None of the other Kim&Jared stories truly fitted me and so i decided to make my own. Enjoy :)

Kim's POV

"Hey Kim" Jared Cameron, my life long crush, says as he sits down in the seat next to me.

"H-hi" I stammer, my cheeks heating up. He's only being polite Kim, calm yourself.

"Did we have homework?" he ask, beginning to did through his bag for his textbook.

"No" I answer, keeping my head down.

"Okay, cool, thanks" he says before continuing to look for his book.

I keep my eyes locked on my own textbook, fighting the urge to peak at him. I hate how I love him. I hate it. I always lose my nerve whenever he's near, no matter what. If I see him, BOOM! I turn to jelly. Just a load of wibbly-wobbly mess with no spine to hold it up. I hate him turning me into a nervous mess but I love him. Gosh my life is complicated.

I don't know why I'm worked up now though. Every history lesson, when he takes his seat besides me, he is always polite as says hello. Come on, what other guy would do that? At least he's polite... I guess. It would be better if he actually knew me though. I've been sitting next to him for nearly a year and the only thing he knows about me is my name. And that's only my first name, he has no idea what my surname is.

Face it Kim, he's your crush but your not his. He probably fancies Trinity, the pretty blonde girl that moved here a few years ago. She's horrible. He makes fun of me, I don't like her. In fact, the only person I actually like, apart from Jared, is my best-friend; Michael. Actually, I don't like him; I love him. He's the best-friend a girl could wish for.

I've grown up with Michael since I was three, we've been in all the same classes so it was bound to happen. We have the same interests as well, loving to read, draw and paint. I remember when we first stared La Push High, everyone though we were dating because of us always being together. So wrong. Michael's gay. He doesn't act it but he doesn't hide it... if that makes sense... I still love him though! The only bad thing about him being gay is that we often fight over guys, though never of us ever get them.

Do you blame them though? Who would go for someone like me? What with my wide face, small eyes and horribly thin hair. The only kind word to describe me would be 'cute'. Never anything more. I don't care though, its not like I'm overly bothered about looks. Then, there's Michael. He is cute, with his perfect russet skin, puppy brown eyes and button nose. People who know about him being gay tend to stir clear though. Giving him no chance. He'll find someone though, I know that for sure.

"Ms Connweller?" the teacher asks. "Would you like to give us the answer?"

"Urm..." Uh oh, what are we even talking about?!

"Nineteen-twelve" I hear Jared whisper.

"Nineteen-twelve" I say to Mr Rowland. When he nods, I risk a peep at Jared. "Thanks."

Jared nods, never taking his eyes off of the textbook in front of him. Come on Kim, forget about Jared and concentrate on class. Focus. I look down at my open book, my eyes scanning over the words. Oh...Titanic...Great, I must look like a right idiot. See Kim, this is what you get for having a crush. You shouldn't have one, you should stay lonely forever. Maybe that way you'd get decent grades.

For the remainder of class, I try and keep my thoughts off the boy sitting besides me. I say try because I pretty much failed. I think I hate Mr Rowland, for making me sit next to Jared and therefore gain a crush on him. Yeah... I might just hate him.

As I pack my belongings away, I feel someone tap my wrist lightly, "You dropped this."

"Oh, thank you" I mumble, looking up at Jared. I take the pen from his as I meet his gaze.

"Kim..." he breathes, looking at me in shock. His mouth hangs open and his eyes are wide as he looks at me, mixed emotions swimming through his eyes.

"Yeah?" I ask, butterflies racing around in my stomach. When he continues to stare at me, I shove my pen in my pocket and stand up. The bell sounds above our heads, signalling the end of class and the school day. "I have to go. Bye."

"Kimelle" Mr Rowland calls as I begin to walk to the door. "Could I have a word."

Sure, 'goodbye'. I sigh, turning around and walking back to his desk. "Yes, sir?"

"I want you to take these sheets home and complete them for Monday. They'll improve your grades" he tells me, handing my five sheets of printed paper. "And I expect better concentration from you in future during my lessons. You here to learn Ms Connweller, not daydream."

"Yes sir" I nod, backing towards the door.

"Good" he turns back to the paper work on his desk and I know I'm excused.

I turn on my heel, walking out the classroom as quickly as possible. Ugh. What a way to end the day, five sheets of homework for one subject. The horror. I walk to my locker, turn the dial and pull the door open. I take my Science and Geography textbooks out of bag and put them on the small shelf in my locker. Before closing the locker door, I take out my French textbook and my Photography folder. I secure the lock on my locker, put my folder and book in my bag and begin to walk towards the door to exit the school.

