John Watson was whirling down the streets of London in the back seat of his new best mate's clown car, packed in like a sardine in a tin. The unfortunate girl on his lap hit her head on the ceiling when they hit a dip full speed. John was holding on to the car door for dear life, hoping it wouldn't give out and fling him out on the street going fifteen over the speed limit.
They had jammed eight warm bodies into a four-seater car and Mike was driving like a blind man strung out on crack. In the back seat with John was some guy they called Anderson, who was absolutely enamoured by the two young ladies that were sitting on his lap. His girlfriend Sally, was stuck on John's lap and wasn't too happy about her supposed boyfriend running his hands sensually up the two girl's backs.
John clenched his eyes shut and said a silent prayer. Mike saw his despair in the rear view mirror and started swerving on the road, trying to fetch a flask out of his coat pocket.
"Molly, be a dear, John'd be needing this. Calm his nerves." Mike tossed the flask to Molly. She looked back at John with sympathy. She was on another bloke's lap, named Dimmock or summat. He acted like her safety belt, Mike glared at him when his hands travelled a bit too close to Molly's chest.
Molly handed John the flask which he clutched on to tightly. He twisted open the cap, it was filled to the brim and a bit spilled out onto his hand.
"Oi! Careful wiv it. They'll think I was drunk driving."
No Mike. A drunk driver would drive loads better than you are right now. By God, I don't want to die! I'm far too young to die. Why did I ever let them force me into this God forsaken flying metal death trap? "Oh my God John! You've never been clubbing! We have to go NOW!" Yes. Such a great idea on a school night! Let's all pile into a four person car, zoom down the street going mach 5, and die in a firey car crash the day before John Watson's nineteenth birthday! It'll be such a fucking laugh!
John clenched his eyes shut and took a large swig of alcohol. He hacked and his eyes watered. Whiskey. He was breathing fire. Sally was giving him a bitch look, snarl and everything. He took a smaller swig and gulped.
Honey, you ain't much to look at yourself.
He let out an overly dramatic sigh of relief when Mike pulled into a car-park. Sally was reaching over for the door handle before the car even came to a full stop.
"Let me off this crazy train!" She fell out and stumbled on to the pavement. "You!" She shouted at Anderson who held his hands up as if to say 'don't shoot'. John sat in the car a moment with Mike and Molly. Dimmock shifted Molly off his lap and gave Mike an apologising look as he left the car. Mike turned back and gave John a smug grin.
He grinned as if every action he made controlled the fate of the universe. He was a cocky bastard but John hadn't met a nicer bloke in his short time in London. They were in the same program together at Barts. John saw him lurking about all the time. They had only just started hanging out after class.
John passed the flask back to Mike who chugged the firey Whiskey down eagerly. He smacked his lips and let out an "Ah". John didn't know how he could drink that shit straight up, no chaser. John had only really been drunk once, had a few beers here and there, sipped church wine before that. Mike passed the flask to Molly who swirled the bottom and laughed.
"Ain't much left." She smiled and looked over John who was a bit red in the face already. Mike laughed a low and hearty laugh.
"C'mon! They won't be waiting for us forever. Gotta sneak one of the birds in. Won't let anyone under eighteen in." John was relieved they weren't having to sneak him in. It was bad enough he was there on a Wednesday night, he didn't need to be breaking the law as well.
John fell out of the car, he stumbled a bit, regained his composure, and made way for the club entrance. Mike slammed the car doors shut and locked up. He caught up with John and gave him a hard slap on the back. They walked side by side. John leaned into him a bit.
"John, tonight's your lucky night." He delivered another slap to John's back and laughed.
"Well you're wrong, nothing happens to me. Especially nothing lucky." John was slurring a bit. They made it to the entrance where one of the girls was being heckled by the bouncer. Mike shrugged and mouthed "Sorry." as John and him passed over their IDs. The bouncer lifted his eyebrow and gave John a look over and handed his ID back to him.
They walked into a dark entryway and John grabbed a hold of Molly's arm.
"How come that guy gave me that look?" He looked over Molly who was in a red tube top dress with matching pumps. She even had on matching red lipstick.
