
so here it is the FINAL BATTLE! I really wanted to make this good and exciting that's why it's taken me so long! But I hope you like it. I listened to Alexandre Desplat - statues from the Harry Potter soundtrack, it gave me such inspiration so if you would like to listen while reading go ahead :)

So enjoy and there is an epilogue after this chapter :)

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


I take a breath.

"Welcome to the End."

The screams of his army ripped at the silence and charged forward, we all tense for a split second before we got into our battle stance and prepare for the onslaught. The first wave of demons hit us and we're separated as a blur of red and black cloud my vision as I viciously attacked anything that grabbed a hold of me. They were horrible creatures, they had razor sharp teeth that had saliva and venom dripping from their longest fangs. Their pure black eyes held nothing but evil and destruction that I'm sure I will have nightmares about later, they had abnormal strength that rivalled my own; this was going to be one tough battle.

I round-housed kicked one of them in the head and brought my knee up to knee another in the gut before throwing it away. A black one jumped in front of me throwing both of it claws towards me which I dodged quickly, I grabbed one of its arms turning around and throwing it over me and into a broken building which then collapsed. Two demons then grabbed me each one holding an arm as a huge red one came charging towards me letting out a feral scream, the sight terrified me but I had to remain focused; I calculated my counter attack to perfection and as the big demon got close enough I jumped up with out foot planting itself on its chest before using that foot to spring board myself off it and over the two holding me causing them to collide and let go of me as I landed behind them.

The second wave of monsters then charged and I frantically looked round for any sign of my sisters or the guys, but I couldn't look for long as a huge weight tackled me to the floor knocking the wind from me.

"Ugh!" I looked up to see a black demon crawling towards me it's snake like tongue hissing from its mouth. As it came closer I swung my leg round and smashed it in the face, but before I could see what to attack next I was yanked up by my hair and thrown at inhuman speeds threw the air; I couldn't regain my senses in time and the last thing I saw was a huge skyscraper before I crashed into it. The impact causing an almighty clash, I was lodged deep into the building when I began to hear the metal supports creak.

"No!" I whisper, I didn't have any time to react as the building began to shake and my vision became blocked and the building collapsed around me as I let a loud scream erupt from my lungs.

Then everything became blissfully quite and dark.

Brick POV

As the monsters charged I set off before they got to me, I jumped in the air flying over hundreds of them before landing, punching the ground and creating a huge hole which many of them fell into. I didn't waste any time as I began attacking as many as I could, I used the hole I had created to my advantage throwing the beasts into it. I windmill kicked one of them sending him flying into the bottomless pit before I closed-lined two of them as they also fell to their deaths. Three latched themselves onto me as I tried to get them off, I grabbed one of the demons arms and threw him with all my strength into the hole; I dropped to my back grinning as I heard the crunching of the demons bones beneath me. But I wasn't finished the demon on my front punched me in the face and I could feel the gash it had made in my cheek, I reacted quickly and grabbed my hands around its neck before twisting and it snapping easily the demons body going limp.

I stood up throwing more demons into the pit, I caught a flash of blue on the other side of the crater and saw Boomer and Bubbles working together to throw demons into the hole. I feel reassured seeing them, I look over and see bright flashes of dark and lime green darting from monster to monster killing each one or throwing it to its death. I smirk knowing that they were enjoying this, my thoughts turn more urgent as I try to find a blur of pink just to know she was okay. But a second wave of monsters attacked and I was thrown once more back into the frenzy.

I attacked as many as I could but I knew we would have to think of a plan soon, who knew how many of these demons HIM had before it would become to much? But before I could continue that train of thought I saw that flash of pink, but I wish I hadn't. It was flying right over our heads and I briefly see Boomer and Bubbles look up too and the green flashes of light stop monetarily.

It seemed to happen in slow motion as the pink streak collided with a huge skyscraper, the sound of impact was huge and the sound made even me cringe. I hear Bubbles with my super hearing gasp in horror but we didn't know it was about to get worse. The gaping hole that Blossom had left quickly disappeared as the building shook before collapsing, however a heart piercing scream erupts from the building and my blood runs cold.

No! NO!

"NO!" I roar.

