Hi. This is an apocalyptic story, though it is not Dayz like my other one. This is more like a natural disaster apocalypse. Have fun, and please don't flame. Any OC's will be accepted. I really need reviews, so all authors review on each chapter and guests please review as much as you want! Please read it through, this chapter isn't very good.

I huffed and mined down the last piece of tree. This would be enough. I checked my inventory. thirty four pieces of wood. That would only get me 136 wooden planks, which would be gone in no time. I looked around, but the park had all been mined out from looters and other survivors. I walked around, but there weren't any more resources. I would have to get some food next. I walked out of the park. There was an apartment building. I took my iron axe and smashed down the door. I walked in. I was surprised that this place was intact. I looked in and found a drawer with a pistol in it, in the lobby in the clerk's desk. I suppose they were always in danger of being held to gunshot. I pressed a button on the elevator. It didn't do anything. I tried switching the lights on and off. They didn't go on.

There was no electricity here. I looked up the stairs, but I was deeply paranoid and uncomfortable of going up there. I walked out and my head hit something hard. It was a pointy thing pressed against my forehead. It was a gun. There was three guys, all armed with knives, and assault rifles. I dropped my pistol, and raised my hands.

"What are you doing around here?"one asked, with a scar on his face. I'll just call him scar. The other guy had glasses on. The last who had the gun pointed at me, had a bandit mask on.

"Answer. Now."

"I'm a survivor,"I said simply.

"Oh my, like we didn't know that,"glasses said.

"Should we take him to the base?"asked the guy in the mask.

"Or should we shoot him now?"scar inquired.

They were still thinking. Idiots. I dropped low and used a hard kick to the ribs and bandit mask fell down. Glasses drew his knife but I stooped and took the rifle. Scar shot at me, and glasses took a lunge with the knife. I rolled and shot glasses in the back. He was dead. Scar shot again, but I took a well-aimed shot and he fell down. I suddenly tripped, and realized it was bandit mask. He took out his knife.

"Well well. We should train our boys better. I'll kill you now, I think-"he fell onto me dead. I hurriedly pushed him off and saw a face where the bullet came from. It was just a glimpse. I could see black hair, and nothing else. I inspected bandit's body. He had a bullet, and it is mostly likely it would be a sniper who killed him. I decided a lot of what they had I would need. Apples for all of them, three bandages, three knives, and two pistols, a frag grenade, five magazines, military grade armor, and three assault rifles. I looked up. I went into the building once again. I went up the stairs. And went up three flights until I think this was the floor that I had seen the person on. Suddenly I was tackled to the floor and I was once again held to gunpoint.

"Get. Out,"said the person. Oh god. That sounded like a voice of a teen. I squinted and saw an eighteen year old somewhat with a pistol to my head.

"I'm peaceful okay!"I said.

"I saved you back there, but who said I was going to tolerate you coming here?"he asked me.

"Listen, can't we talk! I swear I won't hurt you,"I said.

"And you promise you won't hurt her, too."

I looked around confused. Then I saw a face poking out of one of the doors.


He let me up and I stood. He gestured towards the door and the girl went in. We went inside. I was met by a girl, maybe fifteen, or sixteen, looking at me.

"I'm Kris. This is Kara. What's yours?"asked Kris.

"I'm...I'm Devon,"I said, not having heard another human's voice, or myself for a long time. I hadn't heard my name, ever since a long time ago...when I still in college. The day of the apocalypse. I was only twenty two.

"Where are you from?"he asked. Typical introductions.

"Well, I've been traveling for three days. I lived for a month in a shelter before it was attacked by bandits. When I saw your place *gestures to building all around him* intact, I thought it would be a good place to stay,"I said.

"That's what everybody thinks. My dad owned a gun, and he was sort of unruly about it. That's how I learned to fire this *gestures to sniper rifle*,"said Kris.

"Bandits will be here every so often and they'll never come back. I'm guessing all these people are from one place. That's the third patrol I've had to kill. They'll send in some heavies and we'll be done. They want to set up a base here, since it's intact. Plus, we have mobile generator. The elevator when you tried to turn it on we knew someone was there. And the lights. We had turned off the generator."

"...So bandits will come and assumably take this place over?"I asked.

"They certainly have enough manpower. I know they'll come. But we aren't ready to leave this place yet,"he said, sighing.

"How do you plan to hold this position?"I asked once again.

"I'll deal with them, and Kara knows how to use a pistol. How did you learn to go with guns?"he asked.

"I enrolled in the army but then I quit after three years,"I said. "I have supplies." I dumped out all the stuff in my inventory. Kris and Kara sighed in relief.

"We've been running out of supplies. Even these apples will do,"Kris said. "I have fifteen shots left on the sniper rifle."

I nodded. and sat down on the couch and yawned. "Tired?"he asked. "Yeah. Do you mind...if I stay for the night?"I asked.

"Welcome,"he said. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep, finally safe for once...but not for long.

Mwahahahahahahahahahah please review, and OC's needed! No ridiculous names. Normal. Sorry for so much dialogue!