"You're not exactly in club attire." She giggled. John looked over his outfit. Jeans, white t-shirt, leather jacket. What kind of club was this? Club attire... load of crock. John's chest was suddenly hit with a loud sonic-like boom of the club's music. He winced and grabbed his ears; he felt like they were going to start bleeding.
His eyes adjusted to the dark club and the flashing strobe lights. The flashing colours were making everyone look like they were moving in slow motion. John noticed immediately what Molly was talking about. Every bloke in the joint was wearing a button down. They were all bumping and grinding against girls in their tight trousers. John was suddenly feeling self-conscious.
He knew he needed to be a whole hell of a lot drunker to enjoy himself. For one, he didn't dance, not even at weddings. It was going to take some serious liquid courage to get him moving to the music. For two, he had absolutely no confidence with the ladies. He had been shot down too many times in his short life and it broke his heart every time.
"C'mon! I'll buy you a drink! What's your poison?" Mike shouted over the music.
"I don't know! Anything!" John shouted back.
"Come on!" Molly yelled and dragged John by the hand out on to the dance floor. They met up with some familiar faces from the car. Molly started dancing and John stuffed his hands into his coat pockets and looked around.
By God... Is that a cage? Better not stick me in there.
He scanned the crowd. They were really getting into the shitty music. His eyes locked on a guy who was looking right at him. He was tall, with dark hair, and a stoic expression on his face. John felt a jolt when the guy turned away after noticing John looking back.
Was that guy checking me out?
John brushed the idea off. Mike appeared out of thin air with John's drink. John grabbed it and looked it over. Looked a bit fruity. Mike pulled John in close to shout into his ear.
"Didn't know what you liked. Got a bit of everythin' in it" Mike let go and raised his glass. "Cheers mate." John took a sip, it was a good mix of sweet and creamy, made it easy to suck it down. "Go easy on it!" Mike laughed. John finished and started feeling a bit tipsy, but he still wasn't feeling the music. His group members were laughing and dancing around all suggestively. It appeared Sally and Anderson had patched things up, going by the way they grinding against one another.
John looked away. He noticed that guy again, disappearing into the crowd. He had on a purple shirt that stood out in the sea of black button downs. Some guys had their shirts unbuttoned down to their navel. They were dancing like sex-crazed animals. The place reeked of sweat, booze, and cheap cigarettes.
John turned and jumped when he saw he was face to face with Molly. She mouthed something. John motioned he couldn't hear. She leaned over and shouted into his ear. "Looks like you could use another drink!"
John nodded and shouted "Yeah!" She grabbed him by the hand and led him through the throng of horny beasts. They made it to a clearing and John let out a sigh of relief. She continued leading him by the hand, up to the bar. John set down his empty glass and reached for his pocketbook. Molly shook her head and took out a twenty.
John wanted to protest but she had her full attention on the bar tender. She bartered with him and showed more than a little cleavage for two free shots. She handed one off to John.
"Cheers!" They shouted and knocked them back. John suddenly felt light headed. Molly handed him his mixed drink.
My that was quick.
He started sipping. It was just so delicious. He saw Molly mouth something and then he was being led by the hand again, through the mosh pit and back to the group. They had formed a circle in the middle of the dance floor and were laughing at Mike who was really sucking at break dancing. John found it quite funny. Mike stood up and threw out his arms as if to say 'come at me bro'. He was sufficiently sloshed, so was John.
John was laughing uncontrollably bumping into people. He even bobbed his head a little to the music.
"Bout time." Mike said to Molly. John felt the room start spinning. He handed his glass off to Mike and he immediately started drinking it for him. John stumbled forward and grabbed Mike by the shoulder. He leaned in close to his ear.
"Gotta take a piss. I-I'll be right back." He slurred. Mike slapped him on the back a few times.