"BLOSSOM!" Buttercup screams.

The boys yell an animalistic noise as we all charge towards the buildings rubble. I was in lead smashing demons out of my way like a man possessed, I just had to get to her! We were so close when a wall of fire lit up in front of causing us all to come skidding to a stop. Malicious and mechanical laughter echoed throughout the sky.

"HIM! You fucking bastard!" I scream very fibre of my being lit up in fury. A dark silhouette forming from behind the flames.

"Now Brick is there such need for such strong words?" His voice had his feminine tone layering it. I clenched my jaw tight my eyes glaring as evil as I could, my muscles were tense and my hands had formed tight fists.

"My boy who knew you would go soft all for a pathetic PowerPuff!" He spat the name with venom. I growled my fury boiling over.

"Fuck you! You freaking psychopath! How dare you talk about her that way!" Buttercup snarled. Her eyes were wild and angry she was visibly shaking with rage.

"SHUT UP! Who do you think you are you stupid girl?! You'd be wise to bow down while you are still alive!" He snapped back causing Buttercup to shriek in anger.

"Move now HIM or we can kill you. It's your choice!" Butch hisses, my chest is heaving my adrenaline and anger forming a catastrophic combination.

"Bring it on little boy!"

He didn't have to say anything else as we all pounced on him, the greens going straight for the face and the blues hitting him with their lasers. He laughed a psychotic laugh as the attacks didn't even phase him, but I had bigger things on my mind. I turn around and flashed over to where Blossom had been buried, but before I could look for her something smashed into my side causing me to yell out in shock and pain. I skidded along the floor before stopping a short distance away, I opened my eyes and gritted my teeth looking at HIM who was stood there with his arm outstretched from where is attack just came from.

I looked around to see Bubbles on the floor her chest slightly rising and falling, cuts littering her face. Boomer was on his back taking deep breaths a nasty looking gash on his left arm had blood running down it. Buttercup was on her hands and knees her head down, her hair covering her face she had rips in her uniform that had blood seeping through. Butch was on his back with one leg bent he had a cut on the side of his head causing blood to cover the side of his face, he was shifting but barely.

It was then I realised HIM had been walking towards me and I tried to get to my feet but only managing to my knees.

"Give up yet Red?" HIM cackled. I didn't look at him. "I mean what do you really have left to live for? The girls and your brothers are on the brink of death, you yourself can't even stand what chance do you have? Oh and your little girlfriend has been crushed to death and you couldn't even save her? What does that say about you! Your a pathetic excuse for a man! You lead your team to their deaths and for what? For me to watch as I squeeze the life out of you, knowing you could never have stopped me!"

He had his claw around my throat at this point as I looked at him with empty eyes not giving the sick prick the satisfaction of him get to me. "It's been a pleasure!" He sneered in my face as his grip on my throat tightened. I pulled my brothers and even the girls faces up in my memory before picturing my girl and her sparkling rose eyes. My true family.

Then the rubble from the building Blossom was buried under began to shift, HIM's grip lessened slightly but not enough. However the rubble shifted again this time more prominent, bits of cement and metal fell away from its focal point as an arm clawed its way out. My heart began to hammer as I watched with disbelief as did HIM.

"Impossible." He whispered.

We watched as Blossom broke out of her concrete grave and stood atop the remains. She was covered in dust and blood but her eyes look fierce, she stared daggers at HIM who was still holding me.

Bubbles squeals and Buttercup gasps, both Boomer and Butch look shocked and amazed.

"B-b-but-NO! YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!" HIM screeched. Blossoms perfect face twisted in hate.

"Well sorry to disappoint you, but it will take more than a building to take me out!" She spoke with such confidence that it was all I needed to regain my senses.

"We'll see about that!" HIM snapped!

"We sure will!" I snarl, HIM looked back at me just as I sent my strongest punch to his face causing him to let go of me and go flying away from us. Blossom stumbled down from the destroyed building and I rush over scooping her up in my arms as the rest of the group rush over.

I bury my face into her hair as she grips me back just as tightly.

"Blossom" I breath.

"I thought I was going to die." She chokes and I hold her tighter.

