[Epilogue] Aragorn Speaks-

            I bore my lover's body up to the hills where a single casket lay. It overlooked the beautiful scenery and the silent yet swift river. Eomer came with me half way and looked to me with solemn eyes. After I had laid the beautiful elf in the cold cruel casket, he turned to me.

               "… Aragorn…" He began, seeming to falter as he speak, "I know that if I do not tell you this… my conscience would consume me… but upon telling you this…I risk the sake of our friendship."

               "There is nothing you could say that would further upset me." I said blankly, for my heart was in pieces to care for anymore.

               "… It was I, all of this was my fault."

               "… How could it be any fault of yours?" I asked, my eyes looking upon him strangely.

               "… I was the one…" Eomer said softly, looking my straight in the eye, "I was the one who had forced myself upon him… I was drunk that night… beyond anything I have ever remembered and I will admit I wanted him ever since the night you brought him to Imladris. But had I been aware, I never would have done anything to harm him."

               At this my hand slipped from where I was stroking my passed lover's brow. I turned to him, as if a blade had pierced me. I must have heard wrong. Those words… they could not have made sense in that order. I opened my mouth soundlessly but then closed it again.

Eomer Speaks-

               I flinched as I watched my friend's piercing eyes glance over me in shock. No, perhaps not shock, it was more like disbelief… sadness… anger. He said nothing but he drew his sword, looked at me for a moment then tossed it aside. I knew that he was trying to restrain from doing anything that he would regret. But I did not fear it; I deserved whatever that may come to me.

               "How… why…" He opened his mouth again but only stutters of words came. Suddenly war cries came from behind us. I gasped as orcs of ranks were coming this way. Aragorn turned away from me and quickly picked up his sword. If we were to talk… we would have to do it later.

               I unsheathed my sword and struck the nearest orc. I turned toward my friend every few seconds to check how he was doing. Aragorn was obviously thrown with rage but I noticed that there was also a hint of sadness in his eyes. God, if only I had stayed straight that night… if only I had been able to control myself. Than Legolas may still be alive… It was so painful to see him so frail…but all I could do was stand by to watch by while the grief and poison slowly took him.


Aragorn Speaks-

               No… how could it have been him… All those times… why didn't I see it? He was always watching my beloved, yet Legolas would say nothing of it, for subtle and forgiving was his way. I know that he was drunk… but I know not whether that I would be able to forgive him… even if a thousand years should pass.

               In my lost thoughts I slipped and felt a sword crush against my back. I immediately reacted by turning away but I was nearly brought down in surprise. I could feel another blow crush against my ribs… I looked up only to see the hideous figure above me… about to strike me a last time. I tried to lift my sword but the pain was taking my breath but as the spear came down, it did not strike me.

               In horror I realized what had happened… Eomer had pushed me out of the way. I watched as he fell upon his knees… "No!" I cried, or so I thought, perhaps it was only in my mind for my voice was hoarse. All the pain numbed upon me than and I ran to his aid. But when I had finally driven them back, my friend laid nearly motion less upon the ground. I knew there was no hope of saving him. His breast still rose and fell in gasping, short breaths. I quickly knelt beside him and grasped his arm.

               "I'm sorry…" He said to me with a bitter smile, "I'm sorry about Legolas…"

               I could not speak for my throat was too tight, "No…" was all I could utter.

               "… He told me to look after you…I would not have let him down." With that my friend fell back against the ground. I felt as if I could not swallow all this… Eomer, Legolas… they both died for my sake. They both died to save me… for the love of me. Who was I to deserve all this? Legolas… sweet, loving, kind, perfect… and so beautiful… he gave me his all, but in the end I could not save him. Eomer…so loyal to me… even with that betrayal he was still a dear friend…

               At then I took up my sword and looked around me… I did not deserve to live… but as I pointed the blade to my own chest I stopped. Memory of my lover, how tenderly he had laid his face upon my chest and whispered to me. How his crystal blue eyes would sparkle like stars when I told him I loved him. How sincere his melodious voice was when he told me the same. And my vision turned to the diamond tears that slid down his face when he told me he had to leave me… I could not let him have sacrificed himself in vain. No…