"Have fun!" He shouted. John rolled his neck and looked into the massive crowd of people. He stumbled forward and tried walking through them like a beaded curtain, only to end up being bounced around like a pinball. He brushed his junk up against at least twenty different people's bums. He was like a salmon swimming up stream, being swatted at by grizzly bears. He bumped into a couple and was shoved away harshly. He put up his hands and slurred a "Sorry". He was certain there was a clearing coming up and grabbed someone by the hips and moved them off to the side.
He was a man on a mission. He found the clearing and was met with a cool rush of air. He saw the Gents room. Read the sign twice to be sure it wasn't the ladies. He stepped inside and his eyes stung from the bright fluorescent lighting and the shockingly white floor to ceiling tiles. The loo was packed. There was a couple making out in the corner. He saw a set of knees under one of the stalls.
Lucky fellow.
He went for the first empty urinal he saw and gave no mind to any man codes as he rubbed elbows with his neighbours. He undid his zip, whipped it out, and let out an epic piss that would rival Niagra falls in sheer magnitude. He groaned loudly at the wonderful release. He shook out the last drops and stumbled back. He stuffed himself back in his jeans and did up his zip. He gave a salute to his unfortunate neighbours and staggered toward the sinks.
He looked into the mirror and laughed at his reflection. His eyes were glazed over and he was quite red in the face. He continued to laugh as he left the lavatory, rounded the corner, and bumped into something solid. He let out an "Oof" and near fell backwards.
The mystery guy in the purple shirt turned around and looked down at John.
"Oh shit." John said looking up into his piercing green-blue eyes. He felt a stirring in his groin staring into his eyes.
Kiss him.
Without a second thought, John reached up and grabbed the back of the mystery man's neck and pulled him down and crushed their lips together. He held him tight and titled his head to the side and willed the guy's lips open. He dove his tongue in, exploring the other bloke's mouth and started to groan. He let his hand slide down the guy's back and splayed his fingers. The other boy grabbed his sides and drew him in close. They stumbled together, fighting for dominance with their tongues.
The taller boy pulled back and looked down at him and smiled. John pulled him in once more and laced his fingers together behind the taller boy's neck. John hummed as they started gently snogging, breaking each kiss with a smacking sound.
This is amazing.
John started to push the other boy backwards and against a pillar. He unlaced his fingers and started exploring the other boy's chest with his hands. He was thin yet well built. John undid the guy's top shirt buttons and pulled the collar to the side, revealing his neck. He leaned forward and latched on to his soft skin. The other boy gasped and moved his hands on to John's arse and pulled him in tight.
John nuzzled and sucked at his neck before biting softly. The other bloke looked around and then pushed John back. John looked up. The guy pointed to the back door. John nodded.
They stepped outside into the cool September night's air. John was thrown against the wall and they immediately resumed their endeavours. They were in a heated and passionate kiss when John started feeling the other boy's firm member rubbing against his leg. John instinctively reached out and started groping him through his trousers.
He had never been with another guy before. It felt amazing being thrown against a wall and forcefully snogged. The other boy was rutting against his hand, moaning into their kiss. Suddenly the guy dropped to his knees. He made quick work of John's zip and slid down John's jeans slightly, revealing his underpants. The boy stroked John's bulge.
"Oh fuck." John moaned as the guy fished out his cock and started stroking it out in the open. John threw his head against the brick wall and closed his eyes. He felt the boy's warm wet tongue slide up his shaft and circle the tip of his cock's head. He groaned loudly as the boy's warm wet lips wrapped around the tip of his penis. He sucked hard and John near came undone.
The boy grabbed John's arse hard and what he did next near caused John to scramble up the wall. He roughly took all of John's length and let him hit the back of his throat. John put his hands on the guy's shoulders and clutched them firmly. The boy slid back slightly only to plunge down again. John bucked his hips forward. With one last thrust forward, John came undone. He came loud and hard down the guy's throat.
The boy pulled away and they both panted. He helped John with his jeans. John gave him a hand to help him up. The boy stumbled and fell into John, pinning him against the wall once more. He looked into the other boy's eyes and they both started giggling. They exchanged a brief kiss.
"Come on." The boy laced his fingers in John's and pulled him back into the club. John had tunnel vision. The only clear thing he could see was the mysterious guy leading him through the club. The boy looked back at John every so often and smiled.
