Hello! As you all know...IT'S TIME! THE LAST LAST LAST LAST LAST LAST LAST LAST CHAPTER! 4000 words! Or actually, more. This is the epic finale. Well, I've received more than 50 reviews, all saying one thing. SEQUEL. Now, these are guest reviews, so I can suspect they are all done by the same person. NOT ME. I do not play dirty to get reviews. No way. That's just cheap. I'm guessing it's agent 010, no offense, or not telling, but I don't mind that much...but I do appreciate author reviews.

However, it just makes me angry for people to follow, favorite, and read stories, but not even review! What is wrong with you peeps!

Now, I'm gonna do a Q & A.

For Epsilon: How do you feel about what you've done? Now Devon has no idea where those hospital peeps are?

Epsilon:GREAT! Me and Mojang just looted anything that was left of the whole town! We had the utmost fun, except for the fact that Mojang's rope arm thing was destroyed. I think it's all Devon's fault.

Mojang: *whirrs of gears and beeps of approval*

For Devon:How're you doing?

Devon:I just found out that everybody died. Idiot. Why'd you do that! For a Climax? Or ending! And then, on top of that...YOU MAKE ME PRETEND TO KILL MYSELF!

Me:Ah well...next Q & A!

For Wolf: Do you feel bad for not being in recent chapters?

Wolf:Sort of. Wait, where's Silver?

For everybody else:You realize you're basically dead right?

Everybody else: ! #$%^&*() you

Me:I feel like we're not getting the best responses here...

Yeah. Is it me or are people angry because I made a completely normal earthquake that possibly killed every person in the story except Devon.

*annoying weatherman* "Huge earthquake hits a random city and destroys a random person's love life!"


I look down. But then I see something. Through the haze, and the blur of my tears, I see it. It was buried under the rubble I had picked up.

"You see right there?"she pointed.

I looked. It was a lid.

"That's the bunker. In case of emergency, like an earthquake or tsunami or storm, we'll rushed down there. It has water, food rations, everything. Easy as that, she says, and smiles.

The memory rushes so fast, its hard to think. They were alive. Alive. I drop the piece of metal, and open the latch. It was labeled bunker. There was no light, only a steel rung ladder. There was no sign that anybody had been here. Then Is ee a light. Dim, but still a light. And then voices. Humans. Other humans! I get so excited, I nearly tumbled off the ladder. Thank god I didn't.

"Hello?"I say. "Hello?" Nothing answers. Then I realize the dim light is a purple one. I rush down, and there is a whole expansion of rooms. I look around, but no human beings are here. I look anxiously. Then I hear a hissing. I turn around, and there is a gold machine. Thing. No, not machine. I don't understand what in the world it is. It has a shrunken gold head, with golden ingots revolving around holds it together.

It shrieks, and shoots a fireball. Luckily, this was or used to be a sewer, so even if there was a bad smell, it kept stuff from lighting up all over the place. Then I start noticing things. Burn marks. Blackened metal. These things have been here before. The black must be from there fireball. Wait. Where's the people? Where are they?

Then it comes up behind me, and shoots another fireball. I don't dodge quick enough. Fire engulfs me, and I see my vision fading. Oddly, I don't feel hurt. I feel dizzy, like I'm fading away from this world. Little did I know, I was.

I wake up burning hot. It's hard to breathe. I immediately sit up with a start. I look around. It was burning. Well my back is. I'm in some...cave. My eyes get used to the brightness. Then I realize something. I look down. The blocks below me, that I'm on, have a red and black glow, like toasting sand. I get up, and walk around a bit. Then I see spears. Guns. Clothing. And then the most horrific thing.

A still burning body. It's been burned, and must have been some time ago. Pieces of clothing lay around. I can't find myself to explain this. There was a leather coat. I pick it up and it strikes me all too well. This is Kris's. I panic, thinking the dead person is Kris, but when I look at the body, it's small. A little more than a child's size

I'm panicking. What happened? What could this mean? I look around. It's a huge underground wide tunnel system. It must be more than a hundred degrees in here. Geez. I scan the area. Then I'm rocked from my position and almost thrown off. A huge...jelly fish comes into view. It has fiery red eyes, and I realize it's intentions wouldn't be the best for me. I pick up a gun, but find all the ammo burnt. I take a magazine that was always with me, and thank god fit into the gun. I shot a couple of times, but it didn't effect. The rifle really wasn't doing much help so I slung it over my back and started to get a move on.