"Blossom! How they hell did you survive?!" Buttercup cried tears wetting her eyes at the sight of her eldest sister. Blossom and I pull apart and she turns to look at her green sister however something catches her eye.

"I'll tell you once he's off this planet for good." Her voice steely with determination, we look towards her line of vision to see HIM regaining himself from the hit I sent him.

"I'm going to make you regret that!" He hisses, in a wave of his claw he presents more of his minions only this time it seems to be two-bit criminals who he has persuaded to join him; within these men he has his relentless demons stood in formation as well waiting for HIM's command to attack, which is when I click onto his plan.

I mentally smack myself for not seeing it sooner, he was distracting us. Leaving his army to do his dirty work and waiting for his glorious moment to wipe us out. We all know how much he loves a good gloat! Then when he does get a knock he sends back in the reinforcements till we can go on no longer.

As I quickly formulate a plan a strangled gasp emits from my left, I shift my eyes over to the sound to see Blossoms eyes wide in pure fear, her skin white as a sheet and her face contorted in horror. I search to see the source of her terror and my anger flares. Interwoven into HIM's army where the three men that attack Blossom all those months ago when I first saw her. One thing is for certain this time though, I will not be letting them walk away from this one in one piece, but a scream pulls me away from my thoughts and into another spiral of fear.

Blossoms POV

As soon as my eyes land on them I'm back in the ally. Whatever these men did to me that night shattered something inside me. They cornered me the one time that I felt vulnerable and attacked that weak spot. The instilled a sense of fear, weakness and helplessness into me that I'm grasping at smoke to claw back. They prayed on me at my most vulnerable state and I could do nothing to protect myself, and that thought crushes me.

The ally is dark and dingy, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes prominent as it hung in the air. The brick wall behind me is sticky and cold as I'm pushed against it the mans face leering at me as he tears apart my clothes but another sound knocks me for six. I look over and the other two men are holding my youngest sister against the opposite wall as she struggles to break free, one of them hits her in the head her crystal blue eyes becoming droopy before the other man slams something into her stomach and a blood of red liquid rushes down her body and onto the cobbles below. I scream her name so loud I think my wind pipe will explode, I hear my name being chanted over and over steadily becoming louder as the scene around me beings to distort and blur. The scene take on a new look of a dark red sky and broken buildings and rubble, red eyes are frantic above me as my name becomes clearer from his lips. I'm panting and I'm on the floor, I hear a cackle and my head snaps round I see the army still position where they were with HIM looking giddy with glee his eyes bright and excited at my pain. I then whip my head round to see Bubbles being held back by Boomer no doubt due to my screams and relief floods through me.

I look back to Brick who helps me up and I turn back to HIM.

"Oh my Blossom what a fabulous little display! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we recreated that little fantasy in reality?" He's skipping about high on my pain and I grit my teeth so hard I feel like they are going to snap. Without a word, reaction or signal I light up one of my hands with pink energy and fire it as fast and as hard as I can towards the red devil. It hits him dead on and he crumples to the floor. His army didn't wait for his signal as they charged but this time I make sure to stay close to my family.

I attack both human and demon although make sure I knock out the humans and kill the demons. I send energy balls one after the other expertly at humans flooring them instantly, a gang of men rush at me and I exhale freezing them all instantly. Suddenly a flood of demons come charging through when Brick leaps in front of me and sends his own fire breath at then burning them all to bits. He rounds on me and talks swiftly as we dodge attacks.

"He distracting us! We need to find a way of keeping his army off us long enough to take him out!"

A huge demon charges at us and Brick grabs my arm and swings me around so my foot connects with its head knocking it clean off.

"Well what do you pro- propose?" I ask ducking to avoid the swipe of a machete, before kicking the man back.

"I had one idea." He says smashing a heavy fist into someone face. "Look out!"

I turn around to see a snarling black demon springing into the air heading for me but before I can come up with some form of counter attack I feel a strong pair of arms around my waist before I am being flipped upside down and planted on my feet so I am facing the other way. I turn and see Brick backhand the demon as it gets close enough as it goes flying back in the opposite direction. He looks back at me and I raise an inquisitive brow at his idea.

"Your shield."

"Excuse me?!" We keep knocking demons and humans alike away from us as we calculate.