               I lifted Eomer's body; I had planned to bury him near my lover. But I nearly dropped the corpse when I noticed that Legolas's body was gone. Could the orcs have taken it… no… how could they have? Who knows how they would disgrace his body…


               Seventeen years have passed since the tragedy. Alone Aragorn walked the shadowed valleys. Pity was all everyone has given him, pity, sympathy, none of which he wanted. But his heart had hardened, for he looked not toward another even remotely in the same way. He had vowed never to. Now he stood in the open fields watching the stars pass by. In the distance he knew another was camping the night, but far away he was from them. "Why…" he muttered softly, "Why did you have to leave me…"

               "… Estel?" A soft voice came from behind him. But he did not turn around. He did not want to speak to anyone at that moment. But he did pause at the sudden use of his elven name. Who did he know that still used it?

               "What do you want…?" He said coldly, not bothering to look.

               "… I… I'm not sure if you would still remember me…" The voice spoke, its tone like music.

               Aragorn turned around slowly…

Aragorn Speaks-

               A golden light seemed to penetrate my eyes as I turned around. The most beautiful elven figure stood before me, with flowing, silk –like blond hair and sapphire blue eyes. It was Legolas, my Legolas… I knew it with in seconds, but how could it have been? I saw him die… I carried his body… but… I remembered, I had never buried him. His skin was now as moon bright as it ever was and his cheeks the tint of a soft flower petal and he looked so serene. The elf had grown even more striking. He was alive… and looking so strong and gorgeous

               "Legolas?" I uttered softly, taking the pretty elf in my arms and holding him tightly. I could feel hot tears running down my face. How could it be? "How… how did you…?" This is a dream; it has to be.

               "… It is I…" He whispered as he leaned on me and laid his head upon my shoulder, "How am I alive?" He smiled, so sincerely that his face lit up like a starlit night seen up on a hilltop.

"My father… he saved me… he carried my body away to his home in the havens while my soul lingered still between life and death. He revived me, as none other could have. I stayed with him to heal in the havens but my heart still walked here with you. I had finally convinced him to let me leave… for to survive… to truly live, I need to be with you." Legolas went on, looking into my eyes as he spoke. His lips looked so tender and gentle. A single braid trailed from behind his ears. The sadness and pain was gone although there was still a hint of fear in his blue eyes.

I was so happy that I knew not what to say… I pulled him close and did not let go. I felt his slender arms wrap around my shoulders as I slipped my own around his waist. "Oh Valar…" I said softly.

"… Estel… You look terrible…" He observed. How could I not… missing him so much. He looked at me concerned for a moment and pulled away. "Let me get you some water… You must be weary…"

"No…" I said softly grasping his wrist, "Stay here. Don't leave me…" I folded him to me and kissed his brow softly.

"I am yours forever." He whispered, but then looked up, "If you still want me…"

"Still want you?" I cried, Legolas flinched a little his eyes suddenly filled with fear, "Of course I still want you!" His eyes relaxed and he grinned broadly, how breathtaking he looked just then!  I bent down and kissed him, he responded fully giving his all to me. I will never let him go again.

Legolas Speaks-

               "I love you so much…" Aragorn whispered to me as our lips finally pulled apart.

               "Oh Estel…" I said as I felt myself being overcome with emotion. I had been so afraid that he has moved on, that he no longer loved me. But now I had no more doubts. For a while we both stayed in each other's arms with tears of joy and unspoken love. I slowly pulled away my eyes still upon him.

               "…. I promised that I would take you with me, to see the world…" Aragorn said suddenly, I looked up, remembering his words.

               "… You do not have to…" I said gently, "I will go wherever you wish…"

               "No… I want to." He assured me with a full smile, "… Will you come?"

               I smiled and said nothing. I gave him another long, joy filled kiss.

               There his hand slipped into mine…

[The END]


Well, there you go. Finally finished. Thank you so much for the reviews!

And yes, my story began based on another novel and I trailed away from there.