

Always and Forever...