Those amazing eyes.
They made it to the front of the club and exited. The boy pulled out a packet of cigarettes and offered John one.
"No thanks." John said. The boy just smiled. He lit his smoke and took in a long drag.
"So what's your name?" The guy asked in a low baritone that made John's heart flutter.
"Uh..." John thought. "John." He laughed. "John Watson."
"John Watson." The boy smirked. He took in another long drag and exhaled. "So John Watson. Coffee?"
"I don't... drink coffee." The other boy snorted.
"How about coffee at my place?" He tried.
"Yeah... I could do that." John smiled. The mystery guy took out his mobile and phoned for a cab. John stumbled back into the wall and started laughing. "Never been with a bloke before."
"Yeah well... best make the night a memorable one then."
"Shit, I'm not sure I'm gonna remember this five minutes from now." John chuckled.
"Yeah, how about this?" The boy leaned forward and took John's breath away with another kiss.
"Mm." John hummed. The boy broke the kiss and stepped back to give John a good look. "God, you're fucking gorgeous." John said wrapping his arms around the other bloke's torso.
"Gorgeous?" The boy snorted.
"Fucking gorgeous." John corrected. He pulled the guy tight and held him steady. He pressed his face against his chest and sighed. "Old spice, must be fate."
"Why's that?"
"It's what I wear." John took in a deep breath. "Smells better on you." He laughed.
"Cab's here." John looked over.
"Shit, that's fast!"
"It's been twenty minutes."
"Has it?"
Fuck. Losing track of time, must have blacked out. Oh shit, I'm going to some random arse bloke's place. I hope he's not a serial killer.
John looked into the guy's eyes once more.
Not with eyes like that. He couldn't harm a lamb.
He allowed the boy to lead him by the hand into the back seat of the cab. He threw himself at the boy and started viciously sucking on his neck. The cabbie tapped on the glass.
"Oi! There'll be none of that!" He shouted through the window. John pulled back and chuckled. Both boys started giggling.
"Going to have to be a bit more covert I'm afraid." The mystery boy whispered.
"Like how?" The boy reached over and ran a hand up John's leg. John smiled and did the same to the other boy. The guy brushed his fingers across John's crotch.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." John moaned quietly and breathlessly as the boy started rubbing him through his jeans. The boy's trousers were quite a deal thinner so John was able to grab at and get a good feel of the boy's rapidly growing erection. They continued to stroke each other through their clothing, their breathing was getting heavy and ragged. They continued their heavy petting until the cab pulled up to a high rise building.
"We're here." The boy said, lifting his eyebrows. He slid the fare to the cabbie and pulled John out of the cab by his forearm. Both boys stumbled out and made a fast pace for the front door. John took his eyes off the boy for a moment to take in the lobby.
"Damn." He said. The lobby had white marble floors that were so spectacularly clean John could see his own reflection staring up at him. An immaculate diamond chandelier hanged from the ceiling, which brought the focus of the room up to the ornate gold ceiling tiles. John's jaw dropped as he stared up at the sheer beauty of it.
"Come on." The boy said smiling. He lead John by the hand to the front desk. The boy slid his hand into his pocket, pulled out a fifty pound note, and gave it to the concierge.
"Ah." The man said.
"He was never here." The boy said plainly.
"And what time did you make it home this evening?"
"Just before nine."
"But of course." The man smiled and gave a small salute to John. The boy tugged on John's arm and led him to the lift. He pressed the button and the doors immediately slid open. Before John could ask what that was all about, the boy pressed him against the wall. He pressed the highest number on the lift '20' and turned his full attention to pleasuring John.
They ravished each other with their mouths and resumed fondling one another's clothed erections. John was moaning uncontrollably and thrusting himself against the other boy's palm. Their kisses were desperate and were constantly broken by shuddering lips, gasps, and moans. The lift pinged.