"Just like what you did with the house, we need to trap them. Encase them in your shield while we go for HIM."

I think about for all of 3 seconds while I throw a demon away from me before turning back to him. Realising at this point what harm could it do to try?

"Alright, cover my back."


I flash over to Bubbles and grab her arm, she looks at me her delicate face littered in tiny cuts and scratches.


"Bubbles teleport us over there!" I command pointing to a spot away from the battle in the open unclaimed space.


"Please Bubbles!"

She doesn't question me this time and in a flash we are away from the fray.

"What's going on?!"

"Listen we don't have much time before HIM notices we are not in there and he sends his things to us so listen carefully. I'm going to produce a dome over the battle I need you to flash in and out getting the rest of them out of there and over to me do you understand?" She nods her head swiftly as I focus back on the battle. I concentrate of my shield a project it away from me as it begins to form over the chaos, I'm lucky as no one notices as I finalise their prison.


In a blue flash she's gone and in 5 seconds she's back. Boomer, Brick, Buttercup and Butch all join me as HIM's army roar in protest as they realise what's happened.


I turn around to see HIM looking ferocious, his yellow eyes burning in rage as he glares at us. I release a breath and realise that it's time to end this.

"This ends now."

We fan out like a perfectly worked machine forming a wide circle around him and we hit him with everything we have. Blasts of light flash up into the Townsville landscape as we each throw our own attack, shoots of fire flare up, craters are made by bodies, a nearby fire hydrant is burst under someone's impact sending water up into the air and coating everyone in a fine layer of water mixed with sweat giving us a shine and our hair sticks to our faces.

It feels like minutes have passed with this exchange but I knew it had been hours, we were tired but the only constellation I received was knowing he was too. HIM turns from throwing Boomer and Bubbles into some debris and rounds on me sending a surge of yellow light from his claw. I throw my forearm up my shield activating perfectly while still covering the rowdy army as his attack is deflected, I pull the shield down and throw my own attack of pink before running out of the way of his next attack but this time Buttercup jumps him and he's distracted. I stop next to Brick who has a large cut down his cheek blood flowing down his face. "It's worse than it looks." He says, but I shoot him a concerned look.

"We need to end this, we can't go out for much longer."

"I agree but any brilliant ideas come into your brain in the last 5 seconds?"

I gave a ragged sigh and look round. Most of the town had been hit badly, buildings in ruins, humans craters dotting the roads and pavement, water gushing out of the fire hydrant, smoke emitting from crevasses and billowing into the reddened sky. I was pretty sure I had a broken rib from the sheer pain, cuts and bruises were scattered all over my face and body; I had a deep cut over my left eyebrow, and the water mixed sweat had decreased the amount of dirt on me but I still had a fine layer of grime.

"I have an idea" I look down to see Brick crouched down, his eyebrows knitted together a serious look on his face. It was then I realised he too and not fared well in battle, a huge bruise was just developing under his collarbone, similar to me his suit had been ripped with blood seeping out of the gaps; he too had a sheen of water and sweat covering him and his hair was wild. He takes deep breaths and stands looking at me. Our siblings doing an amazing job of keeping HIM occupied.

"We can't seem to penetrate him while he's still moving that much is obvious, so what we need to do is trap him so he is completely immobilised then strike while he's out of action. My only issue is I'm not sure how to exactly trap him."

It's a brilliant plan but how do we trap him? I look around trying not to exclaim as Buttercup is thrown across the sky, not wanting HIM to turn back on us when it hits me.

"I've got it." I breath, Brick looks at me expectantly. I grab his hand in my excitement.

"You!" He looks at me like I've lost my head but I continue. "HIM is a demon so within that I'm sure he can withstand heat." Brick nods affirmatively. "If you can burn him up to a point of him nearly 'melting' it will cause his molecules to go into a state of instability. Then what happens if we were to rapidly cool it?" Bricks eyes widen catching on quickly. "It could act as a cement!"

I grin and carry on. "And then if we use the fire hydrant someone can send a stream of water straight for him I can use my ice breath to solidify him further giving us extra time to destroy him!" I finish and Brick looks amazed. He doesn't respond and his lips crash onto mine quickly before pulling away.