I was too late though. It noticed me, and started spazzing out. It followed me, and spat an...unpleasant looking fireball that could turn my body to ashes in a split second. I fire another round, and finally it screams in pain. While it's distracted, I run and run and run. And then I can't. I'm stuck. I look down. There's grey beneath me. Grey sand. It starts to pull me in. Then it all connects. Shifting grey sand. 100 degree place. Underground huge tunnel system. Red sands. Weird unidentified creature. Lava pools. This..was the Nether. They used to talk about it in fairy tales, myths, that clearly nobody believed in. But this all made sense. This had to be the Nether. Question was, how did I get here?

Then I hear shrieking, possibly for the last time. But right before that happens, shots rang out. Shotgun, but the sound of it. Then the spur of machinegun fire is heard also. Before I know it, the floating jellyfish is down, screaming, before eventually shriveling to dust. I'm deep in the grey sand

though, and I know not to struggle. But I cannot seem to delay it any longer. The, a hand pulls me out. Quicksand didn't have those functions. Well, maybe this is different. I huff and lay on the hot sand.

"Are you okay?"asks a man, but my vision is already fuzzy. Then it goes black.

I wake up, and I'm in a small bed.

"Glad to see you're awake,"says a man in his fifties.

"Ugh, where am I?"I say.

"Nether fortress, base of command,"he answers.

"A what?"I say.

"So you're from up there aye? Well then you got a lot to learn. My names Derrick. You're currently in the Nether, a nightmare for all living beings. The thing that attacked you is ghast, but we downed it. You're lucky to live. What's your story?"Derrick says, seeming to be straightforward.

"My name's Devon. I've been living in "up there" for my life,"I say. I slowly start to explain everything. Everything.

"And then, I realize it's the Nether,"I finish.

He nods. "So, there must have been people coming out of the portal then. Wait...Oh. I know who you're talking about!"he suddenly said, and gets up.

"What!"I ask anxiously.

"You're not going to like it. They passed by three days ago. They were attacked by a flock of ghasts, and the survivors were captured by...well, grey skeletons that we call the withers."

"They've been taken hostage!"I say.

"I'm sorry. I realize you have close friends there, but I don't think they'll live very long in this environment, especially with wither skeletons."

"No!"I say, and start shaking my head. I was fine.

"Give me a gun. Now,"I say.

"Woah, nobody's going suicide right now,"he says. I almost did it once, but now I have different plans.

"I have to go there. Where they are. Or die trying. Please!"I say desperately.

"Calm down, and think reasonably."

"I calm myself, and sit down on the bed, but I'm impatient. I try and take my mind off it.

"How'd you get here?"I ask.

"The Nether was found about a dozen years ago. The government sent teams into investigate. Few returned alive, and were later driven crazy. Finally they sent a company of military personnel in there. Beta company, 5th legion. 50 soldiers. We lost about half a dozen that day. We were attacked by so many creatures. We had taken shelter in this nether fortress, and had set up camp. We ordered somebody to go to the nether portal and report what had happened. When somebody did, they couldn't go back. We are guessing that this may be caused by an expiration. The research teams were in there for less than a day. We stayed in here for a week. One of the scientists that tagged along reasoned that maybe our cells were transforming into different cells that could make us more adaptable to this environment." says Derrick.

"So, to put it simply, we're stuck," I say.

"Yes, but the scientists that tagged along are working on something, trying to change the cells back, by an injection. We have a special plant called nether wart, that we hope could overload the cells and turn them back to normal. Negative plus a Negative equals a positive right?"he says.

I shrug, but my minds returned to my community. My new family.

"Did you see where the withers went?"I ask.

"No...yes. I did but you can't go after them. Please no,"he says.

"Yes,"I say.

"Fine. I'll talk to the leader.

I was in a good mood. The leader of Beta said yes, but I could only have two people. I chose Derrick, and a guy named Kevin. We armed up.

"Listen, your objective is a really long way away. Got that?"says the leader. We nod. He gives us a map.

"Travel safely,"he says. We salute back.

"Well, here goes nothing,"I say.

"Or something,"Kevin mutters.

We walk into the nether's fiery caverns, away from the fortress. And we never look back.