"Finally." The boy growled and pulled John out of the lift hurriedly. He produced a key from his pocket and unlocked the front door. John looked around the private hallway in amazement. He'd never been in a place so nice. He had little time to admire the small room before he was being dragged through the threshold into the flat. He only caught small glimpses of the spectacular and ornate furnishings and decorations before they reached the bedroom.
The room looked like it belonged to a different flat. The walls were plain, there was a small desk in one corner with a chair, and in the middle of the room was a twin size mattress on a barred metal frame that looked like it came from a Romanian orphanage. There was an old beat up cupboard against the wall that looked like it went through World War II.
John's attention was brought back to the boy who was breathing heavily and looking over John with an intense amount of lust in his eyes. He was quickly brought into another passionate embrace. John could feel the other boy's erection pressed against his and it was an entirely new sensation that he wasn't prepared for. He broke the kiss and winced from the shock of pleasure that coursed through him. He was walked backwards, unsteadily, to the bed. He lay down on his back and the boy mounted him.
The boy straddled John's legs and was just barely able to keep himself on the tiny mattress. He began a bombardment of kisses on to John's neck, slowly moving down to his chest. He pulled at John's leather jacket and John sat up. He quickly tore his jacket off and threw it to the side. John pulled his shirt over his head and threw it off to the side as well. Then he helped the boy with unbuttoning his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. John ran a finger down the boy's chest, down his abdomen, and right down to his trouser's button.
The boy bit his bottom lip and rocked his hips impatiently. He undid the boy's zip and gently caressed his aching member through his briefs. The boy threw his head back and rolled his hips back and forth. John shut his eyes and felt the boy's arse brushing against his bulge. His erection was straining against his tight denim and metal zip. He winced.
"Fuck, I want you so bad." John moaned. The boy quickly dismounted, leaving John in stupor. The boy slid down his own trousers and released his cock, which bobbed and smacked his lower abdomen. He gave it a light stroke and nodded for John to undo his jeans.
John looked down at his confounding jeans and fumbled with the zip and button. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom packet. He placed the packet between his lips as he slid down his jeans and underwear to reveal his pulsating member. He tore open the condom packet with his teeth and quickly slid the rubber on his cock.
The boy remounted John and leaned down to lock lips once more. He gently stroked John's shaft with one hand. The boy stopped and looked into John's eyes, he scanned John's face. He smiled and John smiled back. Then he steadied John's cock and slowly lowered himself on to it.
"Oh fuck, that's unh so tight." John moaned. The pleasure was intense and near unbearable once the boy had fully lowered on to John's cock. They took a moment to catch their breath. Then the boy glided his hips forward. John's hands jutted out and grasped the boy's hips to guide him.
The boy immediately picked up the pace and made the headboard hit the wall with every rock forward. John closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip. He drew his knees up and held tight on to the boy's hips. Then he felt the boy begin to move vertically, up and down on his shaft. John started thrusting upward every time the boy came down.
John felt an orgasm rapidly approaching, he opened his eyes to view the boy with his head thrown back moaning with intense pleasure, riding his cock. It was all too much and for the second time that evening, John came loud and hard.
His entire body shook from the intense release. The boy went still and started rapidly jerking himself off. He quickly came in thick ropes of hot white release on to John's bare chest. John threw his head back on to the pillow and searched for his breath. He panted heavily and could barely feel his legs as they dropped to the mattress. The boy dismounted and took off his purple shirt and rubbed his come off John's chest. He threw the shirt into the corner before leaving the room. John gently shut his eyes, awaiting the boy's return. He drifted off into a heavy sleep.
It wasn't until early morning that John was suddenly awoken by a rustling sound. He felt his temples pounding from last night's activities. His pants were still around his knees and the come filled condom was still wrapped around his cock. He gently pulled it off in disgust. He looked up at the figure in the room getting dressed.
He was sliding on black trousers and had on a white button down. Around his neck was a black and red striped tie. He reached into the cupboard and pulled out a red blazer with black stripes. He shoved his arms into the sleeves and shrugged it over his shoulders. On his right breast was an insignia. A school crest.
John let the condom drop to the floor as he looked at the boy in shock.
Oh my God, my first sexual experience with a guy and he's a little school boy.