I know Jared's already left, meaning I won't get another peak at him until Monday. Oh well, doesn't matter. I beginning walking to the Kindergarten school, a mere three minute walk away. Its tiny, just a small building with a little garden. Simple. I lean against the fence, waiting for my sisters class to come out.

"Kimmy!" I hear her shout.

"Hey Tiny-Tot!" I smile, bending down so I'm at eye level with her. "Did you have fun today?"

"Yeah, we made cookies!" Tilly smiles, holding up the brown paper bag in her hand. "I saved one for you!"

"Thank you" I smile, kissing her cheek. "Your such a kind girl."

I tuck a lock of her long brown hair behind her ear as she rubs her large brown eyes; sleepy from the long day. I wave to her teacher, letting her know that we're leaving before picking the six year old up. I sit her on my hip, holding her tightly and begin to walk home. She tuck her head into the space between my shoulder and neck, playing with my hair sleepily.

"Your going to start having to go to bed early" I tell her.

"But I don't want to!" she moans, dropping my hair.

"Yes, we'll have dinner, then watch some telly and at half-six we'll have warm milk and cookies" I say. "All ready for bed at seven."

"Kim!" she cries, kicking her small feet against my larger leg.

"Stop. I mean it Tilly, you are going to start going to bed earlier" I tell her. "I'm not having a repeat of this morning."

I put her down as we near our small drive. I look up at the house, sighing at the task that's ahead of me this weekend. Tomorrow, I'm take Tilly around to her friends, then I have to come home and repaint the fence. Not to mention that I also have to clean the house, cook dinner for the my parents and the guests their brining tomorrow, plus cook the chocolate brownies the Kindergarten school's asked for. Then, on Sunday, I have to take Tilly to her swimming club, her cooking club and then go to my own tennis club and band practice. Great, no time to relax.

I usher Tilly into the house, help her take off her coat and then tell her to go tidy her room. As she runs off, I take the cookies into the kitchen and put them into a resealable box before putting them on the top shelf in the cupboard. I walk to the freezer and take out the Chicken Fingers box along with the Potato Waffles. I put some onto the tray and slide them into the oven before throwing the empty boxes in the rubbish. I set the alarm for twenty-five minutes. That's dinner done.

I sit at the table, pulling out the five sheets of history homework. I take my pen from my pocket as my eyes scan over the questions. Great, this is going to be so easy. It might as well say: 'The titanic sank in nineteen-twelve, how hot is the sun?' because that's what the papers are screaming at me. I'm so stupid!

Just as I'm about to write some random answer, there's a knock at my door. With a heavy sigh, I throw my pen down and stand to walk towards the door. When I come out of the small kitchen, Tilly runs passed me squealing like a mad child. She runs for the front door and I don't even make an attempt to stop her, nothing would work; she probably found a hidden sweet in her room.

She pulls open the door, only to frown when all she can see is a guys back; backpack on shoulder. He turns around, sees Tilly and gives her a small smile. I stay hidden behind the door frame, trying not to be seen. Jared Cameron is at my front door. What the actual?! I watch as he crouched to her level, smiling softly at her.

"Hey, Fruit-Loop, where's your sister?" Jared asks.

"Who are you?" Tilly asks accusingly in her small voice.

"I'm Jared" he answers, an amused look written clearly on his face.

"I'm Tilly" my sister informs him, trying to stand a little taller. After a second, she gives up with a 'huff'. "Are you Kimmy's boyfriend?"

I dump my face in my hands as I hear him laugh at her question. Kill me now, how embarrassing! "No, not yet."

What?! Did he just say 'not yet'?! Oh sweet lord! I tip toe backwards, carefully trying not to make a sound as I sneak back into the kitchen. I take my seat again, picking up my pen and trying to look busy. Now Tilly can't rat me out for spying and embarrass me even more.

"Hi" I hear his voice and my heart starts pounding, oh God! I look up and see him standing in the kitchen door way, leaning against it.

"H-hey" I stutter, dropping my pen and quickly standing up.

"Your sister let me in" he says, using his thumb to point behind him.

"Yeah...okay" I nod. "Wh-what ar-are you do-doing here?"

"I saw that you got extra history work, thought I would offer to help" he shrugs, giving me one of his breathtaking smiles.