"You're a genius! Get Butch to the fire hydrant, we'll need his strength to control the stream." I nod and in a red and pink flash we fly round to our siblings, Boomer and Buttercup are on the floor or trying to stand; Bubbles is throwing flashes of blue at the devil and Butch is dripping with sweat. HIM now aware of our presence sends a big attack towards us and I pull up my shield it jolts me back slightly but gives Brick enough time to explain things to Butch. My shield comes down and I order for Buttercup and Bubbles to throw attacks as do I. We just need to keep this back and forth up long enough for-


I gasp as Bubbles is smashed into the ground below, my hesitation is my downfall as he hits me with the same attack sending me deep into the earth. I have an splitting headache and my limbs feel disconnected from my body, my body feels like it weighs ten times more than normal and takes all of my strength to pick my head up. I see orange flashes from my hole in the atmosphere signalling Bricks fire. I have to get out. There's a ringing in my ears and my body cracks and protests as I pull it from the ground, I feel a shooting pain flash up my back and a small scream escapes my lips as I pull myself from the hole. A horrible sense of de-ja-vue overcomes me as this is eerily familiar to when I had to drag myself from the broken building.

I reach the top and my vision is blurred, bright colours distort my eyes before things slowly come into focus but my hearing is still hazy everyone's shouts and commands sounding like one big mess it's hard to separate everything. I see Brick still sending flames towards HIM who I can tell is on the verge of collapsing, we must be close. I drag my body up and roll over onto the flat surface of the road with a grunt and moan. I take three deep breaths and pull myself up onto my knees, the pain in my back is excruciating and I yell in pain, I look round and see Butch at the fire hydrant waiting and Boomer yelling into the hole where Bubbles was blasted. I realise someone is next to me and I see lime green eyes but what she's screaming I still can't comprehend.

She helps me up and I see Brick stop his assault just as Butch fires a jet of water at the unsuspecting demon. He tries to fight against it but to pressure is too great as his movements become more stiff until he's completely still, Brick is in front of me and my head is screaming. I try to shake off the pain and pull myself together, I stick a finger in my ear incase sound is being blocked but to my horror I find blood. Had the impact of the blast made me go deaf? But before I can full on panic sound begins to return slowly but surely, the blood must have been my defector but something was still seriously wrong.

"Now! Blossom Now!"

I can't pin point who's yelled at me but I focus on my task, I take a huge breath and release it the icy wave cooling my throat as it leaves my mouth. HIM then becomes incased in a sparkly white prison as I finish. Completely still. Completely vulnerable.

I wipe more blood from my ear and I hear more clearly, Bubbles has been pulled from her crater and once more we formed a circle around HIM. No one has any last words for him and silently we ignite our hands each of them filling with our respectively colour, a unspoken que gives us the signal and in perfect unison we fire our attacks jets of light pouring from us and towards the demon; as the cracks in his prison show things speed up then and a final almighty scream from the devil rips through the skies before a boom rocks the ground and a bright light engulfs us all.

As it clears I look around to see everyone still standing, broken, battered but still standing. The army from my shield have all disappeared, I assume from HIM's death they died too and the humans ran for their lives.

A squeal of delight breaks the unnerving nothingness and Bubbles jumps into Boomers arms as he twirls her, Buttercup and Butch high-five while laughing giant grins lighting their faces; soon a pair of arms wrap around me and I'm quick to find mine around the owner. I pull back and look at Brick's gleaming face.

"We did it." He says barely above a whisper and I smile in shock. My sisters and his brothers walk over to us, Bubbles putting and arm around my waist while Buttercup wraps an arm around her neck. Butch puts a hand on Bricks shoulder and Boomer puts one of Butch's back while me and Brick still have an arm each locked around the other. The sun suddenly cracks through the ashen clouds spilling golden light onto the broken land below.

"It's over it's finally the End!" Boomer says. Brick laughs and I smile with him, he looks down at me then back to the group.

"Nahh this thing is only just Beginning."

The sun burns away at the clouds becoming more prominent the sky as if to back up Bricks response. The six of us stand on the broken ground of our home knowing now there will be a better tomorrow from our beginning.
