Minho woke up bright and early the next morning. He ran to the bathroom and took a long, hot shower. He cut his legs in five different places shaving because he wasn't used to it. Minho didn't care though. He was ready for this bathing suit competition! If only it was a male swimsuit competition. He got out of the shower and changed into a daytime casual floral dress.
He was looking at himself in the mirror, staring at his dark brown eyes and short brown hair. Minho sighed. He didn't think he was really anything special. That was probably why he was single.
"MINHO!" Gally was banging on the door. Minho opened the door and put his hands on his hips.
"What?" He demanded. Gally looked him up and down.
"You look like a freak," Gally said. "Put on some make up."
Minho threw his towel at Gally and waltzed out of the bathroom. He lied down on the bed and said, "So… you guys ready for the competition tonight?" He smirked.
Frypan looked at him and asked, "What the heck are you going to do? You obviously can't wear a bikini."
"Why? I think I have the body for it," Minho said confidently.
Gally rolled his eyes. "Really Minho. What are you going to do?"
Minho looked at both his nitwit friends and smiled. "Trust me boys. I know what I'm doing." With that, he left the room.
Newt, Thomas, Teresa, and Brenda all met up thirty minutes before the swimsuit modeling. They waited in the lobby and talked amongst themselves. Newt wasn't listening thought. He watched as the lobby slowly filled up with contestants and audience members. He was watching for one specific, spunky, crazy girl. She didn't show up though.
"Wish me luck!" Teresa demanded to Thomas. Thomas kissed her cheek.
"Good luck, sweetheart," he said. He smiled as Teresa kissed him before she and Brenda ran to the back stage.
Newt looked at Thomas. "Do you love her?" He asked softly. Thomas didn't hesitate.
"I do. She's insane, and annoying, and crazy…. I love her though." He smiled and sat down in the front row. Newt sat next to him. He turned around and scanned the crowd, quickly recognizing Potato-Nose and Hairy Boy. That meant Monique was here, right? Newt wouldn't mind seeing Hot Girl in a bathing suit.
Janson's voice came over the intercom. "Alrighty folks! We are now starting the swim suit competition!" There was a long, loud applause. "Our first competitor is Harriet!"
The girl named Harriet was poised as she walked in a circle around the stage. Newt clapped politely and watched the rest of the girls. When Teresa was on stage, he looked at Thomas. Thomas was watching her intently. He could tell Thomas loved Teresa from the look Thomas gave his girlfriend. It was adorable, but also very lame.
After Teresa was Brenda. She walked around and smiled and was perfect. Newt smiled as she exited, and he realized that her bottoms were on inside out because she could see the tag. The audience clapped loud for Brenda.
It seemed like the competition was almost over, and Monique hadn't showed up. Newt frowned. Where was she?
"And last but not least… Monique." Janson sounded very bored. Newt watched the stage and smiled when Monique came on stage. Her long, glossy hair was curled and it ran down her back. She had on natural make up. She was wearing a long, white robe.
Janson raised his eyebrows and Thomas muttered a "what is she doing?" under his breath.
Monique walked center stage and smiled before ripping the white robe off. Hoots and cat-calls poured from the audience. Some guys even stood up and clapped. Monique, the spot light bright on her, was wearing a knee-length shirt that had a print of a girl's body in a blue bikini. His skin was paler than her's, and a white border was around the body. It was clearly fake, but the audience loved it. Newt laughed and stood up as well, clapping loudly with the crowd. He was upset that he didn't get to see the real Monique in a bikini though. Monique was glowing as she waved. She did a curtsey and exited the stage.
Newt looked at Janson's red face and frowned. Janson was clearly angry. Maybe what Monique did was against the rules….
"That's the end of the competiton. We will see you all tomorrow for the talent portion," Janson said stiffly into the mic. He got up and stormed out of the room.
The audience was silent for a few seconds. They then quickly left.
Newt looked at Thomas and chuckled. "That was crazy," he said.
Thomas nodded in agreement. "That girl is almost as crazy as Teresa." He joked.
Newt and Thomas got up and went to the lobby to meet with Teresa and Brenda. He knew the two girls would complain about Monique.
Newt looked around for Monique, but she was nowhere to be seen.
Hope you enjoyed :)