"Oh, tha-" Beep! Thanks cooker, just interpret me. "Sorry! One minute, sit down."

I rush over to the cooker, pull on the oven gloves and pull out the tray. Oh, I am so lucky. I take the gloves off, turn the cooker off and get two plates down before dishing up the dinners. I put the larger plate, mine, into the microwave for later. I grab a child's size knife and fork and bring them to the table.

"Tilly!" I call and I put her dinner on the table. "Dinner!"

"Do you often cook for your sister?" Jared asks, nodding at the plate.

"Yeah, my parents work a lot. I'm used to it" I shrug. "Tilly, I said your dinner is ready."

"In a minute!" she calls back to me.

"No, now or there with be no cookies or warm milk later" I warn.

"Fine" she mumbles, dragging her feet as she walks into the kitchen.

"Sorry" I say to Jared. "Do you want anything? A drink or something?"

"Can I have a cookie?" he asks hopefully, the look on his face melting my heart.

"Sure" I nod.

I turn around and go to the cupboard, grabbing the cookie box. I put the box on the corner between Jared and I, trying to keep them from Tilly and her watching eyes. When I look up to Jared, his eyes are watching me; following my every move. I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, turning them a horrid and unwanted pink.

He smiles at me before reaching and taking a cookie. I cast my eyes downwards, feeling even more embarrassed. Why am I so shy? Why aren't I confident? My heart beats like crazy, I wouldn't be surprised if he could hear it. How bad?! Calm down Kim, calm down.

"Cookies are good" Jared comments.

"I made them at school" Tilly tells him excitedly.

"Wow, their really good" he assures her. "You'd make a great chef Fruit-Loop."

"Kimmy, tell your boyfriend that I'm not a cereal" she whines.

"He's not my boyfriend" I tell her.

"You want him to be, you love him" she states.

"No I don't, don't be silly Tilly" I look at Jared. He looks at me, just watching me with a shine in his eyes. I shake my head. "I don't."

He shrugs, seeming to be not bothered. "Sure."

Kill me, please, someone kill me. You kill me and I'll be in debt to you forever. Why do I have to have the embarrassing sister? Why does she have to tell my crush that I like him? Why can't I kill my sister? I seriously hate my sister, no lie. Anyone want to buy a six year old little girl with long brown hair and big brown eyes?

"Don't be embarrassed Kim" I hear Jared's voice, he seems so far away.

"D-don't be em-embarrassed? How could I not be?" I ask, shaking my head in disbelief. "I have the worst sister."

"No you don't, your sisters cool" he replies. "And I'm not embarrassed so you shouldn't be either."

"Easy for you to say" I chuckle humourlessly.

I take Tilly's empty plate and put it in the sink, dismissing her from the table. She jumps down from her seat, waves and Jared and runs from the room. I turn the hot water on, squirting some washing liquid into the filling sink. I shut the water off and quickly wash the plate, scrubbing all the grime from it.

Jared walks over, leaning against the counter next to the sink. "There's a bonfire on Sunday... and I was wondering if your would like to go...with me..."

"You want me to go to a bonfire with you?" I ask, my voice high and my eyebrows raised.

"Yeah" he nods. "Can you?"

I shake my head, sighing. "I have to look after Til."

"Bring her along" he quickly says. "It'll be fun, Claire will be there."

"Claire? Claire Young?" I question.

"Yep" he answers.

"Til likes her, she's going round to hers tomorrow. Well, to Claire's aunts" I inform him.

"Emily's? That's great!" he smiles. "We could hang out tomorrow as well."

"I can't, I have to paint the fence before my parents get home, and tidy the house and cook dinner. They're having some people over" I shake my head.

"I could help" he offers.

"You would help me?" I ask in disbelief.

"I would do anything for you" he tells me sincerely.

Oh, God! I'm floating. "O-okay. Th-thank y-you."

"I have to go, but I'll leave my answers here for you to copy up" he tells me.

He picks up his back, slinging it over his shoulder. As we walk to the door, Tilly comes running up to us. She wraps herself round Jared's leg, hugging him goodbye. He pats her head, telling her he'll see her tomorrow. She beams at him before turning around and running back to her room.

"I'll see you later Kimmy" He smiles, tapping my nose lightly with his index finger. "Have a nice night."

"You too" I smile back. "And thank you, for everything."

"Any time" he grins, starting to walk away. "I'll see you tomorrow mea Regina."

All types of reviews welcome :)