Back to you

Summary: when Erin goes away with Malik and breaks up with him Malik thinks that she goes back to Vlad but really she meets someone else until she bumps into Vlad. Who is this mystery guy and will she choose him or Vlad?

Erin's POV

"Malik I'm going out," I said. Malik looked at me as if I was crazy,

"You shouldn't be going out without me," he said.

"You're worse than him I can look after myself I don't need looking after I'm not a kid!" I protested. He rolled his eyes at me and I growled. He laughed in my face.

"Where are you going anyway?" He asked.

"Away. From. You!" I said. His face turned from a smirked to a shocked expression. "And before you say yes, I'm going to him." I said, smirking and lying. Malik unlike Vlad couldn't tell whether or not I was lying so in this case he had no idea that I was indeed was lying.

Before he could say anything else, I was away and landed somewhere I never expected to be.

"Are you alright?" a boy with an Irish accent asked as I turned around. A boy with a quif and Blond hair was behind me, smiling a sweet smile. I never realised who he was or where I was before I asked,

"Yes, but um could you tell me where I am?" He smiled and pointed up to the billboard. "One direction, live in liverpool" it read. My eyes widened as I realised who I was talking to: Niall Horan.

"You're Niall, Niall Horan?" I asked, shocked. He nodded as if he was used to the shocked expression on my face.

"Yes, and what is a pretty girl like you doing here, shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?" He asked, I looked down.

"I could be with him, but he's horrible then the other boy well... Wait why am I telling you my life story?" I asked in a harsh tone.

"I don't know but by the way you're saying this you have two boyfriends?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I had a boyfriend, something happened so I went off with his half brother." I said, casually.

"So have you just left his half brother cause he's horrible?" He asked. I nodded. "And the other one, did what did he do?" He asked.

"He turned me into a monster!" I said. He looked confused and pulled him to the side. That's when I showed him my bite marks.

"So he turned you into a..." he trailed off trying to make me tell him. I sighed.

"I'm a vampire alright? Apprently he had no choice but to bite me because he didn't want to lose me, but to me he disobeyed me when I told him not to bite me. He's just like any other vamp..ire."

"He must have really cared for you, but didn't he already bite other people?" he asked, I shook my head.

"I was his first bit and according to him, the last!" I said.

"Maybe he didn't want to, maybe you were the only thing that was keeping him, him. I mean maybe he didn't care if you hated him, he just wanted you to be alive?" he asked, I rolled my eyes.

"You sound so much like him, which makes me like you even more." I said.

"So you still like him then?" he asked. I nodded, "Look I need to go do the concert but you can come with if you want and then maybe we can talk?" he asked, I smiled and nodded.

"Alright it's a date," I said walking round the back where we couldn't be seen. We walked into his dressing room and sat down. I then started looking at pictures of Vlad and I together. I stroked the picture and sighed.

After the concert he took me to dinner where we talked and talked. I felt like I was talking to Vlad again, he was so sweet.

After a couple of weeks we started seeing each other. Then after a few months we started dating. I met Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis and they were all so sweet.

After about a year since we met, something unexpected happened. I ran into Vlad. I looked and just stared at him as I linked Niall arm with mine. He looked at us and I could see jealousy in his eyes. 'How could a girl like her go out with a guy from one direction?' he thought. Well at least I thought he was thinking that but boy was I wrong. Really he was thinking, 'Of course a girl like her could get a guy from one direction, how could I not think that.' Finally I broke the silence.

"Vlad," I said, my voice dull.

"Erin," He replied trying to do the same voice but I could tell that he was upset by his tone of voice.

"Niall could you wait over there I'll only be a minute?" I asked, he nodded and kissed me before walking over to the boys. "Alright, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Could ask you the same question I thought you were with Malik in Paris?" He asked.

"That changed I went away and sort of landed in front of a venue that one direction were performing in and he asked me if i was alright and we just sort of ended up together in a few months. Oh and Vlad before you ask, no I have not slept with him and I don't plan to," I said, looking away. He sighed.

"Erin, I'm so sorry," He whispered.

"I know you are,"I forgive you, I said.

"I mean I didn't want to lo- wait what did you say?" he asked.

"I said I know you are and I forgive you," I said. He smiled, I missed that smile.

"So I guess you met him like a year ago?" he asked, but he knew the answer because he was reading Niall's mind.

"I know you're reading his mind, stop cheating," I said, bored. He looked at me.

"He really likes you, in fact he lo-" He started. My eyes widened and I stopped him.

"Don't say it!" I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Cause I don't love him," I whispered, "I'm still in love with you," his eyes widened.

"What?" he asked. I looked away as tears began to fall. He wiped them away, "hey don't cry, it's alright," he whispered. I looked at him, and, when Niall wasn't looking, I kissed him, passionately. He kissed back before pulling away suddenly,

"What are you doing?!" He asked. I looked down.

"I want you, I just want Niall as well," I whispered, he took my chin and lifted it up so I could look at him.

"You can't have us both," he whispered back.

"Well then I choose you!" I said. He sighed.

"Erin, you're going to break his heart."

"Like I did yours? I guess I'm a heartbreaker then," I said. Just then the song 'heartbreaker' came on.

"Just do it gently," he whispered kissing my forehead. I closed my eyes as he did this then nodded and went over to Niall.

"Look Niall..." I started when he stopped me.

"It's alright be with him, just remember I love you Erin," he said. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you," I said before walking over to Vlad and hugging him tightly then kissed him, again. "I love you dracky," I whispered. He smirked and picked me up.

"And I love you Noby," He whispered in my ear, as we flew off back to Garside.

A/n: I suddenly thought up this and I wanted to do a 1D/YD thing so I did. I hope you enjoyed! Please R&R!