A/N: So im back writing fanfiction. Craziness. Haha not really. Ive actually missed writing. Anyways I am currently writing this new story with Cam and Maya cause they are adoroable and Camaya is the best. It's an A/U and Bittersweet symphony never happened in this story! All because I really hate how Cam died and he should still be on the show. Anyways here is the first chapter of Battle. Also if it doesn't make sense at the end just wait. It goes into the next chapter. Happy reading! xoxo

Chapter 1

"Cam!" Maya shouted in the middle of the night. Maya rubbed her eyes and looked at the clock. She sighed. Only 2 am. Maya wondered if Cam was up so she called. "C-C-Cam?" Maya stuttered when he answered. "Babe, what's wrong? It's only two in morning." Cam asked her. Maya started to cry. "Maya don't cry. Please just tell me what's wrong." "It's just…."Maya started. "Just what?" Cam said worried. Maya got herself together. She had so many dreams about it. Cam dead. This time was really different. She dreamt that she found him dead and it killed her inside. "I had a really bad dream and it scared me." Maya said. "Well technically it is a nightmare if you call your boyfriend crying." Cam said trying to lighten up the mood.

Maya started giggling. "Cam!" Cam smiled at the fact he at least made her laugh."See I can make you smile now tell me what happened." Cam said. Maya sighed. "I had a dream you killed yourself and it scared me." Maya started crying. "Babe, I promise you. I am getting better for you. I'm not going anywhere." Cam promised to her. Cam had been through a lot. He tried to kill himself. Luckily, Eli found him right in time. Eli and Cam have realized they have a lot in common and are now good friends. Cam was getting better. "Cam, that's not even the worst part. Out of all the people who could've found you I did." Maya said in a serious tone.

Cam's heart broke. He was speechless. He covered up his wrists. In his two months of recovery he had cut twice. His cuts have healed for the most part. "I love you Maya. I told you two months ago I was going to get better and I promised you that. I won't go back on that promise." Cam stated. After he said that, he realized that was the first time he told Maya he loved her in the five months they were dating. Maya was shocked but it was comforting. Maya smiled truly for the first time since her dream. "I love you too Cam. Can I have a really big hug at school tomorrow?" She asked him. "Anything for you baby. Goodnight. Sweet dreams." Cam said as he hung up.

Cam laid on his bed and sighed. He told Maya a month ago. How sad and lonely he felt. Maya was shocked. He remembered that conversation turned fight. "Cam you have me." Maya said. "It's not the same. I'm far away from home and hockey is getting hard real hard." Cam cried. "Maybe I should leave you alone." She said tears her blue eyes. She kissed him softly and walked away. Cam shook his head trying to forget that week of hell.

The next day was tough for Cam. He got no sleep after Maya's phone call. He was just consumed by all of his thoughts. He really loved her. He wanted this to work. He just didn't want to hurt her in the process. Cam saw Maya walk towards him and at least put on a half smile. Maya ran into his arms and just held hm. He felt her heart beat. He had to admit it was one of his favorite parts of hugging her. It was fast and comforting and warm. He just held her tight for awhile. "Hey lovebirds!" Dallas called. Cam snickered a little bit. Maya pulled away and looked at him. She was crying a little bit. "Hey now." Cam said wiping her tears. Maya let a little smile. "Sorry." She said. Cam interlocked their fingers. "Let me walk you to class." Cam said. Maya nodded.